have found in the past that unbelievers mock Christianity and its beliefs as they cannot justify it; if something does not make sense or cannot be logically explained, it is ruled out as not feasible.
Interesting quote with which I agree with to a certain extent.
I was having a chat today at work with my boss. We were talking about presenters on the TV. I mentioned about how a presenter who used to present Match of the day (football) and recently was moved to prime time morning TV presenting the news and how this decision was slated. I explained that he was slated because he was a Christian, as I said that my boss said "I thought it was because he is creationist or something like that" I said yes he his, he is a Christian and a creationist, he is a new earth creationist and the decision was slated because it was felt that he could not present a balanced view of the news (if you ask me this was a attack on Chrsitianity)
I had to explain to my boss what a new earth creationist view is. He then responded with "Well what about fossils that are 50,000 years old?
To my boss 50,000 year old fossils makes sense because science teaches evolution, and it is logical.
Science and evolution is taught in mainstream education yet Christianity where taught does not deal with creation.
The minute you challenge science in terms of evolution with creation and God then you challenge world views perception of everything around us, how we got here and where we are going.
A God that created the world and us and who is in charge is not logical and because it is not logical it is rejected.
I have heard many times from non Christians when speaking to them "Science disproves God and creation" and it is very difficult to break through with a logical response as to the existence of God the creator. For,those of us who go down this root we need to ensure that we know what we are talking about otherwise we will look stupid.
So whilst we can try to defend the faith through apologetics I do not feel it can ever replace the following
When we stand before Jesus he is going to ask the following
Matthew 25:34-36
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
Jesus told us to go the extra mile, love others as we love ourselves, do unto others as we would have them do to us.
He is not going to ask us "Did you manage to convince someone who has a mindset of of evolution that I exist?
Words without action mean diddly squat in the kingdom of God.
Don't get me wrong we do need to be able to answer questions that people raise like "If God is real why is there so much suffering, why did God command slaughter in the Old Testament?
However if we seek intellectual arguments at the expense of being Christ like then we will lose.
A quick personal experience. I have been playing scrabble with a guy for 3 years (never met him but was bought together by a friend that was playing him) anyway this guy is an athiest. We have had many a conversation, he has mocked my faith, sought to discredit it with science and world problems. As we played we got to know each other, I'm just me and he his just him. Now he asks me to pray for him, when the poo hits the fan I'm his first port of call for prayer, I call him up and pray, send prayers by e-mail, prayers by FaceTime.
Recently I have been suffering with eyesight problems and am waiting to see an eye doctor. He sensed I wasn't my normal self and asked what was wrong. I told him and he actually sent me a prayer, he actually prayed to God for me. Part of his prayer was "God I pray for Bill, he loves you and he is suffering, please help him"
He finished with these words to me "I think I'm becoming a Christian"
What has changed from 3 years ago to now? Not my intellectual responses to his arguments. To me it is just loving him as Christ loves him.
If you are interested there is a website Creation Ministries that reconciles creation against evolution. There are many highly educated scientists who answer questions about 50,000 year old fossils and such back to the bible accounts of creation.
Sorry about the long post.
I would encourage us all to be Christ like, allow the Holy Spirit to bring the wisdom of God in our lives as we spend time with those around us.