westtexas said:
(THE) said:
Morning O
chp is not a retelling of chp one,,,,,
In chp 1 we have mankind being created,,,in chp 2 we have the man Adam (eth-ha-adam) being formed....
In chp 1 we have wild animals,,,in chp 2 we have domestic.....
In chp 1 there is no mention of the tree of knowledge,,,,in chp 2 it is brung to Adams attention....
Chp 1 is the rejuvenation of the earth and creating mankind and wild animals....
chp 2 is the forming of Adam,,,and Eve so the Christ can be born through them.....
Let me make sure I understand what you are saying before I say that I don't agree with any of it. If I understand you correctly you believe that Gen. 1:24 and 25 God created wild animals (but not domestic animals) and Gen. 1:26 and 27 God created mankind (but not Adam and Eve) on day 6 of creation. And then in Gen. 2:18-23 God formed Adam and Eve and domestic animals on day 8 of creation? So you believe that God created mankind before He created Adam and Eve and that there are a minimum of 8 days of creation in order to accomplish this. Correct?
I think you pretty much got it,,,,,sorry you dont agree,,,but the bible is clear is clear,,,and if you just use a little hebrew it confirms,,,lets review.....
Gen 1:26-27
26 And God said, Let us make man (?????? ) "'adam is man, any man, men, mankind" in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
as you can see,, the word "'adam" means mankind,,,,,are you going to tell me that it doesnt??????
(?????? ) "'adam is man, any man, men, mankind
So in Genesis 1 God "CREATED" mankind.....
Lets look at Genesis 2
7 And the LORD God formed man 'eth haa-'adam with the Article & Particle is this particular man Adam)...... of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. KJV
The herbew uses articel and particle this lets the reader no when you see the word (man) whether or not we are reffering to a certain man or mankind or men in general......
In Genesis 1:26 we see the word "man" but it doesnt have article or particle,,,this lets us no that we are talking about mankind as a whole.....
In Genesis 2 we see the word man with the article and particle (eth-ha-adam) this means were talking about a certain man a particula man that Christ would come through.....
Just because you see the word "man" in Genesis,,,you cant assume thats Adam the husband of Eve.....THe Hebrew makes it very clear......
So if you believe I am wrong maybe you can tell me where my error is,,,,,,because from my studys I come up with ,,,
Gen 1:26 ('adam) mankind,,, men in general,,,,no article no particle......
Genesis 2:7 (ha-adam) with the article no particle,,,means the man being spoken of (the man)
Geneis 2:7 (eth-ha-adam) with the Article & Particle is this particular man Adam,,,,a certain man,,the man that would lead to the Christ.....
insert:::::: There are four principal Hebrew words rendered "man", and these must be carefully discriminated. Every occurrence is noted in the margin of The Companion Bible. They represent him from four different points of view :--
1. 'Adam, denotes his origin, as being made from the "dust of the Adamah" ground (Lat. homo).
2. 'Ish, has regard to sex, a male (Lat. vir).
3. 'Enosh, has regard to his infirmities, as physically mortal, and as to character, incurable.
4. Geber, has respect to his strength, a mighty man.
I. 'Adam, without the article, denotes man or mankind in general (Gen. 1:26; 2:5; 5:1, followed by plural pronoun). With the article, it denotes the man, Adam, though rendered "man" in Gen. 1:27; 2:7 (twice), 8, 15, 16, 19 (marg.), 22 (twice); 3:12, 22, 24; 5:1; 6:1 (rendered "men"), 2, 3, 4. After this, the Hebrew 'Adam = man or men, is used of the descendants of Adam. Hence, Christ is called "the son of Adam", not a son of Enosh.
With the particle ha ('eth) in addition to the article it is very emphatic, and means self, very, this same, this very. See Gen. 2:7 (first occurrence), 8, 15.
Rendered in the Septuagint anqrwpos (anthropos) 411 times; ajnhvr (aner) eighteen times (fifteen times in Proverbs); brotovs (brotos), mortal (all in Job); once ghgehvs (gegenes), earth-born, Jer. 32:20.
II. 'Ish. First occurrence in feminine, Gen. 2:23, 'ishah = woman. Therefore, 'ish = male, or husband; a man, in contrast with a woman. A great man in contrast with ordinary men (Ps. 49:2, where "low" are called the children of Adam, and the "high" = children of 'ish. So Ps. 62:9 and Isa. 2:9; 5:15; 31:8). When God is spoken of as man, it is 'ish (Ex. 15:3. So Josh. 5:13. Dan. 9:21; 10:5; 12:6, 7. Zech. 1:8, &c.). Also, in such expressions as "man of God", "man of understanding", &c. In the early chapters of Genesis we have it in chapters 3:33, 34 and 4:1.
Translated in Septuagint 1,083 times by ajnhvr (aner), Latin vir, and only 450 by anqrwpos (anthropos), Latin homo.
It is rendered "husband" sixty-nine times, "person" twelve times, and once or twice each in thirty-nine different ways.
III. 'Enosh. First occurrence Gen. 6:4, men of name. Always in a bad sense (Isa. 5:22; 45:14. Judg. 18:25). Morally = depraved, and physically = frail, weak. It is from 'anash, to be sick, wretched, weak, and denotes inability, for strength, physically; and for good, morally (cp. 2Sam. 12:15. Job 34:6. Jer. 15:18; 17:9; 30:12, 15. Mic. 1:9). Note the contrasts, Isa. 2:11 and 17, "The lofty looks of man ('Adam) shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men ('Enosh) shall be bowed down" (Cp. Isa. 13:12. Job 25:6. Ps. 8:4; 90:3; 144:3. Job 4:17; 10:5; 7:17. Dan. 4:16). Other instructive passages are Isa. 8:1; 66:24. Ezek. 24:17 (afflicted, or mourners. Cp. Jer. 17:16, "day of man"). In 1Sam. 4:9 it is probably plural of 'Ish (so probably Gen. 18 and 19, where the indefinite plural must be interpreted by the context, because 'Adam would have denoted human, and 'Ish, males).
It is rendered "man" 518 times, "certain" eleven times, and once or twice each in twenty-four other and different ways.
IV. Geber. First occurrence in Gen. 6:4 (*1), mighty men, and denotes man in respect of his physical strength, as 'Enosh does in respect of the depravity of his nature. It is rendered "man" sixty-seven times, "mighty" twice, "man-child" once, "every one" once. In the Septuagint rendered fourteen times anqrwpos (anthropos) and the rest by ajnhvr (aner).
For illustrative passages see Ex. 10:11; 12:37. 1Sam. 16:18. 2Sam. 23:1. Num. 24:3, 15. 1Chron. 26:12; 28:1. 2Chron. 13:3. Ezra 4:21; 5:4, 10; 6:8.
V. Methim (plural) = adults as distinguished from children, and males as distinguished from females. Occurs Gen. 34:30. Deut. 2:34; 3:6; 4:27; 26:5; 28:62; 33:6. 1Chron. 16:19. Job 11:3, 11; 19:19; 22:15; 24:12; 31:31. Ps. 17:14; 26:4; 105:12. Isa. 3:25; 5:13; 41:14. Jer. 44:28.
(*1) In Gen. 6:4, we have three out of the above four words : "daughters of men" ( = daughters of [the man] 'Adam; "mighty men" = (geber); "men of renown" = Heb. men ('Enosh) of name, i.e. renowned for their moral depravity.
Maybe we can loo at the animals that were formed and the animals that were created and see if they are the same?????
Because I believe I just proved the men created are,,,, and is not the particlar man formed,, (Adam)