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The end is near, i have hardcore proof...

i am an ex-satanist who has recently come to christ, part of the things i learned in this is that the end and the anti-christ and the "beast" are VERY NEAR possibly as close as 2012-2015 now i dont know when the end will be, but i do know that there will be an anti-christ, there will be a "mark of the beast" and you will NOT be able to buy or sell without it because it will replace all forms of currency and credit cards be used for medical records, tracking etc, this will be a small chip implanted under the skin. this will happen worldwide as there is going to be a new world order that will be a planet-wide form of government, this will also entail a "feel good" one world religion similar to new age type stuff. the whole war in iraq is not against terrorism, it is against islam. islam is a huge threat to satan and the NWO and it will be systematically destroyed so please people, stop saying islam is the "anti-christ" it's not, im not pointing fingers here, i just know alot of christians have said islam is the anti-christ, the beast etc etc. Obama is not a christian man, don't let him fool you, he is part of the NWO and part of the illuminati (yes this organization does exist) now im not sure if he will be the anti-christ or the beast or anything i do know he is ushering in the NWO though with his "it's time for a change" crap. im sorry to say this folks but the world is literally going to hell, the end is near and times are going to be tough.

just thought i would pull the curtain on the proverbial wizard here.
No dates can be set, is this from a biblical pov or the originazation you were once in. Islam to many christian is not the anti christ. At least not to me.
this is from the satanic organization i was in, like i said this is fact, not speculation this will happen, nothing can stop it, although of course the bible says it will only last 3 months THANK GOD this is going to be hell

and no dates can be set about the return of christ, but i can assure u in 2012 something major will ahppen and the world will never be the same
no, 2012 is too concidental with the date of the mayan calender, not a biblical source, could all the rapture and tribulaton occur by then, possible. I just think that the 2012 thing is a litlle coincendental with the mayan calendar and the movie on such. The tribualation will last seven yrs not 3 mos.
2012 and the prophecy of the mayan calender have nothing to do with this, i am telling you all the facts, as i have said, not speculation. i was involved in this orginization and have had many conversations with those who are considered "elites" there is a huge plan being put into motion and it will be the beginning of the anti-christ, the beast, etc etc now these people beleive christ will withdraw his second coming because the world will obviously be "lawfully satans".

and thanks for correcting me on the 7 years, but what im saying about the information i have on this is not even from the bible, it's the actual plans of the satanic organization (will not divulge the name sorry)
this orginization has been around for thousands of years operating in the shadows, planning for this.
M't:12:25: And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
M't:12:26: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
yepimonfire said:
2012 and the prophecy of the mayan calender have nothing to do with this, i am telling you all the facts, as i have said, not speculation.

I am not going to respond to your "timeframe", but there is no "Mayan prophesy". The calendar just ended in 2012. This does not mean they predicted ANYTHING...

Place your faith in Christ and don't worry too much about the "End Times". Perhaps you are correct, some may set things in motion in 2012, but whether this is connected in any way to the Bible's prophesy is impossible to "know for sure".

The Bible does not give the day or the hour but it certainly give us signs to know the time frame. That is the purpose of the signs in Matthew 24. Christ wanted us to know.
2012 is nothing more than the completion of a cycle. They had to end it some where. There is one thing though, when Yahshua was about 12 years old, that is when he first came to the temple. So 2012/2014 is like an anniversary date.

First of all, glad your on our side :thumb

So far youve said 2012 is a big year. To me its seems a little coincidental with the film to be honest, a little overt for my liking.

Are you able to elaborate on what you have said or go into more detail about your experiences and/or what you have heard? Why won't you name this satanic organization?
yepimonfire said:
i am an ex-satanist who has recently come to christ, part of the things i learned in this is that the end and the anti-christ and the "beast" are VERY NEAR

1) good 4 you for being an EX Satanist :thumb

2) ALL the apostles and Christ Himself claimed the end was VERY NEAR to them 2000 years ago.

Given that fact, What does an ex satanist in 2010 know that Christ and the apostles were ignorant of?
parousia70 said:
yepimonfire said:
i am an ex-satanist who has recently come to christ, part of the things i learned in this is that the end and the anti-christ and the "beast" are VERY NEAR

1) good 4 you for being an EX Satanist :thumb

2) ALL the apostles and Christ Himself claimed the end was VERY NEAR to them 2000 years ago.

Given that fact, What does an ex satanist in 2010 know that Christ and the apostles were ignorant of?

The apostles meant the end of Jerusalem, and it did fall... This explains the 2 ''ends''
="yepimonfire"]i am an ex-satanist who has recently come to christ, part of the things i learned in this is that the end and the anti-christ and the "beast" are VERY NEAR possibly as close as 2012-2015 now i dont know when the end will be, but i do know that there will be an anti-christ, there will be a "mark of the beast" and you will NOT be able to buy or sell without it because it will replace all forms of currency and credit cards be used for medical records, tracking etc, this will be a small chip implanted under the skin. this will happen worldwide as there is going to be a new world order that will be a planet-wide form of government, this will also entail a "feel good" one world religion similar to new age type stuff. the whole war in iraq is not against terrorism, it is against islam. islam is a huge threat to satan and the NWO and it will be systematically destroyed so please people, stop saying islam is the "anti-christ" it's not, im not pointing fingers here, i just know alot of christians have said islam is the anti-christ, the beast etc etc. Obama is not a christian man, don't let him fool you, he is part of the NWO and part of the illuminati (yes this organization does exist) now im not sure if he will be the anti-christ or the beast or anything i do know he is ushering in the NWO though with his "it's time for a change" crap. im sorry to say this folks but the world is literally going to hell, the end is near and times are going to be tough.

Proof that the end is near can be summed up in one sentence, and that sentence is, the election of a black man to the U.S. Presidency, or, as Daniel put it in chapter 12 verse 7, "and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people (of the European American Christian people), all these things shall be finished."
lenbache said:
="yepimonfire"]i am an ex-satanist who has recently come to christ, part of the things i learned in this is that the end and the anti-christ and the "beast" are VERY NEAR possibly as close as 2012-2015 now i dont know when the end will be, but i do know that there will be an anti-christ, there will be a "mark of the beast" and you will NOT be able to buy or sell without it because it will replace all forms of currency and credit cards be used for medical records, tracking etc, this will be a small chip implanted under the skin. this will happen worldwide as there is going to be a new world order that will be a planet-wide form of government, this will also entail a "feel good" one world religion similar to new age type stuff. the whole war in iraq is not against terrorism, it is against islam. islam is a huge threat to satan and the NWO and it will be systematically destroyed so please people, stop saying islam is the "anti-christ" it's not, im not pointing fingers here, i just know alot of christians have said islam is the anti-christ, the beast etc etc. Obama is not a christian man, don't let him fool you, he is part of the NWO and part of the illuminati (yes this organization does exist) now im not sure if he will be the anti-christ or the beast or anything i do know he is ushering in the NWO though with his "it's time for a change" crap. im sorry to say this folks but the world is literally going to hell, the end is near and times are going to be tough.

Proof that the end is near can be summed up in one sentence, and that sentence is, the election of a black man to the U.S. Presidency, or, as Daniel put it in chapter 12 verse 7, "and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people (of the European American Christian people), all these things shall be finished."

You got to be kidding... :crazy

I've never seen such odd-ball eigesis in my life...

You got to be kidding... :crazy

I've never seen such odd-ball eigesis in my life...

You wouldn't think it odd if you had eyes to see that Babylon the great is America, and that the ten-horns or man of lawlessness upon America, is the black man.
lenbache said:
lenbache said:
Proof that the end is near can be summed up in one sentence, and that sentence is, the election of a black man to the U.S. Presidency, or, as Daniel put it in chapter 12 verse 7, "and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people (of the European American Christian people), all these things shall be finished."
francisdesales said:
You got to be kidding... :crazy

I've never seen such odd-ball eigesis in my life...

You wouldn't think it odd if you had eyes to see that Babylon the great is America, and that the ten-horns or man of lawlessness upon America, is the black man.
While not black myself, I am extremely offended by that statement, as well as your earlier statement that European-American (aka white) Christians are the "holy people." I would like to remind you that:

a) Barack Obama is not "black." People refer to him as black because he looks more black than white, and when you're talking about his election to the office of president, it sounds more significant and impressive to call him black. Obama is half-and-half- and, by the way, that other half happens to be European-American. A.K.A. white.

b) We are made holy before God through the acceptance of Jesus Christ and by following his commands, not by race. Don't you ever assume that your race makes you holy or righteous, for "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." ALL. Not just "the black man." (May I ask, when you say "the black man", are you referring to a specific man- Obama?- or the black population?)

I apologize if I have assumed the wrong thing about you or misunderstood you, but you must not say such blatantly racist things. If you can show that what you said has a basis in Scripture, and is not contrived from your or someone else's mistaken understanding alone, then this conflict will be easily resolved. If not, I must ask you to apologize for your offensive statements and then hit the Book with a clear mind and a pure heart.