I guess I don't see the Bible as evidence that God is real anymore than I see the Illiad as evidence that Zeus is real. The stories sound to me like a tribal god helping his people out, but he doesn't really act on a bigger scale. I know to you he does, but no other culture around the world ever heard of Yahweh or any of the Genesis stories (except cultures that came into contact with the Hebrews).
When I look around me, I do see some mysteries. But my first reaction is not to say that these mysteries must be a sign of God. Over timne, science sheds light into these mysteries and they have natural answers.
Also, the Old Testament is full of miracles that could be seen and not ignored. Yet today there doesn't seem to be anything that really sticks out as a "miracle." That just leads me to believe that people didn't understand stuff and just wrote down in a book that a god did it.
Lastly, the Christian God doesn't make very much sense to me. Killing his son, who is him, and then reincarnating him is suppose to let him forgive the creations he made. Also, God is suppose to love people, yet he also ok with them being tortured in hell for all of eternity (as opposed to removing them from existance). He also does very questionable things like kill a child because his father committed adultery and tells people to specifically target the children of his enemy. I just feel those things are wrong and it would be very hard for me to ever think that a good and decent deity would ever do those things.
I guess in a nutshell, I just don't see any evidence that God exists. If God really did exist, I would want to know. But I would have to be shown real evidence as opposed to "faith" (i.e. belief without proof).