Scripture says that there are false teachers, false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, even people who cast out demons and such in His name...
and this will be the case till Harvest time, wheat and tares, growing up together. meanwhile...
Barna, the data crunching company that keeps tabs on US Christianity (I don't know about international data, sorry) puts the % of US residents with a (Protestant) Christian worldview at or a bit under 6%, with considerable regional variation (higher in the southeast...I think low in the west, maybe?), and the % of professed Born Again Christians who meet the basic criteria for a Christian worldview at about 1 in 4. Even among church leaders, it seems that there's a good % who don't actually believe The Good News, with some denominations having more of a problem with godless leaders in the priestly class than others.
so, for an atheist to point to a Christian and criticize is a) to be expected and b) based on Scripture, not a condemnation of those who love The Lord, because odds are stacked against even a regular church goer in today's society being truly Born Again, etc. Not that I'm here to point and criticize in holier than thou style...
My worldview is a work in progress, most definitely. worldview is a product of my faith, which I believe is, in and of itself, a work of and blessing from The Lord....but " out your salvation with fear and trembling...," its an ongoing process, amen.
ramble's a link :