Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
- 23,344
- 5,951
There is a book written by Otto L.Bettmann titled "The Good Old Days,they were terrible" describes and does away with many myths about life in America from the end of the Civil war until the early 1900s when everything in life was a struggle from the time one opened their eyes in the morning until they closed them at night....miserable conditions,unbelievable filth and squalor and short lives full of back breaking work, misery and suffering and corruption on a scale that equals or exceeds that we have today....nothing has changed except people live in decent homes and can if they wish live a comfortable life instead of living like an Animal....i'm glad I live in this time.
It's true.
For all the grief we give the Left, it's only because of what we would call 'leftist ideas' that the power of merciless business men has been reigned in so the common man can find some kind of justice in the world today.