What a great scripture brother! I totally believe every single word of it, literally. I have had other dreams where the Lord protected me also. These type of dreams, I have been having occasionally for a long time (years). Plus, IRL He has protected me before also. I do believe that I have hidden in the shadow of the Lord, and fared very well of course.

Praise the Lord! That's another long story in and of itself. The overall underlying theme (so to speak) of all of it points the same direction, and has all held the same instruction and teaching for ne. To call upon the name of the Lord, for help, for instruction and for protection. Also to praise him throughout.
This He has proven to me in small ways (though it didn't seem small ways at the time!)to be true. that He is true and faithful. YHWH is available and faithful to help us at the drop of a name and it has been shown repeatedly that He will not fail in this. He seems to be last minute, but never late also.
I am going to ponder your partial interp of that dream. That a perspective and angle that I had not considered yet, thank you brother.
i have prayed in tongues one time. There has always been quite a bit of talk about it, and many have, with all manner of good intentions, have told me that i should practice this. I thought about that, but concluded that since scripture says that praying in tongues is when the Holy Spirit prays for us, and that made me hesitant to attempt this on my own, because if tongues are the words of the Holy Spirit, then who am I to even try to do this on my own? I don't want to put words into the Holy Spirits mouth, it may grieve Him. If the Holy Spirit wants to pray for me, then it is His decision and timing of His choice and not mine.
The one time that I did pray in tongues, i believed in tongues and had been praying for the utterance of tongues to come upon me because it was something that I wished would happen, for it is easy for me to comprehend that, as scripture says, I (man) does not even know for what he should pray for (for the most part at least), and so a prayer by the Holy Spirit for me (through me) specifically, would (to me) obviously be the best prayer for me that has ever been uttered!
So there i was praying fervently one day, and all of a sudden, with no effort or intent on my part at all, it just began flowing, and I was speaking in tongues. I did immediately realize what was happening, and remember feeling the joy of it happening, so I did a stand down in my heart, and did not interrupt the Holy Spirit , and i let him finish, then i finished my personal prayer and thanked the Lord. I'm not sure how anyone could pray in tongues on demand. "We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us ..../" (Romans 8:26)
If the Spirit intercedes for us, then, this is Him, and how could we possibly do this on demand? It seems to me that to do so, would be bearing false witness? I'm pretty much scared to try to do this on my own accord.