- Aug 5, 2005
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- #21
No relic, I am talking about in this instance, the people who hate him because of his skin. Not because people are speaking out against government, because I do all the time, and have been known to do it, quick fast and in a hurry. And I am not talking about you, relic, I am talking about something that I see in people when he is mentioned or seen on the news, and it is hatred from my lighter complexioned brothers and sisters, I don't like the term race the word was not even used until the early 30's, find it in the Bible and I will use it. Ain't no such thing, that darn word race, keeps us separated. But people of color everywhere is taking a big notice to this. And this is nothing that I am making up.Relic said:JoJo said:... I agree. It's embarrassing to see Christians become so wrapped up in hate and fear. What kind of witness is hate?
You think speaking out against Government Control is Hate and fear? :o
You think speaking out against the horrible things a person stands for is hate for that person? :o
And you think that speaking out against a health care system that will rob you of quality care but will insist on rationing what treatment you can and cannot have is fear? :o
If I told you that I was going to take your money and give it to some really rich dude, and you have no right to say anything about it, but you better love me because I did something that any old enemy would do to rob you, would you call that hate and fear?
If I told you that I was going to tell your doctors that you only qualify for a pain pill because the operation is too expensive or, since your parents are old maybe you should consider having them put to sleep through injection or pulling the plug because it's cheaper, and really you have no other choice, because government rationing says it's really the only choice you have according to the set standards, (you know, catch 22) so, you can't say anything about it. You can't speak out against it because those in favor of this communisitic type system already made it a government mandate. And really, those few people in charge of writing the rules will tell you stop speaking fear and hate against us, how dare you, don't you know we are doing what is best for you? And hey, you're supposed to love us? We know what we are doing. Would you call speaking out against such a take over and control over your choices hate and fear?
Nick_29 said:I agree also. We as Christains are supposed to be wittnessing God's Love to the world - what does the world say when they see how much Obama hate is on this forum, and around the world - by Christians!
We should be loving, even towards our enemies. We should be praying for Obama..
You ask, What kind of witness is this?
If we speak out and point out any type of wrong doing, and say it is wrong, we don't want this wrong doing to continue, look what it is all about! Is that a bad witness? Is that hating the person?
If your parents or friends point out to you the wrong you are up to and tell you it is wrong to stop doing that, look what it will lead to! Is that a bad witness? Is that hating you? If they hate what wrong things you choose to take a stand for, is that hating you? Is that speaking fear?
Speaking out against a wrong is not hating the person.
Speaking out against a wrong is not fear.
Speaking out against what is wrong is not being a bad witness