In this respect I had a very interesting experience. I was in a meeting where some prophecies were given. A man who I did not know prophesied over me that I was being called by God to a ministry of teaching. At another meeting with different people, a man prophesied over me that I was being annointed for a teaching ministry. The following week in a different church again someone prophesied that I was being called to a teaching ministry. And finally it happened for a fourth time. None of the people that prophesied knew each other so it was totally spontaneous.
To point out I did not have a specific desire to be a teacher, but after the four prophesies I gained a desire to search the scriptures in a new way. Add to that I ended up going to university to get a post graduate degree in teaching, so it meant I was called by God and trained by the world. The secular training was very good because it taught me about things not to do if you were teaching.
As an example they taught us not to teach front of class for more than 20 minutes because after that it goes in one ear and out of the other. I actually tested this in the church and after a 45 minute sermon I asked people what they thought about it and usually they said it was very good. So I asked them what it was about and in nearly every case they could not remember but they did know it was good.
I thought that it was pointless if it was good or bad if people could not remember what was said. Mind you I am not surprised because the New Testament Church rarely preached sermons. They taught (the apostles doctrine) and utilised the time discussing and diaologing with each other.
1 Corinthians 14:24 kjv
24. But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or
oneunlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:
25. And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on
his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
In speaking we should supernaturally speak to a persons inner needs. If we do not get there people will go to sleep listening to us.
And note it several people at one meeting revealing the inner heart of people.
Who are these people?:
Not lukewarm bench warmers (redneck guess).
I suppose after that it becomes stir up that which you received.
Today part of the message should touch that inner core.
If they are repenting on the inside you should help (and others).
It does not have to be Pentecostal as such, but the power should be evident.