Indeed. God has structured the world in such a way that, in the vast majority of cases anyway, "truth" is not "beamed magically" into us in a manner that bypasses our mental faculties.
God reaches and shows to man in many ways, not all of them written, but none of those reachings
are in discord with His Written Words as to patterns and methodologies. God in Christ reached for me when I was miserable and downtrodden. What brought me to that condition? The clouds did not give up their rain for my crops for two years, which none in the area remembered. It was very unusual. That event brought me to my knees in despair. Looking back upon it, I see the significance of that event, personally, and in a much different light than when it happened.
Saul for example was in such a state, being even a murderer, and was STUCK by Gods Light, personally. He as 'the old man' was 'miserable' as well,
being under that power of Satan, unknowingly. I have an acquaintance of faith who was delivered in front of a prisonhouse altar, there all by himself, from heroin addiction, instantly by the power of God falling upon him. He did not have one instance of withdrawal symptoms.
The murderers, the addicts, the prostitutes STILL HAVE personal visitations of GRACE ministered by God Himself. God is QUITE Alive and Well.
Although it would perhaps be nice if it were not necessary to discern truth through the apparutus of interpretation, things clearly do not work that way (in the main).
The scriptures are rightfully dangerous ground. God in Christ gave us well warning of what happens where The Word is sown, the evidence of that is also factually all around us, openly viewable. IT does come with it's own Warning Label.
When one reads a bit of Biblical text one is unavoidably bringing all sorts of personal and communal acts of interpretation to bear.
Undoubtedly. I believe FC is accurate in that the subjective heart of every Word handler is reflected. Since none of us have the same exact subjective circumstances, we all reflect from a position of subjective experiences. I expect no one else to bow to my personal subjectivity and acknowledge that I have such. I am no perfect reflector. I continually seek Him however exactly for His Perfect Reasons, a PERFECT REFLECTION.
Don't you really as well Drew?
1 John 3:2
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and
it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that,
when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
I look forward to that DAY!