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Bible Study The Flood


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Noah's flood was not world wide

Now, first let us see what the translators have done to what Moses originally wrote. You remember that the King James version says that the rain was upon "the earth" and the waters increased greatly upon "the earth": and that "all flesh died that moved upon the earth"? Definitely not! Remember that in Genesis 4:14, when God has driven Cain away in punishment for his murder of Abel, the King James version quotes Cain as saying, "Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth." So what did Cain do, climb into his rocket ship and take off for outer space? Of course not!! He was not driven from the face of "the earth", and he never said so, only the translators said so.

When we come to Genesis 7, where it is talking about the "flood", wherever it says that the flood covered "the earth", the Hebrew word used in the original writing by Moses was "eh-rats", meaning "the land". The flood did cover the particular land where it occurred. That is, it was a local flood which covered one particular region or land, not the whole earth.
onelove said:
the Hebrew word used in the original writing by Moses was "eh-rats", meaning "the land".

Land yes, and earth and world
(at large, or partitively a land)


onelove said:
"Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth."
Don't stop there, continue with the rest of Gen 4:14

Cain said:
... and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

Gen 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

Gen 4:14 Behold,2005 thou hast driven me out1644, (853) this day3117 from4480, 5921 the face6440 of the earth;127 and from thy face4480, 6440 shall I be hid;5641 and I shall be1961 a fugitive5128 and a vagabond5110 in the earth;776 and it shall come to pass,1961 that every one3605 that findeth4672 me shall slay2026 me.

127 not 776


"fugitive5128 and a vagabond5110 in the earth;776 and it shall come to pass,1961 that every one3605 that findeth4672 me shall slay2026 me."

776 here for all-inclusive.

For every website you can find for a local flood I can find one for a world-wide Flood.


And I'll let you know when I go there as you have. Thanks :)
Some don't post links at all.
If the flood was local, it raises some textual questions:

How could a local flood have been able to cover "all the high mountains everywhere under the heavens"? Genesis 7:19

Why would a local flood have resulted in the blotting out of every man, animal and even birds from the sky, leaving only those on the ark alive? 7:23

If the flood were local, presumably the water would have drained off to the ocean. Why would any local flood waters take as long as 150 days to drain low enough for those on the ark to leave? 7:24

It seems that if we are to accept that the flood was a local event, instead of a worldwide event, then we also must accept that Genesis is not written accurately.
I was watching a program this morning on the theory that a meteor distroyed the dinosaurs. Key to this theory is a thin stratum of iridium-rich clay that covers the earth Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. Now, the theory is that a meteor must have caused this layer of clay, because iridium is supposedly rare here on earth, but is a common metal found in meteorites. However, the earth's core is rich in iridium and volcano's to this day release iridium into the atmosphere.

We can probably surmise that volcanic activity was much more prevelent in our earth's earliest days. Since iridium is the one of the most dense elements on this planet, and in water, the most dense elements tend to layer at the bottom, isn't it at least likely that an event such as a flood would result in an iridium-rich layer of silt?

Since science at least accepts as a working hypothesis that this layer of clay is evidence of a large meteor impact, why is it so hard for science to accept that this layer of clay is can also be evidence of a world wide flood?

For every website you can find for a local flood I can find one for a world-wide Flood.

You are very much correct,you are also correct in the usage of the words used for earth in Gen chapter 7,so I stand corrected.

127 not 776

However,I still feel that the flood was not global,will post why I feel this way in my next post,and from me not a website.

Thanks for your response
handy said:
I was watching a program this morning on the theory that a meteor distroyed the dinosaurs. Key to this theory is a thin stratum of iridium-rich clay that covers the earth Cretaceous and Tertiary periods. .. isn't it at least likely that an event such as a flood would result in an iridium-rich layer of silt?

Since science at least accepts as a working hypothesis that this layer of clay is evidence of a large meteor impact, why is it so hard for science to accept that this layer of clay is can also be evidence of a world wide flood?

Hi Handy

I think I saw the same program you describe, about the worldwide layer at the KT boundary when the dinosaurs went extinct. I think you are on the right track with this thought process, but I think that Adam was created after the Meteor impact/Worldwide flood had destroyed the dinosaurs. I.e. the Genesis account begins the Cretaceous period. Is there another worldwide boundary like the KT boundary (iridium rich, Cretacious/Tertiary) which was left behind in Noahs flood?

I think the whole earth was flooded, otherwise what is the point of God marching animals in two by two, and saving 8 men on a boat, if other animals and men were living elsewhere to repopulate the earth.

Also, the latest Genographic project organised by IBM shows that all modern peoples originated from one ancestor - which would not be the case if the flood were not worldwide.

But good post Handy


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