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[__ Prayer __] Spiritually Struggling, Scared and Sad. Help Me.

Not the most encouraging thing ever, but ok. I do believe in God, otherwise I wouldn't worry about my faith.
But I feel like it's weakened, and I don't know how to reafirm it.

I'm sorry to see that you are hurting so much. Reading your posts I can see that you are throwing yourself at God's feet asking for help. I pray that He sends His mercy to you. When I'm at the "brink" it's what I always do, instead of giving up, I give in to the grace and mercy of God. He is faithful.

May I ask, what is the #1 thing you need right now from the Lord to help alleviate your pain?
I'm sorry to see that you are hurting so much. Reading your posts I can see that you are throwing yourself at God's feet asking for help. I pray that He sends His mercy to you. When I'm at the "brink" it's what I always do, instead of giving up, I give in to the grace and mercy of God. He is faithful.

May I ask, what is the #1 thing you need right now from the Lord to help alleviate your pain?
I know, that's what I'm trying to do. It just that sometimes it seems so much easier to give up and give in.
I've never been what you would call a "strong" person. I don't know what the #1 thing is. I guess for him to show me a sign that I can win this.
I feel like he did show me a sign actually the other day. I saw a lincense plate that said "John 3 8" Wich I thought was paculiar that I see that when I'm going through this hard time. But when I read John 3:8 I didn't understand it.
I know, that's what I'm trying to do. It just that sometimes it seems so much easier to give up and give in.
I've never been what you would call a "strong" person. I don't know what the #1 thing is. I guess for him to show me a sign that I can win this.
I feel like he did show me a sign actually the other day. I saw a lincense plate that said "John 3 8" Wich I thought was paculiar that I see that when I'm going through this hard time. But when I read John 3:8 I didn't understand it.

I see. Well, let me tell you, you don't need a sign from God! He's given you all the signs you need, and you can find them in the Word of God (your Bible). Has it ever occurred to you that maybe God wants you to give up? When we strive in the flesh (doing something out of our own natural power) we fail, grow weary, and get frustrated. But when we rest in the Lord, we are filled with peace and joy.

The thing about asking God for signs is that signs are whimsical. God is speaking to you; He is there with you. He is allowing you to go through this difficult time so that you will come to a place where you understand His goodness.

Lionheart, do you believe that God is good?
I see. Well, let me tell you, you don't need a sign from God! He's given you all the signs you need, and you can find them in the Word of God (your Bible).

The thing about asking God for signs is that signs are whimsical. God is speaking to you; He is there with you. He is allowing you to go through this difficult time so that you will come to a place where you understand His goodness.

Lionheart, do you believe that God is good?

Of course I do. But I don't believe that I'm good.
I know, that's what I'm trying to do. It just that sometimes it seems so much easier to give up and give in.
I've never been what you would call a "strong" person. I don't know what the #1 thing is. I guess for him to show me a sign that I can win this.
I feel like he did show me a sign actually the other day. I saw a lincense plate that said "John 3 8" Wich I thought was paculiar that I see that when I'm going through this hard time. But when I read John 3:8 I didn't understand it.
You either make a stand in Jesus Christ or the devil will put you down, this is serious, God cannot really help you much until you take a stand of faith in Jesus Christ. The bible is full of words from God that you can win,just make up your mind to believe them.
Of course I do. But I don't believe that I'm good.

This is were your problem lies my dear. This isn't about your lack of faith. God is exposing your belief system to you so that He can build you up and make you whole. You may say that you think God is good, but you should ask the Lord to show you what is truly in your heart regarding this.

<< Psalm 139:23 >>

New International Version (©1984)
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

The reason you don't believe you can "win" this battle is because you don't understand (or even believe in) what Christ did for you on the cross.

The Bible says that "we are crucified with Christ" (Galatians 2:20). This means that our old nature, our old man, our old way of thinking is brought to death with Christ. Because we are crucified with Christ, we are also risen in Christ, resurrected as He was, to have new life.

The old you was not good, but the new you in Christ is good because God is good.

I recommend when you say your prayers tonight to ask God to put your old nature to death and to resurrect new life in you. You are a son of the Living God- you are good! Not for anything you've done, but because of what Christ did for you.

If you address this issue your doubts and pain will dissipate in the love of God.
This is were your problem lies my dear. This isn't about your lack of faith. God is exposing your belief system to you so that He can build you up and make you whole. You may say that you think God is good, but you should ask the Lord to show you what is truly in your heart regarding this.

<< Psalm 139:23 >>

New International Version (©1984)
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

The reason you don't believe you can "win" this battle is because you don't understand (or even believe in) what Christ did for you on the cross.

The Bible says that "we are crucified with Christ" (Galatians 2:20). This means that our old nature, our old man, our old way of thinking is brought to death with Christ. Because we are crucified with Christ, we are also risen in Christ, resurrected as He was, to have new life.

The old you was not good, but the new you in Christ is good because God is good.

I recommend when you say your prayers tonight to ask God to put your old nature to death and to resurrect new life in you. You are a son of the Living God- you are good! Not for anything you've done, but because of what Christ did for you.

If you address this issue your doubts and pain will dissipate in the love of God.
I see where you're coming from. I've always believed that Christ died for me, but I never act like it.
I know these feelings wont go away in a flash, but over time they will. But I just wish they go away sooner rather than later.
But thankyou for the sound advice.
I see where you're coming from. I've always believed that Christ died for me, but I never act like it.
I know these feelings wont go away in a flash, but over time they will. But I just wish they go away sooner rather than later.
But thankyou for the sound advice.

Your welcome my dear. I believe you when you say that you've always believed that Christ died for you, and I don't mean to question your salvation in any way! You are saved and I believe you.

What I'm saying is that there is a place in your heart where you are lacking understanding or belief in the power of the death and resurrection of Christ.

Think of it this way:

Our heart is like a house (John 14:23). When we are saved we invite Christ into our house. However, there are some painful places in our hearts (rooms) where we don't allow the Lord to enter. Inside those rooms are our painful memories, shameful occurrences, despair and sadness. For whatever reason (usually shame) we don't allow the Lord to enter those rooms, but those are the rooms He wants to enter the most so He can bring healing to us.

Right now, from what you have told me, there is a room in your heart where you believe you are not good. Perhaps you have many broken memories there, or it's where you keep track of ever single one of your sins, or it's where all your shame and guilt lies. Perhaps someone in your life told you, you were not good and you need to release forgiveness towards that person. Only the Lord can answer this for you. If you so desire invite the Lord into that broken room in your heart where you don't believe you are good, and ask Him to heal it. Healing that place in your heart will help you fight off the doubts and temptation of the evil one. God loves you so much, His greatest desire is to express His deep love for you. This is the only sign you will ever need for the rest of your life. Once you encounter the tender, humbling love of God--you will never be the same again. God bless you. You can PM me if you ever need to talk.

<< Romans 5:8 >>

New International Version (©1984)

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 8:38-39 (New International Version, ©2011)

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I guess I should give a little background on who I am. My name is Jacob, I'm 19 years old, and I'm from the good ole south. I grew up in the typical southern christian family. I've been a christian all my life. I was baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was younger. I Never questioned God, or his existence. About a month or so ago I heard about this guy, Harold Camping. HE apperantly thinks the world will end on May 21st 2011, and that the bible proves it. Matthew 24:36-But of that day knoweth no man. Not the angels, no not the Son, but only the Father. So immeaditly, I was like whatever and brushed it off my shoulders after doing a little more research. But it made me reflect on how I've been living my life. I say I'm a "christian" but I never act like it. I sin constantly(I'm embaressed to say what it is) and I've never repented for it. I guess I've coasted by on the notion that God will forgive me and I can do whatever I want. So I repented for my sins and asked for forgiveness and tried to put them behind me. There have been a few times when I've broken down and done it again, but I always asked for forgiveness and I'm getting better IMO. But it seems like ever since I've started to turn my life around all this DOUBT has crept into my mind. Things like, does God really exist, can I be saved, how Can I know he's real, I'll never be saved, just all these awful things and it's OVERWHELMING! I've never had these thoughts before in my life, and I can't stand it. I talked to my old youth leader, and he told me a metaphor.

"You know when you see a fire, it's bruning bright and tall, and then you see that little ember off to the side slowly going out" The big fire bein gthe church and the little meber being me.

It made alot of sense to me, so I'm gonna start looking for a new church, because I don't feel comfterable in my old one, and I've started reading my bible, and praying daily. It seems like ever since I've started doing this, it's getting worse. In my heart of heart I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and took away ALL of my sins, but in my mind I feel like the devil is putting all these thoughts in my head because he doesn't want to let go, and I feel like he's winning. I pray to God every day to get rid of these thoughts. I know they wont go away immeaditly, but it's really weighing on my heart. Please pray for me to get through this.

Brother I've definitely been there and there is no time saved answer for any one person, I think one of the main things depending on how deep your knowledge of God is would be to fine somebody to truly disciple you and take you deeper. That was something that changed my life around when I was your age. You are at an age where you are seeking to find yourself and it is easy to get lost, it sounds like you are in some serious spiritual warfare within yourself and one of my main prayers is that God sustains your faith because he is the supply. I pray he reveals people in your life who you can open up and be accountable to. I generally never find myself on these sites but the people who usually have been helping me are dealing with health issues so maybe it was providential that I chose today. Being in the word is crucial, prayer is crucial, but I can not emphasize it enough, YOU NEED TO GO DEEPER,

Father I just lift my brother up to you, God I do pray that you sustain his faith in this time of spiritual war. Father he is in what could be one of the hardest fights of his life where inevitably he will choose to follow you or he could be lost from you accomplishing your will in his life. Father above all I am thankful that even if he goes astray he is not lost from you and the salvation you provide, and that you will continue to seek him out. Father I just ask that you place people in his life that can guide him, people he can be accountable to in his faith and with his struggles and addictions. I pray you reveal somebody who can be his Paul and bring him up in discipleship, to be a mighty disciple for you especially in these years when he has the opportunity to reach masses around him. Father I life up my brother and ask that you give him the strength he needs Lord. I pray all this in Jesus name Amen.

1 Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."

Brother do not hesitate to contact me [via PM] *moderator note: posters with less then 20 posts cannot post links[/FONT]
Just in case you are not REALLY born again,get down on your knees and commit your life totally to God and mean it and ask Jesus to be your Saviour. It is not natural for someone who has the indwelling Holy Spirit to have so much lack of faith in God. Just because you believe in your mind that Jesus died for your sins does not necessarily mean that you are saved, there has to be a moment of time when you are born again, possibly your lack of faith and sense of worth is the Holy Spirit convincing you that you need to be saved.
Something stood out to me in one of your posts about feeling like the devil had already won and feeling guilty about that. If you still feel shame at your doubtfulness, then that just proves that the devil has NOT won! If you truly were beyond God's forgiveness, you wouldn't feel guilt anymore over these things. The Bible tells us how many times God will forgive us, until the ends of the earth. I also agree with what someone else mentioned about you trying too hard on your own. See, if you are giving all of this to God, yet holding onto it and trying to work it out yourself, He can't take full control. Lay it at the Feet of Jesus and LET GO! Fall back and trust. Let Him handle things.
I just think this all waaayyy to coincidental. As soon as I start to actually turn my life around
and praying, reading my bible, stop giving in to temptation, that's when all the doubt starts
pouring in. And the bible tells us that the devil will try to hold onto us for as long as he can.
I read something this morning in Psalms.

Psalms 13:2- How long must I wrestle with my thoughts?
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

I found that to be very interesting. And it makes me wonder how long I will have to deal with this.
It's hard to take a stand for Jesus when the enemy is holding you down with such a tight grip.
But I prayed this morning before I read my bible that God would let it speak to me, and it spoke
to me in multiple verses, not just that one, wich I found to be very encouraging:)
God wants us to PERSIST. It is the steady drip of water that bores a hole in a rock.

When we are persistent and consistent, the enemy gets the message.
Someone said that maybe the reason I feel this way is because I'm not really saved.
I got saved when I was probably no more than 10-11. So I didn't really think anything of it.
But when I ask Jesus to save me, it doesn't feel right. Is it better to talk to a preacher about it?
I'm pretty much going through a spiritual crisis as well. Well actually I'm coming out of it now. Slowly but surely. This community has had a lot to do with my healing but God is ultimately the one who can restore us. And he will. Don't lose hope. Don't let go of God. Give all of your burdens to him. Don't hold on to a single one. Give everything to him and let him take care of you. Stay in prayer and the word. Everything will be ok and you will come out of this stronger :)
So things have now gone from worse to beyond worse.
Today I was thinking about alot of things and it seemed like my faith was coming back a bit.
Then I find out my girlfriend's grandmother has bone cancer, and has a year or less to live.

We found out a few weeks ago that she had breast cancer, and I prayed every day that she would be ok. The doctors said it was stage 1 and she would be fine. Then they do an x-ray today and it has spread to he bones.

I really don't know what to do anymore.
So things have now gone from worse to beyond worse.
Today I was thinking about alot of things and it seemed like my faith was coming back a bit.
Then I find out my girlfriend's grandmother has bone cancer, and has a year or less to live.

We found out a few weeks ago that she had breast cancer, and I prayed every day that she would be ok. The doctors said it was stage 1 and she would be fine. Then they do an x-ray today and it has spread to he bones.

I really don't know what to do anymore.

The cancer isn't due to a lack of faith on your part, my friend. The fact is, things like that will happen, faith or no. My uncle is a preacher, faithful to the quick, yet his wife has a lot of medical issues. He prays for her and his prayers are always answered, just not always with the answer he wanted. We have to remember that sometimes the answer is, "No." God knows what lies in store for us down the road. We have to trust that everything will come out to the greater good. I love my aunt, but I know she suffers. I also know that she loves the Lord and she will go to Heaven when her time here is done. There, she will have no more tears, no more pain. She will have perfection. Don't expect that having faith means nothing bad will ever happen to you or to those you love. Look what Jesus had to go through for us.
I'm pretty much going through a spiritual crisis as well. Well actually I'm coming out of it now. Slowly but surely. This community has had a lot to do with my healing but God is ultimately the one who can restore us. And he will. Don't lose hope. Don't let go of God. Give all of your burdens to him. Don't hold on to a single one. Give everything to him and let him take care of you. Stay in prayer and the word. Everything will be ok and you will come out of this stronger :)
Straight up and direct Jarred good advice!
What you do in a situation like that is praise God for the healing that took place and then continue to pray for her, life is too precious to Jesus not to help you.