westtexas said:
(THE) said:
Bullinger was a great scholar and was the only man allowed to translate the Massorah into english,,,so from that you see why he held in such high esteem......But hes a MAN,,,,men make mistakes,,,,and he made this one along with others......
I personally don't think he has made a mistake. You are the one who has used Mr. Bullinger as an authority on ancient Hebrew translation. Now that he does not agree with YOUR point of view, he has made a mistake. Mr. Bullinger makes it very clear that the man formed in 2:7 is the same man who was created in 1:26 and 27.
Sounds like your being stubborn,,,,Bullinger said the first occurance of eth is in Genesis 2:7,,,how many time have I shown you this????????????????????????????????????????
Then he said (eth) is in Genesis 1 ,,,you cant have it both ways..................
Sorry but I check out everything a man says I dont care if there a scholar or not,,,wrong is wrong......
ummmmmm Bullinger is a man that made a mistake......Yes he is a authority in Hebrew that doesnt measn he makes mistakes.......Bullinger studied under Ginsberg,,and from my knowledge Ginsberg understood the differance......But what ever the error is simple and many people have shown the err and heres one.......If you still think that Bullinger is correct after this,,,,,this subject is probably over your head.....
Insert ::::::::::::::::::::::
There is dilemma of sorts here. Not really a dilemma in the Scriptures, but a dilemma in the manner that we have taught them. And I myself am guilty of this. What I mean is that many (including us in the past) have placed so much emphasis on the 'eth haa-'aadam of Gen 2:7 that the matter becomes completely confused when we are met with an 'eth haa-'aadam here in Gen 1:27.
This (the 'eth haa-'aadam in Gen 1:27) can only seen by reading from the manuscripts themselves (which we include a picture of the text below for you to share) because the Hebrew Article and Particles are not always evident in the English Bible. In fact, the King James Bible leaves us high and dry here, for while in the Hebrew the word "man" in Gen 1:27 has BOTH the Article and the particle, the Bible prints it simply as "man" without even capitalizing it; i.e., "So God created man..." (Gen 1:27). It doesn't even say "the man" whereby we may have been alerted to the Article. So this is an error with many to blame.
And many of the greats have made this error; Pastor Murray doesn't teach it, Bullinger omits it in his appendix #14 of the Companion Bible: The Synonymous Words used for "Man" where he says:
"[Adam] [w]ith the particle ('eth) in addition to the article it is very emphatic, and means self, very, this same, this very,. See Genesis 2:7 (first occurrence), 8,15." [You notice that Bullinger failed to mention Gen 1:27]
But then in his footnotes in that same Companion Bible, for Gen 1:27 he says of this word "man":
"Here the Heb[rew] 'adam has the art[icle] and the demonstrative Heb[rew] 'eth [the particle], to indicate that the man Adam created in [Gen]2:7 was the man purposed here."
Bullinger was wrong in his assumption that they were speaking of the same man, for he did not know of the two creation events, but he did notice the article and the particle here but omitted it in his above appendix. So we are not alone in this confusion, but nevertheless, when one discovers that he has left something amiss, and that correction is needed, it is best to simply make the correction and move on. No man is perfect.
The Hebrew Particle is unrepresented in the English so that it does not appear in many transliterated works. The Particle is an actual Strong's word and it's definition is as follows:
(The Particle): Hebrew word #:853 'eth (ayth); apparent contracted from [Hebrew word #]226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self, (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely): KJV - [as such unrepresented in English].
The different forms of the Hebrew word 'adaam
(Note: The Hebrew characters are reversed
from our English, and read right to left)
'adam is man, any man, men, mankind.
haa-'adam with the Article is the man.
'eth haa-'adam with the Article & Particle is this particular man Adam.
I know that it seems like the definitions are 'splitting hairs,' but it is much easier to understand these words and their different meanings and weights & values when viewing them in a Scripture:
Gen 1:26-27
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. KJV
Gen 2:7
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. KJV
Because of the way that we and others have taught it, it has come to mean in the students mind that 'eth haa Aadam is like Adam's proper full name or something, like my name is Nick Goggin. But this is not the case. 'eth haa Aadam does not mean Mr. Adam Eden. While the man Adam from the Garden of Eden may be properly called 'eth haa Aadam, it does not mean that it is his proper name.
Literally, 'eth haa Aadam, means This same man (that particular being spoken of). So that:
in Gen 2:7 we know that "This same man" is talking about the one that the Lord God formed in the Garden of Eden;
however, and but, the 'eth haa Aadam "This same man" in Gen 1:27 is speaking of the male of the species who was created in the image of God (which is male - all angels and God are male - there is no female form in a spiritual body). This can be seen by carefully reading the Scripture:
Gen 1:26-27
26 And God ['Elohiym] said, Let us make man ['adaam] in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God ['Elohiym] created man ['eth haa-'adaam] in his own image, in the image of God ['Elohiym] created he him; male and female created he them. KJV
In other words "in the image of God created he him" (the male), but "male and female created he them" (i.e., not in the image of 'Elohiym, but that both male and female were created at the same time).
In other words, indeed man (male) was created in the image of 'Elohiym (God), but the female, while being fully human and a created human being, was not in the image of the 'Elohiym.
In other words, God created the male whom He created, in his image; but the female that He created, He did not create in his image; i.e., women do not look like the angels, nor like God, nor like Jesus, for those were all male forms, and the women are female forms. Woman was created for this age so that the Sons of God (the angels) could be born into the flesh of our world (age). Males do not wombs. In Heaven all will be in male forms once again.
I wonder if I am getting my point across? If I am then you will be thinking to yourself how perfect the Word of God is, for it differentiates things that we don't even know are there (i.e., that females, while indeed being created by God, and blessed (vs. 28), are simply not in His image).
And that is no big mystery, for was not Jesus a male, circumcised on the eighth day, and yet He told His Disciples that when they saw Him they had seen God; i.e., God is male when in the flesh. Don't feel bad women, for even Eve was not in God's image but was rather taken from Adam. It boggles the mind to imagine how many other hidden truths are right there in the open within the Scriptures!
John 14:9
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? KJV
Luke 2:22-27
22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;
23(As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;
...27 And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him after the custom of the law, [circumcision] KJV
This will be much easier to understand for someone who is just learning of this, for those who have had the 'eth haa Aadam pounded into their heads as just about being as though the title was tantamount to being 'Mr. Adam Eden' must first unlearn the misconception before being able to relearn the clarity of the matter. We apologize for any contribution to the confusion that we may have caused in the past by over emphasizing the value of 'eth haa-Adam in the Scripture of Gen 2:7 without explaining the occurrence of the term in Gen 1:27. But we are happy to rectify it with the grace of God. Also, there are over three-hundred pages on this site and it could perchance be that this is not clearly brought out in some other place. This document takes precedence over any other discussion on the matter here on our site.
The 'eth haa Aadam of Genesis 1:27 & 2:7
Gen 1:27 - "So God created man...." (KJV)
Gen 2:7 - "And the LORD God formed man...." (KJV)
Source: INTERLINEAR TRANSLITERATED BIBLE Copyright ©1994 by Biblesoft. All rights reserved. OLD TESTAMENT: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Copyright ©1967/77, 1983 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft Stuttgart. Used by permission.
In both of the above we see Adam with BOTH the Article and the Particle. The Particle and Article in Gen 1:27 is to denote that the man (the male of the species) is made in the image of 'Elohiym (God) unlike the female;
but in Gen 2:7 the Article and the Particle are to denote that this particular man (on the eighth day) in the Garden was formed by Yehovah 'Elohiym (the Lord God) apart from the males created on the previous creation (on the sixth day).
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