The Barbarian said:
As Augustine and others pointed out, it is wrong to interpret "yom" in Genesis as 24 hour days, because literal 24 hour days are absurd in the context of Genesis. And Augustine tried very hard to find a way to reconcile that idea with Genesis.
Before we go further, does the use of "the Barbarian" imply that you do not actually believe that he Bible is God's Word? That makes all the difference in this discussion.
First, if your are going to quote Augustine, please supply his exact words so that we can see if that is indeed what he is saying, as it that simply your understanding. And even if he says what you claim that he does, Augustine is not necessarily our authority.
Second, why is it "ABSURD" to conclude in the context of Genesis chapter 1, that each day of creation is indeed a literal 24-hour day. Since the Jewsih day began at 6:00 p.m. and ended just before 6:00 p.m., why should we not believe that "
evening and morning, the first--second..third etc. days are six literal days? In fact, the repeated use of this solemn statement by the Holy Spirit in Gen .1:5,8,13,19,23,31 is conclusive PROOF that God created in six-literal days. Nothing could be clearer, since we are not left to guess, but are very specifically told the duration and the order of each day.
Thirdly, why should we not then go to Exodus and Deuteronomy to confirm that man's work week of six literal 24-hour days was patterned after God's six-day work-week of Creation, and the Sabbath was also pattered after God's sabbath?
"For in SIX DAYS the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day..." (Ex.20:11; Deut. 5:13,14).
As regards creation, with God all things are possible. He could have created in one moment of time, or in one millenium. He chose to create in six literal 24-hour days in order to give man a pattern for his work and rest. It is UNBELIEF that keeps us from believing this.