jasoncran said:
but to make it a cell via from something didnt occur naturally doesnt quite help , all you can do is this we see that they are related but how did this occur naturaly.
I think you need some more punctuation in this. I dont really understand what your trying to get at here.
jasoncran said:
that is where the ns comes in. the problem here is if we go backwards we need to set the conditions up for the evolution to take place. to see if it happens.
what's ns? we've already set up the conditions for evolution to take place. If life exists, evolution takes place. The synthetic life now exists, and evolution is taking place just as it would with natural life.
jasoncran said:
for i think that there are some variables that need to be set and adressed and since we werent there we cant be sure.
I assume your talking about when the first cell was created naturally? once again, it doesn't matter how life comes into existence,
evolution only describes the phenomenon where genetic changes occur through successive generations. If you accept the evidence of microevolution, then you accept the evidence of evolution. Let's take Genesis literally for a second. Let's say that in the beginning there were two of everything (except for the things that self replicate), male and female. Let's say the first domesticated dog looked like a black lab, just for the sake of explanation. Ok, so now we have a whole bunch of different types of dogs: Big, small, black, white, spotted, mottled, and so on. This is evolution. The theory of evolution is only meant to explain how evolution works. however, evolution is an obvious fact, regardless if you are a Young Earth Creationist or not.
jasoncran said:
it would be like lets see how the first car worked by disassmebling the the latest version and not looking at the materials used then and what the original intent was.
no, this is not an accurate depiction. the evolution of technology is impeccably different from that of biology. Technology can't die, technology can't reproduce with variation, and technology cannot adapt.