YOU evolutionists against US 6000 year old earth creationists.
Just curious. How would you classify me in that black and white dichotomy? No need to respond unless you wanna. I don't see myself as either.
I think you told me you are a half N Half
[Nope, that is what you heard not what I said], or one who see evolution
[I doubt that I used the term evolution in regard to my belief, it's possible but I doubt it] to mean changes on what you'd call generally a micro-level
[I don't use that term], but that the Spontaneous Generation [
Nope, not that term either]of the major branches of the biological Tree of Life [
sorry, I don't use that term, have not said that] all took place on the 3rd day for the Plant Kingdom members and on the 5th and 6th day for the Animal Kingdom Members
[That may be close to what I believe but I doubt that you could find a quote of me saying that either].
You would say that there were 22 links in the ascent
[Never said that, can't say that I would either] to the modern men who lived to amazingly ripe old ages such as 950 years.
Their relatives all died in the flood.
Only four of these hardy ancestors to us, living today, survived an actual flood of water.
[Never said that either. Noah and his family? Okay. Only four? I've not said this]
You would say that God does not mention Neanderthal man
[I would not say this] who inbreed with us
[Never said that either], and there is no connection between that science and the story of hybridizations
[those are certainly not my words] as described in Gen 6:4.
You would have some out of hand explanation for who the "daughters of men" were as opposed to the sons-of-God who married them
[I can't recall talking about that except to say that Jesus said that angels do not marry], and you would never identify the "mighty ones" who were born to those daughters as Neanderthals who were the dominate species until Modern Homo sapiens appeared
[true enough, I've never said that and doubt that I ever will, I think that I'd call them 'giants' or 'mighty men' or possibly 'men of renown,' but only time will tell].
You would say that the 22 now extinct humans described by the paleontologists were just ape
[Nope, again not my words and not something I would say. Strange, it sounds like something might think about but not me], and their ever larger skulls implied no gradual development of a better and better brain.
You would say that these apes who had only 23 chromosomes were little different from the apes who all have 24 chromosomes
[No. Not something I would say and I have spoken to you about this directly. You even replied].
You would say that humans with 23 chromosomes are human, but apes can have 24 pairs or 23 pairs and still both be common apes
[No. But I suspect that you've been talking to yourself about this?].
You would say that water flooded the earth to the tops of the mountains, 5miles straight up, about as high modern Jet Liners fly today
[I have said that fossils and sedimentary rock has been found on the very tops of mounts, but I have not said any such thing as you have alleged].
You would say that every animal living today is related genetically to two parents who lived no farther back in time than 6000 years ago
[Absolutely not].
You would deny modern dating testing, and attribute fossils to creatures that were around 6000 years old when they disappeared forever from the living world of today
[I'm still studying this. Have not reached that conclusion nor would I deny any such thing].
You would insist that god's commandment that all the Plants/Animals should appear means an immediate, Spontaneously Generation
[Not my term and no, I would not and do not insist on any such thing. I do insist on one thing but you have not guessed it here], instantaneously, and requires that the read believe that no such process as an orderly evolution was meant.
You would say that there is absolutely no other way to read the plain and simple words in Genesis 1:11:
11 And God said, Let the earth (immediately) bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so, (with a Spontaneous Generation of Grass, every kind of seed, every kind of fruit tree including those now extinct).