Jethro Bodine
“Although I sympathize with your divorce from those who call themselves 'Christians', because of how terribly they have misrepresented that title these last few centuries, unless what you see that others don't is along this line, I may not be seeing it either:â€
Maybe not. My “divorce†from Christians and Christianity has more of a reason than just that Christians have misrepresented the title.
I have a realization of the nature and character of Christianity. A human nature and a denominational character that goes along with its nature. And when I read the history of Christianity, it extends back a lot further than just a few centuries.
As far as the use of the term “Christian†as a self-denotation, I don’t believe the Bible teaches that. Christian refers to a follower of Christ. It was originally used by unbelievers to denote believers. Believers are not just followers of a philosopher or religious teacher. They are in Christ. Not the same as just being a follower.
“In regard to what I think 'Christians' do not see, I think they probably never will see it because we are in the prophesied last days of the church. A church utterly corrupted and disconnected from the head, Jesus Christ.â€
The idea that Christ’s return is immanent has been around for a couple millennia now. Anymore, eschatology isn’t something with which I bother myself. Whether the second coming is tomorrow or in another millennia, it makes no difference to me. I blame neither God nor Satan nor an immanent return of Christ for what are obviously the foibles of men.
You mentioned “the Churchâ€. I think this would be a good place to reiterate that to me, the ekklesia described in the NT are not the same as the Churches in Christianity. The English word church comes from a Greek phrase that doesn’t even include the word ekklesia. The translation of ekklesia by the word church in the English bibles is a mistranslation that is due to a Tradition. I don’t believe in the universal or one Church idea, whether as it is understood in Catholicism or in Protestantism. Each ekklesia is local and a universal understanding of same is a doctrine of men. The Body of Christ is the universal element that each local ekklesia is intended to express.
“But I'm not sure you've ever even shared the basics in any specific manner.â€
Been here six months and have 400+ posts to my name. So I fail to understand what you mean by “in any specific mannerâ€. I’m at the point where I’m starting to be repetitious. If one looks at what I’ve said as a personal doctrinal standard, I think every basic idea has been covered at some point or another. But I‘m willing to take into account that you’ve only been here since OCT, and probably haven’t taken an interest in what I believe until now. So what I’ve said in the past is no doubt unfamiliar to you.
I will state this. Unlike what is expected by the members of this forum, I don’t believe that what I believe is merely a personal opinion. If I actually believed that, I would just be playing a game. With myself, with others, and with God. And the reason I believe that what I believe isn’t merely a personal opinion is because I believe I’m being taught by Jesus Christ through the Spirit. I believe that what I know is through a supernatural source. Not that I hear voices in my head, as a couple of people have intimated. It’s in the form of insight. It’s a seeing what is true. And it’s not due to a personal practice of Biblical interpretation. A practice that I oppose. Prior to my realization that Christianity is a man-made religion and becoming a former Christian, I practiced biblical interpretation just like every other Christian.
Anyone who insists that what I believe must be a personal opinion actually reflects on how they consider their own beliefs.
I haven’t presented anything on this forum that is more than basic ideas. Ideas I believe everyone who is in Christ and walks by the Spirit should be able to see. There is only one Lord and one Spirit. And the bible is only one revelation given by God that Jesus uses to teach us. I just can’t go along with the idea that differences in opinion are necessary or intended without also thinking how un-supernatural that idea is. Talk about feet planted firmly in mid-air. I rarely have to acknowledge that I’m wrong in what I believe anymore. Not in the basics. Though I’ve had my mind changed in a couple of areas since I’ve been here. In spite of, rather than because of, since the changes in my understanding went counter to the consensus of this forum. Nevertheless, I’m willing to acknowledge when I simply don’t know.
“Until we know specifically what you're seeing that others aren't this won't get very far with people. The problem of pride in the church will not let people honestly inquire and search for the depth of what you're alluding to.â€
As I said, what I present on this forum is not depth. It’s basics. But you’re right in that what I post generally doesn’t get very far with people. But I don’t blame them. They have their own understanding of what is true.
“I do to a small extent. By small I mean some are simply more gifted than others and appointed and equipped to help others see to the extent they can. Some are simply given more depth of the Word than others as seen in the parables. But the goal the knowledge we have is to bring us to is identical.â€
I understand what you’re saying. And I would say you would be right if the ekklesia instead of the Christianity Churches were fully functional. But so far as I know, though I believe the ekklesia exist today, I’m aware of no functioning ekklesia. Only the Churches of Christianity are functional today. And to me that’s a difference between supernatural Spiritual function and natural human function.
“Sounds like you're saying God does not ordain certain men/ women for specific ministries and tasks in the world. I disagree.â€
Well, I can only say that it isn’t a matter of ordination, but of walking by the Spirit. The ones who are walking by the Spirit and are actually led by the Spirit, will just be acting according to a life, the life in Christ, not a ministry. The Spiritual “giftsâ€, that are often confused with the personal and ordained ministries of Christians today, are referring to something that is done specifically in relation to each ekklesia. Apart from functioning ekklesia, Spiritual “gifts†relating to the functioning of the ekklesia can’t exist today.
“God confirmed his Word through other people who were experiencing the same growth I wasâ€
I envy you that experience. Very little of what I believe today has been confirmed in that manner. I have had to rely on inner confirmation. If that doesn’t actually exist and if it’s just me confirming myself, as some have intimated, then in practicality, I’m an Atheist deluded by what appears to me to be supernatural. I can say that because I started out in Adam as an Atheist. What a joke that would be. An Atheist deluded, self-deluded, into practicing a religion. Because if I’m deluding myself, then what I believe is as much a man-made religion as is Christianity.
“This is where we differ. Pulling away was just not an option. It's the truth, and that's just the way it is. There's nothing to go back to.â€
Well, actually we don’t differ at all. Since I also believe the supernatural as described in the Bible is the truth. I don’t know your background. But if ever the supernatural was proved to me beyond a questionable doubt to be a delusion, Atheism is what I would revert to. Probably a form of philosophical cultural Humanism. I wouldn’t become another militant Atheist. Because I understand that believing in a religion is generally not hurting anyone. Religious extremism uncounted naturally. And converting to another religion would be out of the question, of course.
“Well, I'll be perfectly frank with you. Until I learn a little more about you, I have a guarded sense about your post right now. There really are a lot of whackos in the church, you know.â€
We’re on a forum. It’s not like real life. Whatever you learn about me will be partial at best. I can only hope that my posts speak for themselves. But at 400+, I can’t expect you to go perusing through them all in an attempt to know more about me. Besides, I can express what I believe better today than when I first came here.
I should write a specific post that answers in summary form what I believe to be true. But I’m not sure how to go about it. When writing about one’s experience of the supernatural, it doesn’t always lend itself to written summaries, like doctrines do a Creed.
Yes, there’s a lot of whackos related to Christianity. But I don’t believe the percentage is higher than in any other segment of natural society. That last paragraph to Reba was intended to be humorous. Unappreciated because unrecognized, apparently. It seems to be harder, for me at least, to be humorous on a forum than in real life. Except inadvertently and unintentionally.
But I too have learned to choose with care my friends out in real life. Currently, most of my friends are non-Christians. Sad to say, but true. It’s difficult for most Christians of the conservative sort to accept me as I am. Liberal Christians claim to accept anyone as they are. But being a biblical conservative myself, relatively speaking, even Christians of the liberal sort find it difficult to accept me as I am.