- Jan 4, 2011
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"Sola Scriptura is the concept of using Scripture alone to know God and learn about life in Christ. That is, there exists no need for assistance by the two-thousand-year-old Church to interpret Scripture.
"The Bible a "Personal" Matter
"Protestantism's Sola Scriptura insists that interpretation of the Bible is a personal matter. This is a position that not only demands a departure from what has been universally and consistently believed by Christianity since the time of Christ but which also contradicts the Bible itself: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation" (2 Pe. 1:20).
"The "dogma" of Scripture alone was a product of the Protestant Reformation's opposition to abuses committed by the Western Church at Rome under Pope Leo X in the early sixteenth century. Because the criticisms lodged by Martin Luther failed to result in corrective action, Protestant Reformers had no choice but to turn from organized religion and the Church's authority. This was a course that severed any and all reliance on apostolic teaching, the Church, and the Church Fathers.
"There was another alternative to the split with Rome. Protestant Reformers could have returned to the Church that had been established by the Lord Jesus Christ in the first century. Unfortunately, that avenue was not pursued and without any connection to the historical New Testament Church Protestantism was left at sea in an every-man-for-himself-dilemma.
"The Church is guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth (Jn. 14:26 & Jn. 16:13), is the dwelling place of God in Spirit (Eph. 2:22), and is the pillar and ground of truth (1 Tim. 3:15). As such the Church serves as the keeper and protector of apostolic teaching (which, in part, involves written Scripture). Thus, to turn from the Church must also result in departing from what the Body of Christ has always believed, a replacing of that corporate belief with personal opinion. And in turn this undermines the authority of the Bible because if one doesn't trust the tradition that produced it, one can hardly trust the Bible. ..."
[pp. 18-19: Anthony. (2006). WEST OF JESUS: The Bible's Answer to Protestant Departure from Orthodox Belief. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press.].
Regina Orthodox Press Online Store
Regina Orthodox Press
PO Box 5288
Salisbury, MA 01952
In Erie PA In search of Truth (John 16:13, etc.), Scott R. Harrington SCOTTH1960
"The Bible a "Personal" Matter
"Protestantism's Sola Scriptura insists that interpretation of the Bible is a personal matter. This is a position that not only demands a departure from what has been universally and consistently believed by Christianity since the time of Christ but which also contradicts the Bible itself: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation" (2 Pe. 1:20).
"The "dogma" of Scripture alone was a product of the Protestant Reformation's opposition to abuses committed by the Western Church at Rome under Pope Leo X in the early sixteenth century. Because the criticisms lodged by Martin Luther failed to result in corrective action, Protestant Reformers had no choice but to turn from organized religion and the Church's authority. This was a course that severed any and all reliance on apostolic teaching, the Church, and the Church Fathers.
"There was another alternative to the split with Rome. Protestant Reformers could have returned to the Church that had been established by the Lord Jesus Christ in the first century. Unfortunately, that avenue was not pursued and without any connection to the historical New Testament Church Protestantism was left at sea in an every-man-for-himself-dilemma.
"The Church is guided by the Holy Spirit into all truth (Jn. 14:26 & Jn. 16:13), is the dwelling place of God in Spirit (Eph. 2:22), and is the pillar and ground of truth (1 Tim. 3:15). As such the Church serves as the keeper and protector of apostolic teaching (which, in part, involves written Scripture). Thus, to turn from the Church must also result in departing from what the Body of Christ has always believed, a replacing of that corporate belief with personal opinion. And in turn this undermines the authority of the Bible because if one doesn't trust the tradition that produced it, one can hardly trust the Bible. ..."
[pp. 18-19: Anthony. (2006). WEST OF JESUS: The Bible's Answer to Protestant Departure from Orthodox Belief. Salisbury, MA: Regina Orthodox Press.].
Regina Orthodox Press Online Store
Regina Orthodox Press
PO Box 5288
Salisbury, MA 01952
In Erie PA In search of Truth (John 16:13, etc.), Scott R. Harrington SCOTTH1960