I rarely disagree with you, and in this case I don't disagree with you at the root level, but I do believe that God is the only one who knows if Quath, Featherbop, and other unbelievers will be saved. So, if they will be saved, then while they are yet sinners God demonstrated His love for them by sending His Son to die in their place. So, in that sense, the statement that, "Jesus loves Quath, but Quath doesn't love Jesus." could be true. I believe that since we do not know who belongs to God, and who doesn't, it's best to assume, through faith, that one day they will see His love for them, because He will first love them. I think that is why God tells us to love our enemies, and bless them, so that we remember that they could actually be our own brothers and sisters.
For me, I am encouraged that you and Quath are here...and there were others who use to be here that I was thankful for. The believer's main duty to God, and to one another, is to share His Truth with everyone they encounter because we could be family. I don't mean shanghai them, because that's not truly possible, and it would only be a lie anyway. Sometimes, as believers, we do get burdens to pray for specific lost people, "God lays them on our hearts" is what a believer would say. There is also a time when God seems to surround them (using people and various other things) in order to convert them. Not one of His children will remain lost, He will go and find them, and I hope to be usable for that end in my life. Christianity is unique in that the only thing required is faith, because by grace through faith in Jesus Christ is the only way one can be saved.
I understand that Christians tend to disagree a lot, which is also an example of grace, I believe, and so I speak to you from the understanding of God's Truth that I have. If I have treated you scornfully, or hatefully, I am very sorry. Sometimes, though, the Truth is an affront to people who don't believe in God, but we are obligated to speak it because of our love for Him. We love God, and His Truth, more than our spirit's we do, even though we can not perfectly represent that love in our walk in this world. The ultimate love for an unbeliever is for a believer to be Truthful with them, and sometimes this may look scornful or hateful, but Truth is the only thing that will set them free...the only thing that will truly convert them. It will also cause them to hate us, and to see us as an offense.
As far as atheists hating God...From a believer's point of view there are only two root are either for God, or against Him. Now, I don't know who those people are. I am instructed to love all, be Truthful with all. I am not ashamed of Christ, and I do believe I have the Truth, and it would be silly, or hypocritical, to speak and act otherwise. This also seems to make people angry, the idea that believer's think they have an absolute Truth, but it will not make all people angry. For the unbeliever that is converted through it, it's a life line because it is nourishment for that individual...eternal life.
I also must tell you that as a believer, I do hate the concept of allah, because I believe he is real in the sense that he is one of the many tricks of the deceiver that causes men to fall for false teaching. I don't want anyone to miss out on eternal life with God, but satan's very goal is to take as many down with him as possible. So, in the same way unbeliever's see believers as duped, or deceived, and feel sad for them, or angry and frustrated with them, so also does the believer feel those things for the unbelievers who they know are deceived...we are supposed to feel composed and loving, but in our human-ness we fail in this at times. I speak for myself here, though, because some believer's are more mature and have grown to a point of love beyond mine. I hope you keep coming to the board, and keep asking us questions...challenging us, and maybe even challenging yourself.