Also, lets not forget the extreme high number of people who do have internet that log on, but are too busy searching for and downloading "other content" to be concerned about a Christian forum. Even other Christians!
Also, lets not forget the extreme high number of people who do have internet that log on, but are too busy searching for and downloading "other content" to be concerned about a Christian forum. Even other Christians!
That would probably make it kinda hard for them to buy a computer to be able to log on to the forums. More than likely, everyone on her is in the top 10% of the richest people in the world, and definitely in the top 20%.
There are many older Christains still that if you said are you a Born Again Christian, they may wonder what you mean and say I'm and give a denominations name.
But if you asked them is Jesus your Savior and Lord the answer would be most definitely yes and they could probably quote many scriptures, sing many hymns, and tell you the 10 Commandments in order.
New Birth was a more common way to describe regeneration then born again I think.
Well I think a lot of it may have to do with money like gary said. I don't think many people realize exactly how good we have it (at least for now) and how little the rest of the world lives on. I watch a lot of videos on youboob of Christians and missionaries and many of them make trips to third world countries like Africa and so forth. they always say that the services are packed. So many are hungry for the Word and for God, but either for money or lack of knowledge/lack of interest in the internet, seek god in other ways.
I heard that the rate of people being born again has surpassed the rate of natural births worldwide. (I have no idea where the stat came from or how it was calculated). One thing seems clear to me...the Lord's Spirit is hard at work right now (because of the end times) and many people are coming to the Lord.
But not enough of course, and we all should be out planting seeds to increase the harvest and help do our part.
(There was a post in here that I liked, but I didn't like what was said...more of an agreement. There should be an "Agree" button, lol for this reason. i think it was Obadiah's post.)
And then there is the folks who are online, but not with spiritual content. I have been online since about 2000 or 2001, and I notice that a lot of the things that i saved, are slowly being replaced by more valuable spiritual things. Movies and videos and articles and books and so forth.
Well we have about 1 billion Muslisms, who are probably not going to visit a Christian forum, plus all the other religions (and non-religions) out there.
We are not the only nor the biggest Christian forum on the net, and we only attract English speakers.
And most of the world doesn't have any or good acess to the internet.
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