So is there a Christian Standard - set by the bible or GOD, maybe? If there is, then why the several denoms things and bitter disagreements ...within?
the 'Christian Standard' has not been the Biblical Standard, set by the Bible or by God, since before 300 a.d.
(so much so, it is as Eugene Peterson puts it in The Message "SURPRISE! SALVATION COMES" when salvation comes !
when salvation came to me, I was SURPRISED!, as I had been a 'perfect' church goer all my life,
and was told all along I was saved. instead of what the Bible Standard is, and what the Bible says, or what Jesus says.)
that's why there's so many different 'denoms things' and 'bitter disagreements'(even killing, since 3xx a.d., "in Christ's Name" but not of Christ.
in the body of Christ, there is union in Christ, unity by the grace of God, healing by the grace of God, in faith (not taught in 'the Christian Standard') , and what is is the Bible is seen in the body of Christ, few places though it is.