Almost 10 years ago, I landed in a private, for profit mental hospital following a massive OD on xanax, klonopin, and ativan. I didn't know it then, but they electroshocked me. I was given more ECT less than 3 years later in another hospital in another part of the state. And now... I have a terrible reputation. I'm also a completely different person, only by Christ's grace. Somehow, I got saved 2 years ago. I say "somehow" because I was living in an electroshocked fairy land.
I'm just now waking up. Maybe I am awake, I dunno. Sometimes, I think there's an element of judgment in all this. That OD should have killed me. I didn't move towards Christ until after round #2 of involuntary ECT, after getting bashed on the head w/ a pipe in a bad part of the city. That should have killed me, too. Was a taste of God's judgment, His wrath a part of this? I dunno...
Strange...I'm lucid, I write well enough for Liberty, my cognitive skills have sharpened and seem to be getting better. The mental health pros who actually treat me say "recovery," and I agree. Recovery. Good enough. People around me say I "developed schizophrenia," ex-shrinks have shared all my confidential info with lots of people, blah blah blah.
I won't always write about this, I promise. Its just...I'm so low status around here, you know? Nobody wants to hear what I say. I think that's why I've posted here so much, why I talk to my older, wiser Pentecostal friend often, sometimes daily.
I pray I can move away sometime in the future. Can't right now. Misdemeanor probation, and that's a blessing. My newly affluent people hired a good attorney after bonding me out. I sent an ex-shrink emails about my treatment and such. Uppity mental patients don't last long in today's society, lol. Maybe we never have. Could have been a felony. Even with the "excellent attorney" (exact words of my sentencing judge), I was sentenced to the max for a class A misdemeanor, which was then suspended to probation. To be mad in America is to be a second class citizen...
But God is faithful and God is good (all the time). I do Orthomolecular now. Its this high dose vitamin, amino acid, mineral, and antioxidant combo originally developed for mental patients in 1950s canada. I know, kind of obscure, lol. Now that I'm more connected to reality, I kind of question the wisdom of popping all these vitamins (did I tell you that I take 12 grams of vitamin C daily?!?!). If it ain't broke, don't fix it...better all these vitamins than more and more pharmaceuticals.
As always, I'm beggin' for prayer. Pray that I wake up, fully. Pray that I stay free and safe, please. Pray that God directs my foot steps (and that I cooperate, lol).
Most of all...I guess I just need prayer to know that the nightmare, the ex-shrinks' reign of terror, the years of scorn and derision and contempt, have truly come to an end, or will sometime soon.