self-will is idolatry / witchcraft. free will is a gift in Christ Jesus from Abba to all those chosen by Him, who seek Him and are immersed in Him and do His Will freely and joyfully. those who don't serve Him don't have free will, even if they think they do, and they act like it, and they say they do, but they don't, and their lives are forfeit.
the conflicts on earth are required, understood, necessary, and all foreseen by God - nothing surprised Him.
the untied states, supposed "free" and "best" country on earth, has one of the worst track records of oppression, corruption, and destruction of families and true faith in little ones and older ones.
in the communist and socialist and other countries, where living is under much harder circumstances,
the believers in Jesus are freely and joyfully obeying His commands, sharing with one another their lives, laying down their lives daily for one another and for others, even for their enemies.
the believers in Jesus are freely and joyfully accepting their circumstances in God's Plan,
they are praying fervently for the people in the untied states because of the lack of spiritual body in the untied states,
they are praying fervently for the people in the untied states because of the lack of faithfulness in the believers in the untied states.
so, if Abraham had done differently, well, if there were not such conflicts, the evidence of people's lives is that there would be fewer faithful and tested and proven and rejoicing in suffering and serving the Master Jesus Christ - and there would be more indulging in self-will, selfishness, and in many more false teaching/doctrines/lives/ways - idolatry and witchcraft....
oh, there are ekklesia in the untied states, Yhwh willing, as He Promised He would have someone in every place with a true testimony of Jesus (so no one could have an excuse that it was impossible to serve Him, to have faith in Him, to believe Him in such a country).
just as there are ekklesia in every country, Yhwh willing,
and anyone, anywhere, who seeks the Creator, will find Him. just in the untied states, it is very rare, much more rare than people expect, as so many are deceived and remain willingly deceived in order to continue to have the comforts they have.