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Bible Study tabernacle


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I'm doing a study on the tabernacle.

Does anyone have any special insights, links, recommended books?

Three books by Kevin J. Conner called the Divine Habitation Trilogy
1- the Tabernacle of Moses
2- the Tabernacle of David
3- the Temple of Solomon

Conner's books on this subject are the best I have seen, elecent scriptual teacher.
The Tabernacle of David is my favorite book, regardless of subject.

The Temple, by Alfred Edersheim.

Full title --

The Temple - Its Ministry and Services As They were at the Time of Jesus Christ.

check out
Yes, thank you. I have not yet read that one. I believe it's available on e-sword.
I have some Microsoft Word documents that I can e-mail to you on it, because my Pastor has been going through the whole thing over the last few months, writing papers as he covers each section of it, and he even built a scale model of it, detail-for-detail! I think the scale he used was 1 inch for 2 cubits.

He noticed interesting things like the importance of the elements (materials) used in constructing the tabernacle and even significance of colors. One example was that the posts holding up the white linen walls around the tabernacle were bronze at their base and stem, but the tip was silver. Bronze represents judgement in the OT, but silver is the metal of redemption to pay debts. So the posts which upheld the tabernacle walls represented God's perfect justice, yet was crowned with mercy (redemption). The symbolism in the tabernacle is astounding and I think my pastor has done very well in researching it, not to mention the scale model looks fabulous.

Perhaps you could send me your e-mail address over PM and I'll try to get them to you as soon as I can.

God Bless,



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