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[ Testimony ] The Gadarene (Part I)


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[FONT=Georgia, serif]I am a man who was literally possessed of many demons some number of years ago. Outwardly I could appear quite normal, but inwardly I was a tornado, I was a writhing ball of snakes. I was an alcoholic and an extreme drug addict who had absolutely no regard for the law. I roamed in the grave yards and tombs (speaking symbolically of the places of the absolute dead) of this world and I could not for long be restrained, even though I might be bound in shackles and chains on occasion.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]One day I found myself in a place where the security imposed on me made it practically impossible to escape. Even though I had been in similar, though not as extreme situations before, this circumstance presented itself as absolutely the end of the road. But, amazingly enough, I did not consider it so, as I knew how to bide my time, and because of the ever writhing ball of snakes within I was certain an opportunity would present itself so as to enable me to again be free to roam.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]I knew how to pass the time, as I had experience in these matters. I knew the world of books and novels would allow me to escape into many different places. The histories of the world, exotic places, mystery and intrigue, the wild west, outer space and many other places were at my fingertips, all I had to do was read.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]At some point though the books became very dry and I could draw no substance from them, I could not, as one would say, get into them. I would try to read them but it was as if there was nothing written on the pages. I resorted to pacing up and down in my place of confinement, trying now and again to read: but nothing. But, the one thing that did not change was that the tornado within me spun on.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]In the cell where I was confined, over in a corner beneath the sink, there was a book and it had written on its cover the words Holy Bible. It was as if my head was involuntarily turned in that direction, my eyes directed to that book and I seemed to hear someone say, “Read this.†Being the man that I was my response was, “That book says Holy on it, I'm not holy and I certainly do not want anything to do with anything that is Holy, I'm NOT READING THAT.â€[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Time passed, exactly how long I don't really know, maybe days, possibly weeks, I'm not sure. I would try to read books, I would pace my cell, and time and again my attention would be drawn to that book under the sink and a voice would say, “Read this.†And my response to this voice would be, “No way!†However, after this had gone on for some considerable amount of time, finally I reached over and snatched that book out from under the sink saying, “OKAY, I'll try anything, I'm going crazy like this!†Understandably, I had no idea where to start with a book of that size, so I sat down on my bunk and strangely enough the book opened to the cover page of the New Testament which read, “THE NEW TESTAMENT OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.†I turned the page and began to read.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]I had read many books in my life, but this was the most fascinating book I had ever read: it had life, it had substance, unlike all the other books that I had been attempting to read. This book spoke of a man named Jesus, and the book said this man was someone who had healed the sick, fed a multitude of people with five loaves and two fishes, walked on water, calmed the elements and did many other miraculous things. It also stated that they had killed this man Jesus, and that he overcame death and got up from the grave. I read the book day and night, night and day, I could not put it down.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]As “luck†would have it some time during this period there was a man named Larry Schwartz, who was placed in a cell across the hall from me: Larry was a Christian. Larry and I began to talk off and on and one day Larry said to the me, “Steve, if I ask you a question will you not get mad?†Well, there are some things that could be said in jail that would cause major problems, but as our cells were separated by a hallway and Larry seemed to be a nice enough guy I said, “Sure Larry, no problem, ask away.†Larry then said to me, “Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus Christ IS God?â€[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Well, when he said that I went into a total rage, it was as if my feet came off the floor, it made me livid with anger. I ranted and I raved and if we had been in the same cell there would have been trouble indeed. And, all the while Larry was saying to me, “Just settle down Steve, take it easy man, just think about it, just think about it.†After some five minutes or so of cursing and saying all manner of vile things I finally did calm down to the point where I could say, “Okay Larry I'll think about it, I'll think about it!†And think about it I did.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]While sitting on my bunk, maybe the next day, I said to God, that is if there is a God, “This guy across the hall has said something to the effect that Jesus Christ is God.†Well, look God if you are there, I've just read this book two times through and I did not see it written anywhere that it said Jesus Christ is God. So, here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to read it again and if that's in there You let me see it.†I opened the book and began to read.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]As I am reading in the first chapter of Matthew I read, “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.†(v.23) I stopped and said, “What did that just say?†It says, “a virgin,†and I have understood by this book that Jesus' mother was a virgin. So, the son has to be Jesus, and it says they called his name Emmanuel, and the interpretation of that name means GOD WITH US. My response to that was, “Wow, I didn't see that before!†I continued to read and I continued to see. I saw, “Jesus Christ IS God†written everywhere throughout the Book in one shape, form or fashion as I read on again to the end. Then I would go back and read it again and again. (See The Gadarene [Part II])
The Gadarene (Part II)

[FONT=Georgia, serif]One day, as I lay on my bunk, I said, “This man across the hall has said that Jesus Christ is God, I have read in this Book and it says Jesus Christ is God. Look God, if you are there, these charges I am facing they are not the problem, this jail cell that I am in it is not the problem, the problem is not any of these things, the PROBLEM IS ME! And I cried, God, if You are there, and if you are real FIX ME!” It was as if I had stuck my finger in a light socket, in that there was what seemed to be an electrical shock run through my body. In the twinkling of an eye the raging tumult that was continually present became absolute peace and calm. Tears of joy ran down my cheeks as I lay on my bunk and a demon said in my right ear, “It's a trick, it won't last,” and my thought to that remark was, “Well, I've been tricked before, we'll see.” That was over 38 years ago, and it was not a trick. JESUS IS LORD![/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]The Lord made me to understand that being born again did not make the mess that I was in in the world go away. For, as it is written, “When you go with your adversary to the magistrate, as you are in the way, give diligence that you may be delivered from him; lest he haul you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer cast you into prison. I tell you, you shall not depart from there, until you have paid the very last penny.” (Luk 12:58, 59)[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]I went before the judge and the judge sentenced me to four life sentences, five five year sentences and one ten year sentence. I clearly understood that I would not come out of prison until I had paid the very last penny of my debt, which could indeed be never. I understood from the Lord that it is Him who determines if and when that last penny is ever paid. That being said I was not in distress, for I much preferred to be in prison with the Lord than to be out of prison without Him.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]We say, “Where are the miracle's of today?” One day while I was in prison the Lord said to me, “This is for you son.” There had been some conversation going around in prison that the legislature might be changing some laws concerning parole but I had paid it no mind, as I had four life sentences and had no expectation of ever being paroled. However, the instant the Lord spoke that Word to me I knew in my spirit that this legislative thing was what He was talking about.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Well, sure enough they did change the laws and the parole board was required by law to give me a [/FONT] [FONT=Georgia, serif]release date. It was still five years in the future but the Lord had given me a date as to when “the very [/FONT] [FONT=Georgia, serif]last penny” would be paid. In just a short time the law makers determined that they had made a mistake and in six months time they had again changed the law. But, those that had been given a date retained their date, as it had been established under the law.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Miracle's … the changing of the law is only one among MANY I have been privileged to see and participate in throughout the years. As I knew no better, for I had no one other than the Lord to teach me, I lived Matthew chapters 5, 6, 7 and Luke 6 in prison when those that knew Jesus said it couldn't be done, for they said “I would be eaten alive.” Not so. The lions did not eat me as I'm still here.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]I have seen the Glory of the Lord shining like the sun from the face of a man that was sent by the Lord to see me. I have seen hundreds of the dredges of society weeping and crying unto the Lord for mercy. I have had prison guards come to me by night looking for help when they were the one's that were “free.” I have seen God use the wicked to protect me. I have been locked up and brought before magistrates for a testimony of Jesus. I have witnessed God change the minds of those in authority in mid-sentence. I have seen the miracle of mountains being moved with a foreknowledge of their movement going to take place. I could go on but, I have said these things to give Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and to say... [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]As a man who was saved, when I tried with all my being not to be, I can state with certainty, children [/FONT] [FONT=Georgia, serif]of God we cannot put God in a box, for He is Sovereign. His plan to glorify Himself in His body is far greater than we could ever imagine, but the enemy has had 2000 years to spew out his “flood of water” [/FONT] [FONT=Georgia, serif](Rev 12:15) to distort the Truth.[/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]Have we not read, “Judgment MUST begin at the House of God?” (1Pet 4:17) yet, Lord help us, we do not see this, we only see judgment upon the world.[/FONT][FONT=Georgia, serif] The Lord God Almighty in the Person of Jesus Christ has not changed, He has not gone away from us, it is we who have allowed ourselves to be led away from Him, although the enemy will tell us this is not so. However, the answer to this is truly simple. We, as members one of another, need to cry unto the Lord, “Lord, WHAT IS TRUE!” And the Lord always confirms His word for we see, “they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” (Mar 16:20)[/FONT]


Here is a link to something the Lord has had me write: In order to understand what is said you have to read all the post from first to last.
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WOW, this is one of the most wonderful things that I've ever had the privilege to read.. Thanks so much for sharing this living and powerful testimony to His infinite and eternal glory !

I'd like to give you a little song that I wrote quite a few years back about the Gadarene..

The Song Of the Gadarene

Would You come for me..?
Would You cross the sea..?
Could You know that I'm here..?
Could You calm my fears..?

Could you loose these chains..?
Would You know my name..?
Could You still my heart..?
Make a demon depart..?

O Son of God, would You come for me..?
Could You save my life, could You set me free..?

And when I saw Your face..
Then I knew Your grace..
You could see within..
You knew all my sin..

And then it went away..
Like the tide that day..
As if it left with You..
And I am made new..

Oh Lamb of God, You died for me..
You bore my sin, on Calvary's tree..
And dying there, in agony..
You saved my life, eternally !
Beautiful, beautiful...

The Gadarene set free!



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