th1b.taylor - When God entered into Jerusalem, had the people not heralded Him the rocks, the trees, the sky and the sand would have heralded Him.
Eugene – Man I like that thought and so very true, but then why send them?
You left the door wide open for an old salt that spent, entirely, to long on stage learning how to sin better, but to be realistic, I would suggest that had Jesus rode into town, that day, with the elements proclaiming His majesty none would have dared place Him on that cross. The common man would have lynched the Sanhedrin, the King, The Creaser in Rome and all of the Roman Army. That would, I'm guessing, have ruined the plan that had to be fulfilled.
- What was God making it possible to be restored? It makes no sense that the restoration can be anything less than the restoration of the eternal life of mankind to me.
Eugene – If that were true, why was there the tree of life in the garden?
Well, the Tree of Life was before Jesus' birth in the flesh but let me put my lame foot on the gas with a brick strapped to it and get this into reverse and catch up with you before you have all the fun by yourself.
I have never found anyone to make the argument nor have I ever discovered any reason to doubt the Omnipresence of God. There is, however, a situation that can be difficult to wrap one's head around with this truth. Omnipresence means there is no time constraint in place for God, of course. When God told Moses to tell them I Am sent him He broke the dam of eternal knowledge and we have been swept downstream ever since grasping and gathering before it floats away from us.
When God gave His name as I Am e destroyed all barriers. I will ask you to remember what my Vietnamese friend Tam Dang said about me, "Bill Taylor, crazy Vietnam Veteran! So the bottom line, having started three companies I love the bottom line, but, the bottom line is that God is, right now, present in the past, present here in the present and right now, present in the future.
If that did not break your mind, hold on. As a baby Christian, 45 years old, I came to understand that my name was written in the Book of Life before God created the first particle of dirt for the, now, great planet Earth. That was over six thousand years before I was born and if I, and I do, have a free will, how did He know I would accept His Son for my Savior, that far ahead?
Either the Five Point Hyper Calvinist is right and I have no free will and thus no manner to ever love God or He knew the future. That tree was there for our benefit, not Adam's.
Now, hold tight because there is a sharp turn here. Remember when God repented and changed His mind about Pharaoh? I will suggest to you, He did not! How could He, God knows! That line is in the account for our instruction. Consider how your head is reeling right now and move this conversation back four thousand years, into Israel with Jacob teaching it. LOL! The Israelites would have strung Jacob up by his toe nails.
So, the tree was there as a teaching point.