So says you, but there is nothing to suggest that you have a soul or even a spirit.
there is a recent study which has provided convincing proof that consciousness continues after the brain has stopped functioning and a person is clinically dead: S. Parnia, D.G. Waller, R. Yeates, and P. Fenwick, "A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of the Incidence, Features and Aetiology of Near-Death Experience in Cardiac Arrest Survivors," Resuscitation (February 2001)
and there's more:
"What Is consciousness?" on the television program Closer to Truth, first aired June 2000.
Sam Parnia, "Near Death Experiences in Cardiac Arrest and the Mystery of Consciousness," available at ... ia_nde.htm (accessed June 13, 2003)
Sarah Tippit, "Scientist Says Mind Continues After Brain Dies."
Gary R. Habermas and J.P. Moreland, Beyond Death, 155-218, and Patrick Glynn, God: The Evidence (Rocklin, Calif.: Forum, 1997), 99-137.
"What Is Consciousness?" on Closer to Truth.
Antonio R. Damasio, "How the Brain Creates the Mind," Scientific American (December 1999).
John C. Eccles, The Human Mystery (New York: Spinger-Verlag, 1979), vii, quoted in: Robert M. Augros and George N. Stanciu, The New Story of Science, 171.
"Do Brains Make Minds?" on Closer to Truth.Arthur C. Custance, The Mysterious Matter of Mind, 90.
there's more, but i'm tired of typing.