The Beast is here?


Jun 17, 2012
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I stumbled upon a video on youtube today, I think you need to see this...

This guys said he is the new Christ! Are you kidding me!? The bible warns us of these kinds of people.

To set it all off, he has "many followers", all of which get "the mark of the beast" tattoo'd on there arm. He says the mark means the coming of the "new" Christ.

Jesus have mercy.
I stumbled upon a video on youtube today, I think you need to see this...

This guys said he is the new Christ! Are you kidding me!? The bible warns us of these kinds of people.

To set it all off, he has "many followers", all of which get "the mark of the beast" tattoo'd on there arm. He says the mark means the coming of the "new" Christ.

Jesus have mercy.

Hi, I see this as END TIMES in that Dan. 2 + Dan. 7 has Dan. 7 with a little more Truth (light!:yes) using the same four world empired as BEAST Governments. And Rev. 13 finds one world Government changing from [Lamb/like] to [dragon/like].

So USA as 'i' see it is still the greatest country in the world [at present], but will very shortly become a dragon like country. And as 'i' see it, that means a Christless Rev. 17:1-5 Church needing the Power of Caesar to enforce 666.

And every bit of this kind of nonsense continues because the church has misinterpreted and mistranslated Christ's words spoken almost 2,000 years ago:

"Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom ." Matthew 16:28 (NASB)

He came "in His kingdom" in 70 AD. The fact that people refuse to accept this only gives charlatans and false teachers all the wiggle room they need to dupe the masses. :nono2
What a joke...I could go and claim the same crap...means nothing. What a power/moneygrab
What a joke...I could go and claim the same crap...means nothing. What a power/moneygrab

Seriously. As soon as I heard what "his" description of 666 was, I was like :shame . If people will believe that, they will believe ANYTHING.

This is why when the beast really comes, he will have quite an easy time manipulating people.
Seriously. As soon as I heard what "his" description of 666 was, I was like :shame . If people will believe that, they will believe ANYTHING.

This is why when the beast really comes, he will have quite an easy time manipulating people.

And why not??? God has Governments seen as beasts. (Dan. 7)
USA is (was) built on Religious freedom.
The Rev. 17:1-5 ones are prophesied as apostate in their last stand. USA were the lamblike beast at our start, & are again made up of these 'ones' finished prophesied Ending.

Even Rev. 17:1 mother must be the Power/House of the now beasts Supreme Court.

AND: Who but these ones will be in unity to force worship? And again, what is about the only thing that these ones agree on beside that of their Christless churches needing the power of Government??? OK: So now enters that of sunday worship?

And yes, that will be the repeated TEST! (Eccl. 3:15 + James 2:10 as seen in Exod. 16:4 + ibid 27-28!)
This is why when the beast really comes, he will have quite an easy time manipulating people.

The beast already came. His name was Nero. :nono2
And why not??? God has Governments seen as beasts. (Dan. 7)
USA is (was) built on Religious freedom.
The Rev. 17:1-5 ones are prophesied as apostate in their last stand. USA were the lamblike beast at our start, & are again made up of these 'ones' finished prophesied Ending.

Even Rev. 17:1 mother must be the Power/House of the now beasts Supreme Court.

AND: Who but these ones will be in unity to force worship? And again, what is about the only thing that these ones agree on beside that of their Christless churches needing the power of Government??? OK: So now enters that of sunday worship?

And yes, that will be the repeated TEST! (Eccl. 3:15 + James 2:10 as seen in Exod. 16:4 + ibid 27-28!)

Me again:
And what causes the beast to get all stired up?? The removal of the Lord's protection on earth. Matt. 24:21 on has all of satan's little hell break loose that he is the cause of! And then the 'unified' christless ones of Rev. 17:1-5 see that they must appease God in some way of an revival type reformation (except real Godly REFORM!) to have these JUDGEMENTS STOPPED! Remember now God has told us that these all are the ABOMINATION OF THE EARTH ONES of Rev. 17:1-5!!

And these ones need POWER to have their worship forced. [Church/State masses!]

And every bit of this kind of nonsense continues because the church has misinterpreted and mistranslated Christ's words spoken almost 2,000 years ago:

"Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom ." Matthew 16:28 (NASB)

He came "in His kingdom" in 70 AD. The fact that people refuse to accept this only gives charlatans and false teachers all the wiggle room they need to dupe the masses. :nono2

Storm, you are wrong, you have a isolationist mindset which in my book is a tell tail sign. " for example, I am right and all of you are wrong". I would encourage you to fast a day or sweets for a week, during your fast ask the Lord directly about it, he will answer. This is a direct response to you saying that He came in his kingdom in 70 AD, not related at all to the You tube false christ.
He might be a false-prophet, but he is not the one described in the biblical prophecies. The final actual anti-christ is involved with the government / Illuminati / Vatican. He is probably a tribute / diversion though.
He might be a false-prophet, but he is not the one described in the biblical prophecies. The final actual anti-christ is involved with the government / Illuminati / Vatican. He is probably a tribute / diversion though.

And guess what?:chin His men of the 666 'agenda' are most likely standing behind many of the Rev. 17:1-5 pulpits as we speak! (*+ a USA Supreme Court mostly full of them, and at both ends of USA Government.

Everyone thought Jesus was a false prophet too.

Not everyone. It is still the same today. Jesus could come back, raise people from the dead, cure diseases, and you still would have a select group of ignorant people who choose to try to disprove every miracle he performs.

Fortunately for us, we know this guy is a fake, the bible warns us about these people.