I am a survivor through the grace of God who has brought me out of something I was sorry for getting into, but has also made me who I am today by the mistakes I made in the past.
Well I don't know how the heck that I have survived this far to tell you the truth. I once was a very mean and unkind person but yet the Lord still loved me enough to save me anyway and yesterday all of my sins were physically or rather symbolically washed away by His blood. It completely baffles my mind how much it has changed me already spiritually wise and how on earth I know that I'm going to go to Heaven after I die ( or after the second coming whichever you believe) because I certainly don't deserve it, but then again, none of us really do which is what is so great about the Father's love for us. I want to have this verse printed on my tombstone I love it so much.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life."
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