Hi Hiedi,
I wonder if one statemnet you made means that you have a restriction of visual sight? You said in one post that your husband "read" to you...... if you have such a restriction I can understand better why you have trouble in certain things concerning skeleton remains and the origin of man.
I hope I am wrong in this assumption.
Anyway just one more time...humans are animals. End of story. Any living thing on planet earth is either PLANT or ANIMAL. Those are the main classifications of living things.
Now since you bring up the 'giants' from the OT, let's switch to some archeology finds of hominoids who are smaller than present day man, smaleer and very sloped forehead. Their foreheads will not accomidate modern mans brain size either. How did that change, Heidi and when did it change?
You mentionm a mizstake made in the aging of bones somewhere...That is not a unique occurance. Humans make mistakes evry day, what's new about that? Theere are a lot more cases thatn that one where aging has been mis interpreted. The point is they all haven't been.
Are you familiar of the dry creek bed in Texas which has dinosaur tracks in some part of it? One creationist went there, apparently, and tried to falsely inject some human footprints in with it.. Happens all the time.
SO forget that there is a few incorrect experiments out there. There are a few incorrect interpretations of the bible too. The best proof is to drive to some museum of natural history and see for yourself.
I wonder if one statemnet you made means that you have a restriction of visual sight? You said in one post that your husband "read" to you...... if you have such a restriction I can understand better why you have trouble in certain things concerning skeleton remains and the origin of man.
I hope I am wrong in this assumption.
Anyway just one more time...humans are animals. End of story. Any living thing on planet earth is either PLANT or ANIMAL. Those are the main classifications of living things.
Now since you bring up the 'giants' from the OT, let's switch to some archeology finds of hominoids who are smaller than present day man, smaleer and very sloped forehead. Their foreheads will not accomidate modern mans brain size either. How did that change, Heidi and when did it change?
You mentionm a mizstake made in the aging of bones somewhere...That is not a unique occurance. Humans make mistakes evry day, what's new about that? Theere are a lot more cases thatn that one where aging has been mis interpreted. The point is they all haven't been.
Are you familiar of the dry creek bed in Texas which has dinosaur tracks in some part of it? One creationist went there, apparently, and tried to falsely inject some human footprints in with it.. Happens all the time.
SO forget that there is a few incorrect experiments out there. There are a few incorrect interpretations of the bible too. The best proof is to drive to some museum of natural history and see for yourself.