Here we go again. The food police are all telling us how to avoid the bad stuff (full of calories). Of course, like any enlightened, liberal news media, they don't have biases do they? They don't call it "saturated fat", but rather "artery-clogging saturated fats". Yeah, right. Real open-mindedness free from bias.
While I agree that some things listed here are bad, they often lump in with the bad some things that are good such as turkey skin (stay to the white meat they say which I find as lunk-headed as separating the yolks from the albumen). And then after they tell you what to avoid, they then give suggestions as to what to eat more imbecilic than if one stayed with the so-called bad stuff. An excellent example is they claim that the butter and sugar cancel out any health benefits of of the sweet-potato. I say for Thanksgiving lets splurge a little and have it, but if one must cut anything, don't add any brown sugar to it since the vegetable is naturally starchy. And as for butter, there's absolutely, positively nothing wrong with butter (I presume they rather eat margarine which is the most highly processed food available looking like axle grease before it's flavored and colored). And instead of this "bad" sweet potato, what little joy we have in our lives they rather take away and replace it with starchy mashed potatoes! What lame brains! So, between the lousy anti-fat food choices and being a kill-joy, these people with this advice are enough to send someone to an early grave eating their "healthy" foods.
Frankly, I had enough of this stuff being "crammed down my throat" and if government healthcare comes about one day, don't think they won't mandate this type of eating. Then when people die younger in the generations to come they will simply show the pseudo-science of statistics to convince us people are living longer. Already most people believe we live longer today than in previous generations.
Here's the (misguided) article >> http://abcnews.go.com/Health/thanksgiving-diet-disasters-avoid/story?id=17731663#.UKqwRXYVmBs
While I agree that some things listed here are bad, they often lump in with the bad some things that are good such as turkey skin (stay to the white meat they say which I find as lunk-headed as separating the yolks from the albumen). And then after they tell you what to avoid, they then give suggestions as to what to eat more imbecilic than if one stayed with the so-called bad stuff. An excellent example is they claim that the butter and sugar cancel out any health benefits of of the sweet-potato. I say for Thanksgiving lets splurge a little and have it, but if one must cut anything, don't add any brown sugar to it since the vegetable is naturally starchy. And as for butter, there's absolutely, positively nothing wrong with butter (I presume they rather eat margarine which is the most highly processed food available looking like axle grease before it's flavored and colored). And instead of this "bad" sweet potato, what little joy we have in our lives they rather take away and replace it with starchy mashed potatoes! What lame brains! So, between the lousy anti-fat food choices and being a kill-joy, these people with this advice are enough to send someone to an early grave eating their "healthy" foods.
Frankly, I had enough of this stuff being "crammed down my throat" and if government healthcare comes about one day, don't think they won't mandate this type of eating. Then when people die younger in the generations to come they will simply show the pseudo-science of statistics to convince us people are living longer. Already most people believe we live longer today than in previous generations.
Here's the (misguided) article >> http://abcnews.go.com/Health/thanksgiving-diet-disasters-avoid/story?id=17731663#.UKqwRXYVmBs