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Clearly wrote:RND makes a two main points in a prior post.
1) Changes in manuscripts discredit the text.
2) Lack of original manuscripts discredit the text.

Regarding the two points that RND makes :

The first claim rnd makes is that changes in manuscripts discredit the manuscript. I think the logic here is incorrect as it applies to ancient texts. For example, if 3,900 changes to the Book of Mormon discredit it, then what does many, many more changes to the various bibles indicate? We see thousands of plus, of minus, and of variation changes made to Old and New Testament manuscripts. If we disregard a text based on the principle that it has “changedâ€, then does one disregard modern Old and New Testaments? (since OT and NT have undergone many more changes than the Book of Mormon or Quran or Pseudoepigraphs, or NT apocrypha or many other sacred historical texts)

My point is simply that the principle that changes in manuscript discredits the manuscript is a principle that cuts both ways and is going to be very discomforting to a Christian who is willing to apply it equally to their own texts. The agnostics who adopt this rule must automatically discard the Old and New Testaments. Historians realize that Old and New Testament manuscripts and various versions of these books cannot survive RND’s rule since the Old and New Testament texts have undergone so many changes themselves.

Papias not only reminds us that the New Testament of HIS day represented only a small portion of the sacred literature in circulation among the Christian Saints, but it is Papia's himself (a non apostle) who Lighfoot attributes our current version of the woman caught in "sin". It's long been known that John's trinity text was a spurious addition that was not in the earliest versions. Because of this, Erasmus left this text out of his New Testament translation (though the King James translators included it in their version - unfortunately). There are many, many other changes between versions that are IMPORTANT. For example, the different versions of the ten commandments between early protestant (Lutheran) bibles and Catholic Bibles. Bibles CONTINUE to change and evolve as we find mistakes in the current text. A good example are the changes made in Samuel prompted by mistakes (mainly minus and variation errors) revealed by Dead Sea Scroll texts discoveries. MANY verses in 1 Samuel have changed in several modern versions of the Old Testament because of these relatively modern discoveries. Another example are the changes in creation accounts during the last 50 years. Such changes are happening at an INCREASED RATE, not lessening.

It doesn't help when one simply overstates a claim as to how correct our old and New Testament Manuscripts are since individuals are becoming more able to research and see for themselves that such claims are incorrect.

The point is that the Old and New Testament texts HAVE thousands of errors that we are working on improving and they will continue to change as our knowledge of what might have been the original text improves. We cannot simply make an arbitrary rule to discredit another book which our Old and New Testament cannot survive.

The second rule rnd suggests is that a lack of original manuscripts discredits a textual history :

RND makes the claim that there are over 800 “verifiable†manuscripts for the Holy Bible. (Actually there are several THOUSAND of them). However, they ALL copies of copies and are NOT originals. We have ZERO original Old or New Testament autographs.

We have no way to know how similar our bibles are to the originals, nor can we prove that our modern bibles are the same as to the originals. Also, our thousands of copies of copies ARE different than one another and read differently. Obviously the differences indicate thousands of deletions, additions, and many, many errors of other types. How does one claim superiority of one manuscript over another? Age of the manuscript alone will not suffice.

Codex Bezae, for example (among the 5 most important New Testament manuscripts) is very ancient, but it is 20% LONGER than other manuscripts with a great deal of material not found in the other manuscripts. Do we automatically assume the others are missing what Besae included? Is Bezae a second edition of the New Testament? Is Bezae simply a “rogue†New Testament manuscript? Is it a “mixture†of all of these possibilities.

RND claimed that

"those manuscripts (still called manuscripts) have been painstakingly reproduced from the originals in the most accurate way humanly possible."

While is this true of some manuscripts (which still contain many plus, minus and variation errors....) it is not true of many of them. Again, Bezae is a good example. There are many parts of Bezae where it looks like the scribe has been drinking and the writing goes off in unusual directions.

Also, remember that mistakes in manuscripts which are "painstakingly reproduced" are still errors.

Some of these errors are made to very early manuscripts. For example, Clement complained concerning the Carpocratians and the changes they made to Marks Gospel and then distributed as a legitimate manuscript (though it was a corrupted version). If this version was "painstakingly reproduced", it still was a painstaking reproduction of a corruption. Remember also Clement (an apostolic father) pointed out that there were multiple versions of Marks Gospel. This is important, since Mark may be a contributing source for other texts.

We have ZERO original Old or New Testament Manuscripts. Without these autographs, we have no way of proving which of the many different manuscripts are most similar to what the originals might have said.. We do not even have a way of proving authorship of the books of the New Testament. We STILL argue over who wrote Hebrews (since we don’t know who the author was). To the extent that we cannot prove their authorship, we must admit they are somewhat apocryphal.

My point is, that before one makes up a principle by which they will discredit another sacred text, they need to see if their own book can survive the rule they make for others. The Old and New testaments cannot survive these two rules rnd makes for sacred texts.


[quote:24iu2ya3] RND responded : “You are trying to argue as if the book of Mormon is inspired text. It is not. Thus there are no verifiable manuscripts (copies of the original) to examine unlike the Holy Scriptures that have left a witness to the accuracy of the Bible.â€

Again, your conclusion is incorrect, and is a deflection of the points I made. Re-read my post.

I made two simple points in my post :

1) My first point was that IF you theorize that a text is invalid due to changes, THEN we MUST hold the bible as invalid due to the many thousands of changes IT has undergone. This is very simple. Read my points and the examples I gave you.

Your theory is the very same one that athiests and agnostics use to discredit and invalidate the biblical record. Critics have correctly pointed out many biblical errors, spurious additions, deletions and many other errors to show that the bibles are invalid. My point is that the fact that biblical records contain many errors and deletions and spurious additions and it changes constantly to improve and correct the record, this does NOT mean the bible is invalid or of no use to us. This sacred text is of profound importance DESPITE errors in the texts.

2) My second point is that IF you theorize that any sacred text is invalid without original manuscripts, THEN we must hold the bible as invalid since we have no original biblical manuscripts to tell us what the bible originally said. This is also very, very simple principle.

Re-read my points. I am NOT trying to invalidate the bible, rather I'm trying to inject more accuracy into the claims that are being made. Accuracy is NOT unimportant in this matter. If agnostics believe your two personal theories as to what invalidates a sacred text, they will use such invalid logic in their proofs against ALL sacred literature, including the biblical text which has the very same faults as the texts you seek to discredit.

RND repeated a claim "Thus there are no verifiable manuscripts (copies of the original) to examine unlike the Holy Scriptures that have left a witness to the accuracy of the Bible."

Your claim we have "manuscripts" that "leave us a witness to the accuracy of the Bible", is an extremely naive claim since it is the fact that several thousand incongruent manuscripts exist that give us the witness that they contain thousands of inconcruencies, inconsistencies, and errors. If you really believe that we have a SINGLE autograph of either the Old OR New Testament that has been discovered somewhere, please, tell us where it is or who has it. No scholar or college or university or country has ever honestly made that claim. We cannot use Siainaticus, Bezae, Alexandrus, Studengartensus, Vaticanus since ALL of them have errors and discrepancies with other manuscripts. The problem is just as difficult if we consider Old Testament Manuscripts. Name a SINGLE exant manuscript that we can use that does not have inconsistencies.

Please, RND, do not misunderstand, I do not mean to make you uncomfortable or simply give you argument. If you believe my points are incorrect, you are free to offer data to educate me as to any error I might have made in the two specific points we are discussing.

If you can give me data as to where I am incorrect, I can correct my thinking. I have given you multiple concrete examples of my points. If you actually have any data that might clarify where I am wrong, now is the time to offer it.

Clearly said:
I made two simple points in my post :

1) My first point was that IF you theorize that a text is invalid due to changes, THEN we MUST hold the bible as invalid due to the many thousands of changes IT has undergone.

That's a bad assumption simply because there is nothing to conclude that the word of Joseph Smith was inspired. Period. That's the difference you fail to recognize.

2) My second point is that IF you theorize that any sacred text is invalid without original manuscripts, THEN we must hold the bible as invalid since we have no original biblical manuscripts to tell us what the bible originally said.
We have original manuscripts of the Bible. Pure and simple.

The manuscript evidence for the "New Testament" is also dramatic, with nearly 25,000 ancient manuscripts discovered and archived so far, at least 5,600 of which are copies and fragments in the original Greek. Some manuscript texts date to the early second and third centuries, with the time between the original autographs and our earliest existing fragment being a remarkably short 40-60 years. -

With the book of Mormon there are no such manuscripts available for inspection and verification.
Cookie said:
Mormons cannot let the Book of Mormon stand on it's own merits (because there is none). They must tear down the Bible. They cannot tell us what "precious truths" have been removed or where dishonest scribes have changed the teachings.

The Bible as plagerized in the BofM has the same italisized words in the King James version. I'm sure if it was "translated correctly" there would be no italisized words in the BofM.
Good points Cookie.
Clearly explained : My first point was that IF you theorize that a text is invalid due to changes, THEN we MUST hold the bible as invalid due to the many thousands of changes IT has undergone.

RND responded : That's a bad assumption simply because there is nothing to conclude that the word of Joseph Smith was inspired.

You are obsessing on Smith and using poor logic. Whether Smith exists or not, your theory is invalid. It is VERY simple. If you personally theorize that a text is invalid due to changes, then since the bible has undergone many changes, in your theory, the bible is invalid.

Since the bible has undergone many changes, your theory insists the bible is invalid. I disagree with your theory. This has nothing to do with Smith. You are I are simply repeating our positions. If you don’t have any data or logic to offer that shows your theory is true, we might as well let your theory and my response rest and let the readers make their judgement as to who is correct.

rnd says : “The manuscript evidence for the "New Testament" is also dramatic, with nearly 25,000 ancient manuscripts discovered and archived so far, at least 5,600 of which are copies and fragments in the original Greek.â€
And what does this “dramatic evidence show?†I’ve given you examples that this evidence of thousands of manuscripts which disagree with one another proves inconsistencies and errors. Let me know where any example I gave you was incorrect.

So what? Name a manuscript single family that agrees with a single another manuscript family.

Name a single complete New Testament manuscript that is free of error. (Or you can name a single complete Old Testament manuscript that is free of errors if you want.)

Name a single English language Bible that has no error. (So that we can use it as an example if needed).

rnd repeats his claim : “We have original manuscripts of the Bible. Pure and simple.â€
Please rnd, if you don’t really have any data, we can let our claims rest.

I claim we do NOT have autographs (original manuscripts) and you claim we do. If someone HAD discovered a single original autograph, then this would be one of the greatest discoveries in Christendom. I cannot believe you somehow know about the existence of an autograph (original) when No other scholar, no other school, no other country, no one else has ever heard of it nor mentioned it anywhere. If you know of a single original autograph, simply tell us where it is so the rest of the world can know about it.

Clearly said:
You are obsessing on Smith and using poor logic. Whether Smith exists or not, your theory is invalid. It is VERY simple. If you personally theorize that a text is invalid due to changes, then since the bible has undergone many changes, in your theory, the bible is invalid.
My main point is Smith was uninspired. Period. He has been proven to be a fake and a fraud. What you are in a sense saying is akin to to suggesting that the original manuscript of Alice in Wonderland. because there are errors in it and compared next to the inspired work of the Bible and because it has errors in it are both untrue.

You have to discount the validity of the Bible in order to try to prove your point.

Since the bible has undergone many changes, your theory insists the bible is invalid.
The Bible is inspired, BoM is not.

I disagree with your theory.
Sure you do. You reject the authority of the Bible.
This has nothing to do with Smith.
Yes it does.

You are I are simply repeating our positions.
No I'm not.

If you don’t have any data or logic to offer that shows your theory is true, we might as well let your theory and my response rest and let the readers make their judgement as to who is correct.
Fortunately most of the reader's on this forum reject Mormonism as the false doctrine it is and the false religious doctrine it expounds.

2)[quote:2xoisbwc] rnd says : “The manuscript evidence for the "New Testament" is also dramatic, with nearly 25,000 ancient manuscripts discovered and archived so far, at least 5,600 of which are copies and fragments in the original Greek.â€
And what does this “dramatic evidence show?†[/quote:2xoisbwc] I gave you the link, look it up yourself.

I’ve given you examples that this evidence of thousands of manuscripts which disagree with one another proves inconsistencies and errors.
There are extremely minor errors in these manuscripts.

Let me know where any example I gave you was incorrect.
You suggested that because the Bible has errors in it it is untrue. That is blasphemy against the word of God in order to try and prove Alice and Wonderland is a real book.

So what? Name a manuscript single family that agrees with a single another manuscript family.
The manuscripts of the Bible are remarkably accurate in terms of agreement. Unfortunately the BoM has no such manuscripts to compare.

Name a single complete New Testament manuscript that is free of error. (Or you can name a single complete Old Testament manuscript that is free of errors if you want.)
Can't. There are definitely some errors in these manuscripts.

Name a single English language Bible that has no error. (So that we can use it as an example if needed).
Can't. But these errors don't impact the word of God as do the errors in Alice in Wonderland does.

3) [quote:2xoisbwc] rnd repeats his claim : “We have original manuscripts of the Bible. Pure and simple.â€
Please rnd, if you don’t really have any data, we can let our claims rest.

I claim we do NOT have autographs (original manuscripts) and you claim we do. [/quote:2xoisbwc] So do thousands upon thousands of theologians. Which of course we know Joesph Smith was not.
If someone HAD discovered a single original autograph, then this would be one of the greatest discoveries in Christendom. I cannot believe you somehow know about the existence of an autograph (original) when No other scholar, no other school, no other country, no one else has ever heard of it nor mentioned it anywhere.
I never said "autographs" I said "manuscripts". Manuscripts are replicas of the original writings.

If you know of a single original autograph, simply tell us where it is so the rest of the world can know about it.
I could say the same for the BoM, er, Alice in Wonderland.

First of all, thanks Clearly for taking the time to type a lot of what I would normally type up, but life has not left me with the time to do such. No, RND, we are NOT attempting to "disprove" the Bible by any means. In my opinion, we are merely pointing out something else, entirely: bigotry and hypocrisy. You judge others (people, books, etc.) by a standard that not even what you claim to be true can meet. I don't accept the Bible as the word of God because of manuscripts and "proof" on this earth. I accept it by faith in God. By the same token I don't accept the Book of Mormon as the word of God because we have a manuscript of the ORIGINAL authors of it. I accept it by faith in God. To accept these two books as the word of God by any other means is to put my trust in man and all his imperfections.

Second, I would like to simply make some statements about some thoughts that have gone through my head over the last few days as a result of this thread and others on this forum along with conversations with other "Christians". I am completely dumbfounded by the flat out hypocrisy of so many so called "Christians" in this world. You are so close-minded, so set in your (note: not God's) ways that you fail to accept to see any other point of view than what you yourself have deemed to be true or "blasphemous".

You claim that you believe God is all powerful and can do just about anything He wants. Yet, in your own belief, you limit what God can do. You say that God can not and will not reveal more of His word to us than what is in the Bible. Neither can anyone, in your eyes, that is not what you define to be a "Christian" say or do anything inspiring. Yet, time after time, in the Bible those who are not of Israel in the Old Testament and those who are Gentiles in the New Testament, received revelations from God. Don't you see the hypocrisy in your (not God's) beliefs on both of these points?

You claim to be "Christians", followers of Jesus Christ. If you are truly followers of Jesus Christ, you certainly don't show it in you conduct/demeanor/manner towards those of us whom you would consider "lost", "not on the path of righteousness", and "unbeliever". How did Jesus Christ treat those who were unbelievers? He taught them with love and understanding. He didn't sit there and attack their core beliefs and attempt to tear them down to prove them wrong. He showed them love and taught them correct principles in a loving way, not in an offending way.

Again, I say, hypocrites! I have been a part of this forum for a few months. In that time, roughly 95% of the comments towards me have been rude and pointed to tear down what I believe. Roughly 95% of the people have treated me horribly, and even hostile. Where is this love and demeanor that Jesus Christ taught and exemplified? As I have continued to attempt to have discussions with those on these forums, knowing that I am in the vast minority, for the most part I have remained respectful and to show that I do love you all. I don't look at you all as "heathens" who are all misguided and following a path that will lead you all straight to Hell. Yet, that is EXACTLY the how it seems most of you look at me.

You claim that I am not Christian. Well, if your definition of being a Christian is to treat me how the majority of you have, then I don't want to be your kind of "Christian." Hypocrites...come down of your high horses of thinking you know everything there is to know about the nature of God and His teachings and seriously rethink how you act and treat others. Because you certainly have not exemplified Jesus Christ in your treatment towards me.

This is not a post written in anger or frustration. It is written with a heart full of love, a heart full of remorse, a heart full of hope. And I can only hope in God that these words will be taken to heart and not simply cast aside as a thing of naught.


I did not find a single quote nor a single piece of evidence nor a single piece of data in your prior post that relates to your theory that "changes to a text invalidates the text". (If ANYONE else saw real data regarding this theory, please point it out to me). You post was simply a repetition of your claim that "other people have motes in their doctrinal vision". I will assume that your post was simply another deflection from any meaningful look at your claim that "changes in a religious text invalidate the text".

The doctrine you are trying to create supports your purposes, But what happens if a fair-minded person applies your doctrine justly to the bible?

For example : If a naive agnostic or athiest were to apply your new doctrine to the bible, then it provides confirmation that the biblical text is invalid since thousands of changes have been made to biblical texts. This has always been my point. Your attempt to create a doctrine as a tool to harm someone else does harm to all Christian texts and to the others who could have developed faith in those texts, but did not because of your new doctrine.

The hypocrisy that applies rules to others that does not apply to itself is not a new problem for Christianity. 2nd Clement reminds us of the problems this caused among the early Christians.
“For the Lord says, “My name is continually blasphemed among all the nations.†Why is it blasphemed? Because you do not do what I desire. For when the pagans hear from our mouths the oracles of God, they marvel at their beauty and greatness. But when they discover that our actions are not worthy of the words we speak, they turn from wonder to blasphemy, saying that it is a myth and a delusion. 2nd Clement 13:2-3
The non-Christians made sport of Christian hypocrisy and importantly, they mocked and rejected Christianity due to this hypocrisy.

One type of hypocrisy that was mocked was the obvious Christian self-arrogance and hatred for others by christians who taught humility and love with their mouths. The hypocrites excused themselves with a claim of "tough love" (i.e. I'm doing this because I love you...) Gad reminds us that
“Hatred is evil, since it continually consorts with lying, speaking against the truth; it makes small things big, turns light into darkness, says that the sweet is bitter, teaches slander, conflict, violence, and all manner of greed; it fills the heart with diabolical venom. (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs 5:1-8)
It is a poignant reminder that Gad provide regarding the hypocrite who “loves arrogance, because hatred blinds his soul.â€

Your consistent deflections from a discussion regarding your new doctrine is not simply a misunderstanding, It is a refusal to discuss and apply your doctrine that “change to text invalidates the text†to your own beliefs. You cannot to name a single manuscript family that agrees one with another, nor can you name a single New Testament manuscript (out of the 25000 you refer to) that is free of error. You cannot even name a single English Bible translation that is free of error. But IMPORTANTLY, the errors do NOT invalidate these records.

Rather than allowing a discussion of your new doctrine, you simply lash out at me by claim that I "reject the authority of the Bible.†This is certainly incorrect and I have at least as much respect for sacred texts as you and, I would guess from our discussion so far, I have a deeper historical grounding in early Christian texts than you. I am at least familiar with early Manuscripts and their characteristics and I have NOT made naive and incorrect claims regarding them.

We have known about textual errors and omissions in various manuscripts for years. Some were intentional and some were inadvertent human error. Certainly the early Christians used this knowledge against the Jews. The early Christian apologist, Justyn Martyr, in his early dialogue with Trypo pointed out that the Jews removed certain passages from the scriptures which would have made it more clear that Jesus was the very Messiah they had looked for. These sorts of errors are intentional.

The Jews themselves have known of intentional scribal errors. For example, the Jewish Talmud (which dates to the 5th century a.d.) Itself lists the tiqqune sopherim (the "errors of the scribes"). Most of these errors are assumed to be intentional alterations of the Old Testament due to scribal concerns that certain ideas showed disrespect for God, or the original texts disagreed with the scribes bias’ regarding God.

The many Jewish Chronographs that try to reconcile conflicting numbers and dates in records are varied and well known. These are attempts to reconcile conflicting numbers and dates. There is no need for the Chronographs if the records were both correct and clear.

For years, the Dead Sea Scrolls were almost a thousand years older than the oldest extant Jewish versions of complete Old Testament Books. They also show many thousands ("thousands") of variations from later Jewish records. All the typical plus and minus and change variations are seen in comparisons to other Jewish Texts.

Variant Readings are COMMON in ancient versions of Jewish texts. Students reading biblical Hebrew simply need to look at the footnotes (i.e. "The critical apparatus") of the scholars’ edition of one of the most commonly used scholarly Hebrew Bibles (i.e. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia) to discover that variant readings are listed on every page of this bible. Students reading Jewish Midrashic compilations such as Stone’s Chumash (which contains various content from multiple midrashic accounts as well as accounts of the sages") will notice frequent multiple various readings of Jewish texts.

Incomplete and Lost Narratives : As Justyn Martyr claimed, there are multiple narratives that have changed. There is much lost or corrupted data that would have made the scriptures more clear. (Whether the Jews would have accepted Jesus if such changes had not occurred in their scriptures is another matter)

An example of a lost passage of scripture is from the DSS text of Samuel : The missing paragraph belongs to 1 Samuel 11:1. It presents forty nine words (49) which are missing in the Hebrew Bible as well as in other Jewish texts in this single verse. With the restoration of this passage, the final verse in Chapter 10 transitions smoothly and with a better understanding as we enter the first verse in chapter 11. With such textual restorations of the text, the entire context of the story can be put into it’s proper perspective: After restoring the missing words, the translated Jewish text reads:
"And Nahash, king of the children of Ammon, oppressed harshly the Gadites and the Reubenites. He would gouge out the right eye of each of them and would not grant Israel a deliverer. No one was left of the Israelites across the Jordan whose right eye Nahash, king of the Ammonites, had not gouged out. But there were seven thousand men who had fled from the Ammonites and had entered Jabesh-gilead (1 Sam.11:1)
The restoration of the missing paragraph does NOT invalidate the record as your doctrine suggests. Rather the restoration of lost text helps readers to understand the situation; the conditions of the treaty of Nahash, and the underlying motive to rally around King Saul and the prophet Samuel. It elucidates the Israelite motive to Slay many Ammonites and to cause the others to flee.

Missing text in the ancient records is NOT a rare occurrence. There are also smaller, but significant additions in verses 11, 13, 18, 22, 23 and 24 IN JUST THE FIRST CHAPTER OF SAMUEL. This is partly the reason the New International Version Bible prefers the DSS textual readings over the traditional hebrew text. The NIV is NOT the only bible trying to correct corruptions and deletions from the traditional manuscripts. "Today’s English version"; "Revised Standard Version", the "New Revised Standard Version", "The New English Bible", The "New American Bible", etc. have ALL changed their text using DSS corrections over the prior traditional biblical text. This change in text did NOT “invalidate†the record, it simply corrected a deficiency.

Such on-going discoveries confirm what the apostolic Father Papia’s taught us : that current Judao-Christian texts represent only a portion of the tests floating around in earlier centuries. It is not just a "few words" that are missing, nor even just stories, but entire BOOKS that are missing from the current narratives. For example Joshua 10 relates the "sun stool still, and the moon stopped", but it refers us to a book missing from the Jewish narrative when it says: "Is this not written in the Book of Jasher?" (Josh 10:13) It is not just this narrative that could benefit from restoration of excluded books, but MANY other stories cannot BE understood without referencing materials excluded from existing biblical narratives.

Another example (of hundreds) of this type of exclusion is Genesis Chapter 44. Joseph instructs his servants to place a silver cup into Benjamins sack as a ruse to retain Benjamin in Egypt. One point of confusion is "THE CUP" and it’s having been used in "divining" or as a source of "revelation" (like the urim and thummim was to the Dead Sea Scroll Jews). The Genesis 44 naratives (kjv) says :
“"And put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's mouth of the youngest, and his corn money. And he did according to the word that Joseph had spoken. As soon as the morning was light, the men were sent away, they and their asses. And when they were gone out of the city, and not yet far off, Joseph said unto his steward, Up, follow after the men; and when thou dost overtake them, say unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good? Is not this it in which my lord drinketh, and whereby indeed he divineth? ye have done evil in so doing.

In the biblical narrative, the entire story of Joseph, who, when eating with the brothers, pretended to be inspired by the cup and thus being able to set the brothers down according to their birth mother is missing from Old Testament narratives. The importance of WHY it is the CUP the brothers would have presumably stolen, is lost to modern Old Testaments. One must read the stories from Jasher, or other sources. The same is true of Zelikah’s (Potiphar’s wife) feast from Joseph’s history. It is excluded to the Jewish Old testament. One may read references to it in the Quran, or they may read Jasher for a fuller version, but they cannot find it in modern Old Testament text.

Such examples of exclusions of narrative and selective editing of scripture are vast and certainly books HAVE been written on the vast amount of exclusions, additions and other changes to manuscripts underlying our current texts. Early Judao-christian texts are full of references to material that is missing from manuscripts. The pre-creation council histories are frequently referred to in Judao-christian literature of their day and age. One has to use other Christian histories such as Abbaton, or Kabbalic, or enochian histories, etc to access data regarding the origin and fall of Lucifer. The Nichodemas histories are full of references to the descension that are missing from the New Testament. Even the early Christian diaries such a Perpetua give us more information on what early Christians believed and taught regarding these subjects.

Early Christian claims such as Justin Martyrs against intentional Jewish corruptions did not apply only to Jewish manuscripts. When one looks at horizontal judaism’s motives for manufacturing and adding new text to old narratives; or for excluding older, more complete text in newer narratives, the motives do not seem to me to be so different than for other religious groups who did the same thing.. For example: the variant readings in the Samaritan Pentateuch are different in approximately six thousand places when compared to the traditional Jewish version. Some variations are not minor variations. Most major variations are intentional changes dealing with temple worship. For example: The tenth commandment in their decalogue relates to "the sanctity of Mount Gerizim".

The Christians have also manipulated these texts to support their own doctrinal biases An obvious example is Luther’s intentional exclusion of the second of the ten commandments in his 1522 translation. This is why the ten commandments were initially different for Protestant Europeans than for Catholics during the Reformation. Luther’s motive ("judishes sachenspiegel") for changing the text was not substantially different than what motivated the Jewish tiqqune sopherim (errors of the scribes). They changed the text because the text it did not suit their prior biases. It happened with the Jews; with the samaritans; with the christians, and I suspect it happened with the Muslims.


Such textual changes have ALWAYS occurred, and whether the admission is made, the changes OFTEN occurred due to theological bias of the scribes at one point or other in history. Bias in both translation AND transmission of texts has been an issue from ancient times and it has ALWAYS affected textual editing among all parties involved. It has even affected editing among Jews having differing provincial biases.

Consider, for examples, the significant variant readings relating to God’s appearance to men between the two major Jewish translation (which underlie later translation) the MT and the LXX. The differing personal bias affected the translation (just as it affected the translation of the samaritan pentateuch and bias affected Luther’s translations and just as it affects almost ALL translations done by men having bias. Each Group translates according to it’s own bias just as the Samaritans did, and just as the Christians did. We all have doctrinal bias; and the bias affects how we read, what we read into a text and how a text is translated. These biases produce errors that do not always remain hidden.

The problem of errors in the Masoretic (MT) Jewish translation is summarized in the first printing of the New English Bible which reads :
"The Hebrew text as thus handed down [by the massoretes] is full of errors of every kind due to defective archetypes and successive copyists’ errors, confusion of letters, omissions and insertions, displacements of words and even whole sentences or paragraphs; and copyists’ unhappy attempts to rectify mistakes have only increased the confusion"

Please, try to remain logical and do not lose sight of the fact that I am simply making the claim that the doctrine you have created regarding “changes in text invalidate the text†is incorrect. I certainly DO honor the biblical record. I simply have not created an arbitrary rule to try to harm another type of doctrine which ends up harming my own.

Rnd, please simply consider the possibility that this new doctrine of yours which claims that changes in sacred texts means the texts are invalid is incorrect. Your doctrine would mean that the many, many ongoing corrections in biblical texts would invalidate ALL sacred texts which have undergone change (mainly attempts at correction). If you will apply your rule equally to biblical texts, I think you will be able to see the error of this doctrine you are trying to teach.


If you are unwilling to discuss or test your new doctrine that “changes in the text invalidate the textâ€, are you willing to discuss your new doctrine that we somehow have manuscripts which tell us what the bible originally said?


I hope YOU also, do not read too much into my post. I am simply trying to point out to RND the underlying danger of trying to create of a new christian doctrine that is incorrect and which will create much greater problems than it solves. In rnd's desire to harm and discredit another text, he creates a doctrine that will harm and discredit the Biblical text as well. As I said, rnd's new doctrine serves his purpose, but what if a naive but honest person applies it with justice?

The creation of this specific new christian doctrine simply as a tool to discredit and harm is not helpful to the Christian cause and it is a misuse of "religion". The agnostics and athiests who see the naive and misapplied logic of Christians are not stupid. They often see the underlying illogic and hypocrisy. As Clement pointed out in my early quote, hypocrisy and arrogance was a problem for early Christians and it is no less of a problem today.

kevkelsar said:
No, RND, we are NOT attempting to "disprove" the Bible by any means.
Yes you are.

In my opinion, we are merely pointing out something else, entirely: bigotry and hypocrisy. You judge others (people, books, etc.) by a standard that not even what you claim to be true can meet.
No I don't, I judge the BoM by the fact that there are no manuscripts available to compare to the first work.

I don't accept the Bible as the word of God because of manuscripts and "proof" on this earth. I accept it by faith in God. By the same token I don't accept the Book of Mormon as the word of God because we have a manuscript of the ORIGINAL authors of it. I accept it by faith in God. To accept these two books as the word of God by any other means is to put my trust in man and all his imperfections.
Well, if one honestly compared the two one could clearly see that one work is inspired and the other is a fraud and a fantasy.
Second, I would like to simply make some statements about some thoughts that have gone through my head over the last few days as a result of this thread and others on this forum along with conversations with other "Christians". I am completely dumbfounded by the flat out hypocrisy of so many so called "Christians" in this world. You are so close-minded, so set in your (note: not God's) ways that you fail to accept to see any other point of view than what you yourself have deemed to be true or "blasphemous".
Brother, the BoM is a forgery and a fantasy based on the writings of a rather dubious character with an extremely checkered past.
You claim that you believe God is all powerful and can do just about anything He wants. Yet, in your own belief, you limit what God can do. You say that God can not and will not reveal more of His word to us than what is in the Bible.
Is it necessary?

Neither can anyone, in your eyes, that is not what you define to be a "Christian" say or do anything inspiring.
Not true, SdA's have an inspired prophet.
Yet, time after time, in the Bible those who are not of Israel in the Old Testament and those who are Gentiles in the New Testament, received revelations from God. Don't you see the hypocrisy in your (not God's) beliefs on both of these points?
Joseph Smith was contrary to scripture and thus disqualified from being a prophet. He spoke neither to the Law or to the Testimony.

You claim to be "Christians", followers of Jesus Christ. If you are truly followers of Jesus Christ, you certainly don't show it in you conduct/demeanor/manner towards those of us whom you would consider "lost", "not on the path of righteousness", and "unbeliever".
Right. The Bible plainly states we should have nothing to do with you.

How did Jesus Christ treat those who were unbelievers? He taught them with love and understanding. He didn't sit there and attack their core beliefs and attempt to tear them down to prove them wrong. He showed them love and taught them correct principles in a loving way, not in an offending way.
Jesus was also telling people to watch where the walk and who they walk with.

Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Again, I say, hypocrites! I have been a part of this forum for a few months. In that time, roughly 95% of the comments towards me have been rude and pointed to tear down what I believe. Roughly 95% of the people have treated me horribly, and even hostile.
I agree. Most should just simply ignore you and have nothing to do with you. Instead what I have seen you do is attempt to make posts that seem cool at first and them expose your false doctrines.

Where is this love and demeanor that Jesus Christ taught and exemplified? As I have continued to attempt to have discussions with those on these forums, knowing that I am in the vast minority, for the most part I have remained respectful and to show that I do love you all. I don't look at you all as "heathens" who are all misguided and following a path that will lead you all straight to Hell. Yet, that is EXACTLY the how it seems most of you look at me.
That;s because Mormons deny the Jesus Christ of the Bible because they believe He is Satan's brother and that He was made between the sexual union of God and woman. This is the same status that Mormons hope to achieve but again, only certain Mormons will get this opportunity to be in the 3rd heaven.

You claim that I am not Christian.
If you believe Joseph Smith's trash you are not a Christian.

Well, if your definition of being a Christian is to treat me how the majority of you have, then I don't want to be your kind of "Christian." Hypocrites...come down of your high horses of thinking you know everything there is to know about the nature of God and His teachings and seriously rethink how you act and treat others. Because you certainly have not exemplified Jesus Christ in your treatment towards me.
Nor are we directed to. You preach another Jesus.

Gal 1:7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Gal 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

This is not a post written in anger or frustration. It is written with a heart full of love, a heart full of remorse, a heart full of hope.
Because we reject your gospel of Joseph Smith? That famous Freemason shot to death by an angry mob?
And I can only hope in God that these words will be taken to heart and not simply cast aside as a thing of naught.
I for one have taken them to heart and I reject you false gospel and the false doctrine of Joseph Smith.
“...the matters in dispute among you..especially the destestable and unholy schism, so alien and strange to those chosen by god.†(1 Clement 1:1)

I was not trying to create an angry, hateful outburst in trying to help RND from creating yet another personal Christian theory which damages more than it helps. The tendency to invent new doctrines, just like the tendency to hate others, is an ongoing problem for Christianity. Irenaeus, in the second century, derides some christians with the observation that “Every day every one of them invents something new†(Adv haer. I.18.1 ). He was not referring to those who simply expounded doctrine, but to those who developed doctrines for their own benefit as well, hoping to improve their doctrinal stance by doing so.

The agnostics are not to be blamed when they roll their eyes and shake their heads at a christendom who claims to be wise and yet acts so very foolishly. It is said that history repeats itself because we do not listen the first time. Clements observation about "anti-christian christianity" could have been spoken yesterday rather than during the days of the apostles :
“Why is there strife and angry outburts and dissension and schisms and conflict among you? Do we not have one God and one Christ and one Spirit of grace which was poured out upon us? And is there not one calling in Christ? Why do we tear and rip apart the members of Christ, and rebel against our own body, and reach such a level of insanity that we forget that we are members of one another? Remember the words of Jesus our Lord, for he said: “Woe to that man! It would have been good for him if he had not been born, than that he should cause one of my elect to sin. It would have been better for him to have been tied to a millstone and cast into the sea, than that he should pervert one of my elect.†Your schism has perverted many; it has brought many to despair, plunged many into doubt, and caused all of us to sorrow. And yet your rebellion still continues!†(1st Clement 46 5-9)

I do NOT think that RND’s display is a particularly “religious†phenomenon, but a psychological phenomenon. Even anciently when some individuals became christians. Some felt “chosen†and “knowledgeable†and instead of becoming humble; became intolerably proud instead. This weakness itself caused a great deal of persecution to come down upon the Christians when those around them got so tired of the Christians who were so very proud of themselves that they, in turn, persecuted the very christians who had looked down upon them.
“Knowledge of the truth merely makes such people arrogant, which is what the words “it makes them free†mean. It even gives them a sense of superiority over the whole world. But “love builds up†[1 cor 8:1]. In fact, he who is really free through knowledge is a slave because of love for those who have not yet been able to attain to the knowledge. (The gospel of Phillip)

Woven through much of the Christian literature of apostasy is this constant and sad insistence by the leaders that the Christians overcome this prideful tendency. Barnabas pleads with the christians to “Be on your guard now, and do not be like certain people; that is, do not continue to pile up your sins while claiming that your covenant is irrevocably yours, ...†(The Epistle of Barnabas 4:6). Hermas also, relates the sad description of “those who have the Lord on their lips but whose heart is hardened and who are far from the Lord ....†(Hermas 47:2-4).

There was a very important christian principle underlying the avoidance of hate and anger and the encouragement to learn authentic love. Hermas explained :
“... if you are patient, the Holy Spirit who lives in you will be pure, uncontaminated by some other evil spirit, living in a spacious room, it will rejoice and be glad with the vessel in which it lives and will serve God with much cheerfulness, for it is at peace with itself. But if an angry temper approaches, immediately the Holy spirit, which is very sensitive, is distressed because it does not have a clean place, and it seeks to leave the place. (Hermas 33:2-3)
Without the influence of the Holy Spirit, authentic Christianity loses so much of it’s great power and influence for good. This was always a central issue in authentic Christianity.
â€If one goes down into the water and comes up without having received anything and says, “I am a Christian,†he has borrowed the name at interest. But if he receives the Holy spirit, he has the name as a gift. He who has received a gift does not have to give it back, but of him who has borrowed it at interest, payment is demanded. (The gospel of Phillip)

If a Christian lacks humility; lacks knowledge, lacks the spirit; they are empty of much which ought to distinguish them from the world. In the gospel of Thomas, when Jesus reminds the apostles that “The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Beseech the Lord, therefore, to send out laborers to the harvest.â€, it is profound that Thomas replies, “O Lord, there are many around the drinking trough, but there is nothing in the cistern.†(The gospel of Thomas vs 73-74) The truth was no longer found where one should be able to expect it.

Once the proud and hateful Christian becomes empty of characteristics that make him an authentic Christian, then Hermas’ description applies to those who : “not having the power of a divine spirit in himself, .... since he himself is empty, he gives empty answers to empty inquirers, for no matter what is asked, he answers according to the emptiness of the man asking.†Hermas 43:2 Hermas was not referring to the answers being empty of data, but rather they were empty of the spirit and of truth.

I apologize If I played any part in this discussion lately having become hateful. I had hoped we might be able to discuss the two doctrines RND created and their characteristics and potential effects.

What I don't understand/am curious about the Book of Morman is it's relation to the Old and New Covenant, since I've never personally read it. Since that's what the entire Bible is based upon, if the Book of Morman is in fact spiritual truth, it should reflect this theme that quite obviously.

I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this, but since I saw at least two Mormans on this forum, perhaps you could help explain this to me?

Thanks! (We can start a new thread if that's needed).