1. Fifty-Two Ohio Scientists Endorse Objectivity. On March 20, 2002, representatives of Intelligent Design network, inc. and Science Excellence for All Ohioans issued a press release announcing the following statement signed by 52 Ohio scientists (49 of whom hold doctoral degrees):
“We Affirm:
That biological evolution is an important scientific theory that should be taught in the classroom;
That a quality science education should prepare students to distinguish the data and testable theories of science from religious or philosophical claims that are made in the name of science;
That a science curriculum should help students understand why the subject of biological evolution generates controversy;
That where alternative scientific theories exist in any area of inquiry (such as wave vs. particle theories of light, biological evolution vs. intelligent design, etc.), students should be permitted to learn the evidence for and against them; and,
That a science curriculum should encourage critical thinking and informed participation in public discussions about biological origins.
We Oppose:
Religious or anti-religious indoctrination in a class specifically dedicated to teaching within the discipline of science; and,
The censorship of scientific views that may challenge current theories of origins.â€Â
Robert E. Bailey, Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Prof. Emeritus Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D., M.S., Ph.D., M.S.B.S., M.P.H., Department of Biology, Northwest State College, Archbold, Ohio
Christopher Boshkos, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine
Rudolf Brits, Ph.D., Nuclear Chemistry
Henry R. Busby, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University
Melody L. Davis, Ph.D., Chemistry
Kenneth S. Cada, M.S., Inorganic Chemistry
Gerald P. Chubb, P.E., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Aviation, The Ohio State University
Alfred Ciraldo, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery, Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine
Arthur Dalton, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery, Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine
Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D., Biochemistry, Professor, Human Nutrition, The Ohio State University
W. John Durfee, D.V.M., DACLAM, Director, Veterinary Research Resources, Case Western Reserve University Medical School
Leroy Eimers, Ph.D., Professor of Physics and Mathematics, Cedarville College
William V. Everson, Ph.D., Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Fellow, Cincinnati, Ohio
John A. Fink, M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Surgery, Northeastern Ohio College of Medicine
Mark D. Foster, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, The University of Akron
Steven Gollmer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics, Cedarville College
David H. Ives, Ph.D., Biochemistry, The Ohio State University
Jerry D. Johnson, Ph.D., Diplomat A.B.T., Toxicology
David A. Johnston, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wright State University
Kimberly Kinateder, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Wright State University
Daniel Kuebler, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, Franciscan University of Steubenville
Robert Lattimer, Ph.D., Chemistry
Kim Laurell, DDS, MSD, former Assistant Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry, The Ohio State University
Paul Madtes, Jr., Ph.D., Chairman, Biology Department, Mount Vernon Nazarene College
Don Mahan, Ph.D., Professor, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University
George F. Martin, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Anatomy and Neuroscience, The Ohio State University
Joseph R. McShannic, M.D., F.A.C.S., Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine
James Menart, Ph.D., Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Wright State University
K. David Monson, Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry
Glen R. Needham, Ph.D., Entomology, The Ohio State University
Ron Neiswander, M.S., Chemistry, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University
Gregory Ness, DDS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The Ohio State University
William Notz, Ph.D., Statistics, The Ohio State University
Donal P. O'Mathuna, Ph.D., Professor of Bioethics and Chemistry, Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Columbus
Drazen Petrinec, M.D., F.A.C.S., Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine
Georgia Purdom, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, Mount Vernon Nazarene College
Dale W. Schaefer, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Cincinnati
Timothy W. Schenz, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry
William Shulaw, DVM, Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University
Richard Slemons, DVM, Ph.D., Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University
Walter L. Starkey, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University
Mark B. Swanson, Ph.D., Biochemistry
Sherwood G. Talbert, P.E., MSME, Mechanical Engineering
Pavi Thomas, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering
Stanley A. Watson, Ph.D., Cereal Chemistry, Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center, The Ohio State University, Retired
Karl A. Weber, Ph.D., Physical & Theoretical Organic Chemistry
Gerald S. Wegner, Ph.D., B.C.E., Entomology
Jeffrey Weiland, M.D., College of Medicine, The Ohio State University
Mitch Wolff, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wright State University
Patrick H. Young, Ph.D., Chemistry
David Zartman, Ph.D., Genetics & Animal Breeding, The Ohio State University
NOTE:The scientists listed above are from Ohio institutions and companies. In some cases, company policy prohibits them from listing their affiliation here in conjunction with personal and professional opinion.
2. 248 Scientists Express Skepticism of the Claims of Darwinism. The following lists reflect the sentiments of scientists with respect to the claims of Darwinism. The first list consists of 28 Georgia scientists who subscribed to the statement below during September 2002 as the Cobb County School Board was considering the adoption of an objective origins science policy. The second list consists of an additional 127 scientists from around the world who have subscribed from time to time. The third list consists of 93 New Mexico scientists including those from both university and non-university settings. Perusal of these lists reveals that they are composed of highly qualified and distinguished scientists, including members of the National Academy of Science, university professors and research scientists.
The statement subscribed to by these scientists is:
“We are skeptical of the claims for the ability of random mutation and
natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination
of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.â€Â
28 Georgia Scientists
[Source: The Discovery Institute, Seattle, Washington]
Contact: Henry F. Schaefer – (706) 542 – 2067 or James Tumlin – (404) 727 - 2974
1. Gary L. Achtemeier: USDA Forest Service: Director, Southern High-Resolution Modeling Consortium: PhD - Meteorology, Florida State University
2. Wesley D. Allen: University of Georgia: Professor and Senior Research Scientist, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry: PhD - Theoretical Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
3. Richard M. Austin, Jr.: Piedmont College: Associate Professor, Biology and Chair, Natural Sciences
4. John H. Bordelon: Georgia Institute of Technology: Senior Research Engineer, Electrical Engineering: PhD - Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
5. Russell W. Carlson: University of Georgia: Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Technical Director of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
6. Kieran M. Clements: Toccoa Falls College: Assistant Professor, Natural Science: PhD - Entomology, North Carolina State University
7. Leon L. Combs: Kennesaw State University: Professor and Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry: PhD - Chemical Physics, Louisiana State University
8. Michael A. Covington: University of Georgia: Associate Director, Artificial Intelligence Center: PhD - Linguistics, Yale
9. Cham E. Dallas: University of Georgia: Professor, Pharmaceutics and Biomedical Sciences, and Director, Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program: PhD - Toxicology, University of Texas, Austin
10. Keith S. Delaplane: University of Georgia: Professor, Entomology: PhD - Entomology, Louisiana State University
11. Allison J. Dobson: Georgia Southern University: Assistant Professor, Chemistry: PhD - Chemistry, The Ohio State University
12. Mark D. Geil: Georgia Institute of Technology: Assistant Professor, Applied Physiology: PhD - Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University
13. Warren Gilson: University of Georgia: Extension Dairy Scientist and Associate Professor of Dairy Science: PhD - Dairy Science, The Ohio State University
14. Nolan E. Hertel: Georgia Institute of Technology: Professor, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Health Physics: PhD - Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
15. Dewey H. Hodges: Georgia Institute of Technology: Professor, Aerospace Engineering: PhD - Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Stanford University
16. Rodney D. Ice: Georgia Institute of Technology: Principle Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor, Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Health Physics: PhD - Radiological Science, Purdue University
17. Tom McMullen: Georgia Southern University: Associate Professor, History of Science: PhD - History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University
18. J. Carson Meredith: Georgia Institute of Technology: Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering: PhD - Chemical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin
19. Russell S. Peak: Georgia Institute of Technology: Senior Researcher, Engineering Information Systems: PhD - Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
20. S. William Pelletier: University of Georgia: Professor and Director Emeritus, Institute for Natural Products Research: PhD - Organic Chemistry, Cornell University
21. Henry F. Schaefer III: University of Georgia: Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry: PhD - Chemistry, Stanford University: 5 time Nobel Nominee
22. Norman E. Schmidt: Georgia Southern University: Associate Professor, Chemistry: PhD - Chemistry, University of South Carolina
23. Bretta King: Spelman College: Assistant Professor, Chemistry: PhD - Physical Chemistry, Howard University
24. Daniel W. Tedder: Georgia Institute of Technology: Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering: PhD - Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin
25. Charles B. Thaxton: Charles University, Prague: Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences: PhD - Chemistry, Iowa State University: Author "The Mystery of Life's Origins"
26. James A. Tumlin: Emory University: Associate Professor, Medicine: MD, University of South Florida
27. Robert W. Wentworth: University of Georgia: Health and Safety Training Coordinator: PhD - Toxicology, University of Georgia
28. Mark G. White: Georgia Institute of Technology: Professor, Chemical Engineering: PhD - Chemical Engineering, Rice University
127 National and International scientists
[Source: The Discovery Institute, Seattle, Washington]
Contact: Rob Crowther – (800) 643.– 4102 x107 -
1. Neal R. Adrian: Principal Investigator, Environmental Science: US Army Research & Development Center: PhD University of Oklahoma, Microbiology
2. Moorad Alexanian: Professor of Physics: U. of North Carolina, Wilmington
3. Braxton M. Alfred: Emeritus Professor of Anthropology: U. of British Columbia
4. Michael Atchison: Professor of Biochemistry: U. of Pennsylvania, Vet School
5. Joseph Atkinson: PhD Organic Chemistry-M.I.T.: American Chemical Society, mber
6. Michael Behe: Professor of Biological Science: Lehigh U.
7. David Berlinski: PhD Philosophy - Princeton: Mathematician, Author
8. John Bloom: Assoc. Professor, Physics: Biola U.
9. Raymond G. Bohlin: PhD Molecular & Cell Biology-U. of Texas:
10. William H. Bordeaux: Chair, Department of Natural & Mathematical Science: Huntington College
11. John J. Brejda, : PhD Agronomy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
12. Rudolf Brits: PhD Nuclear Chemistry, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
13. Walter Bradley: Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering: Texas A&M
14. Neil Broom: Assoc. Professor, Chemical & Materials Engineering: U. of Auckland
15. Paul D. Brown: Asst. Professor of Environmental Studies: Trinity Western U. (Canada)
16. Donald F. Calbreath: Professor of Chemistry: Whitworth College
17. Shing-Yan Chiu: Professor of Physiology: University of Wisconsin, Madison: PhD Physiology & Biophysics, University of Washington
18. Melody L. Davis: PhD Chemistry, Princeton University
19. Robert F. DeHaan: PhD Human Development-U. of Chicago
20. William A. Dembski: PhD Mathematics-U. of Chicago:
21. David A. DeWitt: PhD Neuroscience-Case Western U.
22. Robert DiSilvestro: Professor of Human Nutrition: Ohio State University: PhD Biochemistry-Texas A&M.
23. Daniel Dix: Assoc. Professor of Mathematics: U. of South Carolina
24. Jeanne Drisko: Asst. Professor, Kansas Medical Center: U. of Kansas, School of Medicine
25. Lee Ellmers: Professor of Physics & Mathematics: Cedarville University: PhD Physics, Syracuse University
26. Bruce Evans: Assoc. Professor of Biology: Huntington College
27. William V. Everson: Research Fellow: Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education: PhD Human Physiology, Penn State College of Medicine
28. Donald Ewert: Director of Research Administration: Wistar Institute
29. Clarence Fouche: Professor of Biology: Virginia Intermont College
30. Joseph W. Francis: Assoc. Professor of Biology: Cedarville U.
31. Marvin Fritzler: Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: U. of Calgary, Medical School
32. Mark E. Fuller: Research Scientist: Envirogen Inc.: PhD Microbiology, University of California, Davis
33. Jim Gibson: PhD Biology-Loma Linda U.
34. Chris Grace: Assoc. Professor of Psychology: Biola U.
35. James Graham: Professional Geologist, Sr. Program Manager: National Environmental Consulting Firm
36. James Harbrecht: Clinical Assoc. Professor: U. of Kansas Medical Center
37. James G. Harman: Assoc. Chair, Dept. of Chemistry & Biochemistry: Texas Tech U.
38. William S. Harris: PhD Professor of Basic Medical Sciences: U. of Missouri, Kansas City
39. Walter Hearn: PhD Biochemistry-U of Illinois
40. Roland F. Hirsch: PhD Analytical Chemistry-U. of Michigan
41. Marko Horb: Researcher, Dept. of Biology & Biochemistry: U. of Bath, UK
42. Cornelius G. Hunter: PhD Biophysics, University of Illinois: Author: "Darwin's God"
43. Muzaffar Iqbal: PhD Chemistry-U. of Saskatchewan: Center for Theology the Natural Sciences
44. David H. Ives: Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry: Ohio State University: PhD Physiological Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
45. Tony Jelsma: Professor of Biology: Dordt College
46. Fred L. Johnson: Project Leader in Clinical Research: Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: PhD Pathology, Vanderbilt University
47. Jerry D. Johnson: Senior Toxicologist: Battelle Institute: PhD Pharmacology & Toxicology, Purdue University
48. Lawrence H. Johnston: Emeritus Professor of Physics: U. of Idaho
49. James Keesling: Professor of Mathematics: U. of Florida
50. Robert Kaita: Plasma Physics Lab: Princeton U.
51. Ed Karlow: Chair, Dept. of Physics: LaSierra U.
52. James Keener: Professor of Mathematics & Adjunct of Bioengineering: U. of Utah
53. Douglas L. Keil: Engineering Manager: Lam Research Corporation: PhD Plasma Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison
54. Dean Kenyon: Professor Emeritus of Biology: San Francisco State U.
55. Michael G. Kinnaird: Director of R & D: Chemtek, Inc.: PhD Organic Chemistry, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
56. Daniel Kuebler: Asst. Professor of Biology: Franciscan U. of Steubenville
57. Paul Kuld: Assoc. Professor, Biological Science: Biola U.
58. Heather G. Kuruvilla: Assitant Professor of Biology: Cedarville University: PhD Biological Sciences, S.U.N.Y at Buffalo
59. Carl Koval: Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry: U. of Colorado, Boulder
60. Robert Lattimer: Senior R&D Associate: Noveon Inc.: PhD Chemistry, University of Kansas, Lawrence
61. George Lebo: Assoc. Professor of Astronomy: U. of Florida
62. Stan E. Lennard: Clinical Assoc. Professor of Surgery: U. of Washington
63. Matti Lesola: Professor, Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering: Helsinki U. of Technology
64. Lane P. Lester: Professor of Biology: Emmanuel College: PhD Genetics, Purdue University
65. Peter Line: Research Officer, Brain Sciences Institute: Swinburne University of Tech: PhD Neuroscience, Swinburne U. of Tech, Australia
66. Alan H. Linton: Emeritus Professor of Bacteriology: University of Bristol
67. Garrick Little: Senior Scientist, Li-Cor
68. Theodor Liss: PhD Chemistry-M.I.T.
69. Jed Macosko: Postdoctoral Researcher-Molecular Biology: U. of California, Berkeley
70. Donald C. Mahan: Professor of Animal Nutrition: Ohio State University:
71. Robert J. Marks: Professor of Signal & Image Processing: U. of Washington
72. Andy McIntosh: Full Professor, Department of Thermodynamics: University of Leeds
73. Tony Mega: Assoc. Professor of Chemistry: Whitworth College
74. Brian J. Miller: PhD Physics-Duke U.
75. Thomas Milner: Asst. Professor of Biomedical Engineering: U. of Texas, Austin
76. Gordon Mills,: Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry: University of Texas, Medical Branch: PhD Biochemistry, University of Michigan
77. Forrest M. Mims: Researcher, Atmospheric & Aerobiological Sciences: Geronimo Creek Observatory:
78. Scott Minnich: Professor, Dept of Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry: U. of Idaho
79. Lennart Moller: Professor of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute: U. of Stockholm
80. Terry Morrison: PhD Chemistry-Syracuse U.
81. Bijan Nemati: Senior Engineer: Jet Propulsion Lab (NASA)
82. David Ness: PhD Anthropology-Temple U.
83. Paul Nesselroade: Assoc. Professor of Psychology: Simpson College
84. Robert Newman: PhD Astrophysics-Cornell U.
85. William Notz: Professor of Statistics: Ohio State University: PhD Statistics, Cornell University
86. Hugh Nutley: Professor Emeritus of Physics & Engineering: Seattle Pacific U.
87. Yongsoon Park: PhD Senior Research Scientist: St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City
88. Darrell R. Parnell: PhD University Level Science Education, Kansas State University
89. Rafe Payne: Professor & Chair, Biola Dept. of Biological Sciences: Biola U.
90. Edward T. Peltzer: Senior Research Specialist: Monterey Bay Research Institute
91. Rosalind Picard: Assoc. Professor Computer Science: M.I.T.
92. Martin Poenie: Assoc. Professor of Molecular Cell & Developmental Bio: U. of Texas, Austin
93. Carl Poppe: Senior Fellow: Lawrence Livermore Laboratories
94. David Prentice: Professor, Dept. of Life Sciences: Indiana State U.
95. Pattle Pun: Professor of Biology: Wheaton College
96. William P. Purcell: PhD Physical Chemistry-Princeton U.
97. Georgia Purdom: PhD Molecular Genetics, Ohio State University
98. Fazale R. Rana: PhD Chemistry-Ohio U.
99. Dan W. Reynolds: Research Investigator: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals: PhD Organic Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin
100. Theodore Saito: Project Manager: Lawrence Livermore Laboratories
101. Thomas Saleska: Professor of Biology: Concordia U.
102. Phillip Savage: Professor of Chemical Engineering: U. of Michigan
103. Dale Schaefer: PhD Physical Chemistry, Massachusets Institute of Technology
104. Siegfried Scherer: Professor of Microbial Ecology: Technische Universitaet Muenchen
105. Ralph W. Seelke: Professor & Chair of Dept. of Biology & Earth Sciences: U. of Wisconsin, Superior
106. Gregory Shearer: Internal Medicine, Research: U. of California, Davis
107. Fred Sigworth: Professor of Cellular & Molecular Physiology- Grad. School: Yale U.
108. Philip S. Skell: Emeritus Professor Of Chemistry: NAS member
109. Fred Skiff: Professor of Physics: U. of Iowa
110. Ken Smith: Professor of Mathematics: Central Michigan U.
111. Robert W. Smith: Professor of Chemistry: U. of Nebraska, Omaha
112. Wolfgang Smith: Professor Emeritus-Mathematics: Oregon State U.
113. Timothy G. Standish: PhD Environmental Biology-George Mason U.
114. Walt Stangl: Assoc. Professor of Mathematics: Biola U.
115. Richard Sternberg: Postdoctoral Fellow, Invertebrate Biology: Smithsonian Institute
116. Mark B. Swanson: PhD Biochemistry, University of Illinois
117. Frank Tipler: Professor of Mathematical Physics: Tulane U.
118. James Tour: Chao Professor of Chemistry: Rice U.
119. Royal Truman: PhD Organic Chemistry, Michigan State University
120. Vincente Villa: Professor of Biology: Southwestern U.
121. Robert Waltzer: Assoc. Professor of Biology: Belhaven College
122. Todd Watson: Asst. Professor of Urban & Community Forestry: Texas A & M U.
123. Gerald S. Wegner: PhD Entomology, Loyola University
124. Jonathan Wells: PhD Molecular & Cell Biology-U. of California, Berkeley:
125. John William Worraker: Senior Software Development Engineer: Hyprotech Uk Ltd.: PhD Applied Mathematics, University of Bristol
126. Patrick H. Young: PhD Chemistry, Ohio University
127. Henry Zuill: Emeritus Professor of Biology: Union College
93 New Mexico scientists
[Source: The Intelligent Design Network of New Mexico]
Contact: Joe Renick (505) 565 – 0137 -
1. Charlotte R. Abbink: Assoc. Prof. Emeritus, U. of New Mexico, College of Nursing
2. Russell Abbink: MS EE, U of Nebraska
3. Marc Apkarian: MS Exercise Physiology, San Diego State Univ.; PhD student in Exercise Physiology, UNM
4. Daniel W. Barnette: non-university scientist; PhD Aeronautics/Astronautic, Stanford Unviersity
5. John Baumgardner: PhD, non-university scientist
6. Anthony Bentley: non-university scientist; MS EE, UC Davis
7. J. Douglas Bentley: non-university scientist; MS EE, Arizona State University
8. Nathan E. Bixler: PhD, Chem. E., U. of Minnesota; non-university scientist
9. Gage Blackstone: Doctor of Vet. Med., Texas A&M University
10. Beatrice J. Burchfield: MS Physics and Mathematics, U. Wisconsin and U of Ill.
11. Edward L. Burgess, PhD Engineeering; non-university scientist and University of California (Ret)
12. Donald L. Burwell: MS Nuclear Science and Eng, Carnegie Mellon University
13. Robert S. Chambers: non-university scientist; PhD Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas at Austin
14. Wu-Ching Cheng: non-university scientist; MS Chem Eng.,Cornell Unviersity
15. Rick Cole: MS Science Education, New Mexico Tech.
16. Cecilia M. Colucci: MSE, Industrial and Management Systems Eng., Arizona State University
17. Harold Delaney: PhD, Professor, Dept. of Psychology, U. of New Mexico
18. Ginger De Marquis: non-university scientist
19. Mark De Spain: non-university scientist; MS EE, University of Portland
20. Gary A. Dilts: non-university scientist; PhD Mathematical Physics, U. of Colorado
21. Clark Dohrmann: PhD ME, Ohio State University
22. John R. Doughty: PhD Aerospace & Mech. Eng., Univer. Of Arizona (Ret)
23. Timothy J. Draelos: non-university scientist; PhD EE UNM
24. Virgil S. Dugan: non-university scientist
25. Kevin Eklund: non-university scientist
26. Michael W. Edenburn: non-university scientist; BS ME, University of New Mexico; MS ME University of Minnesota, Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
27. Dale Erickson: MD Ind. University School of Medicine; Director Long Term Care, Presbyterian Hospital
28. Sue A. Erickson: PhD Health Education, U. of New Mexico
29. Paul Faculjak: MS Statistics, U of NM
30. Malcolm R. Fisher: MS. EE, U of NM
31. Charles B. Fite: non-university scientist; MS EE, U. of New Mexico
32. Daniel R. Galassini: Doctor of Vet. Med., Kansas State University
33. John C. Garth: PhD Physics, University of Ill, Champaign-Urbana
34. Jacquie Gladwell, MD; UNM School of Medicine
35. Daryl W. Grunau: non-university scientist systems engineer, PhD Mathematics, Colorado State University
36. G. Ron Hadley: non-university scientist; PhD Physics, Iowa State University
37. Kelly D. Hammett: PhD, Aeronautical Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology
38. Terry Hardin: MS EE, U. of New Mexico
39. Paul E. Hausgen: PhD Mech. Eng., Georgia Inst. of Tech.
40. Vern Hershberger: UNM; MS Haz. Waste/Material Mgmt Tech., Ariz. State Univ.
41. Terry Hinnerichs: non-university scientist; PhD Aeronautical Eng., US Air Force Institute of Tech., Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio
42. Todd N. Hinnerichs: MS Mech. Eng., UNM
43. Roy Holt: non-university scientist; MS Physics, Univeristy of Missouri, Kansas City
44. Fred James: non-university scientist; MS EE, UNM
45. Rondall E. Jones: non-university scientist; PhD Mathematics, U. of New Mexico
46. Jeanette Keenan: MS, Nursing, Yale University
47. Rebecca Keller: Research Prof., Dept. of Chem., University of New Mexico
48. David Keller: Assoc. Prof. of Chem., U. of New Mexico
49. Michael S. Kent: PhD, Chem. Eng. University of Minnesota, Research Scientist; non-university scientist
50. R. Barry King: Prof. of Envir. Safety and Health, Albq. Tech. Vocational Institiute, Adjunct Faculty, U of New Mexico, College of Eng., Adjunt Fac. College of Santa Fe, Chem and Environ Sci.; MS Marine and Environ. Biology, U. of Houston
51. Scott E. Klenke: non-university scientist; MS Mech. Eng., Arizona State University
52. Teresa Larranaga: PhD Pharmacy, U. of NM; Currently at Presbyterian Hospital
53. Roger Lenard: non-university scientist; MS Chem. Phys., Univ. of Puget Sound
54. Donald R. Locker: MS Physics, U. of Washington
55. Jeffrey Mahn: non-university scientist; MS Nuclear Eng., University of Michigan
56. John Martin: MD. U of NM School of Medicine, Assistant Clinical Professor, Lovelace Medical Center/University of NM School of Medicine
57. Ana Martinez: non-university scientist; PhD EE, U. of New Mexico
58. Shelley Nuttal Martinez: MS Information Systems, Univ. of Miami, (Fl)
59. Linda M. McClanahan: MS Exercise Physiology, UNM
60. Michael B. McLean: non-university scientist; MS ME, Naval Posotgraduate School, Monterey, CA
61. William H. McCulloch: PhD in ME, Texas Tech University; non-university scientist (ret.)
62. David K. Mehne: MD, U. of Arizona, Orthopedic Residency Martin Luther King Hospital, Los Angeles; Fellowship Adult Reconstruction (sub-Specialty), University of Southern California
63. Robert D. Moyer: MS EE, UNM; DMTS, non-university scientist
64. David Noble: non-university scientist; PhD ME, Fluid Dynamics, U of Illinois
65. Meiring Nortier: non-university scientist; PhD Nuclear Physics, Univ. of Stellenbosch, South Africa
66. Paul D. Price: MS Environ. Eng., NJ Institute of Tech.
67. Ronald H. Price: non-university scientist; MS. Geology, Texas A&M University
68. Harvey Ogden: non-university scientist; MA Mathematics, Univ. of Montana
69. Jeff B. Ogden: MS EE, U. of New Mexico
70. John L. Omdahl: Prof. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of New Mexico
71. Philip R. Page: non-university scientist; PhD Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics, University of Oxford, ,UK
72. William Powers: non-university scientist; PhD Physics, U. of Calif. San Diego
73. Joseph D. Renick: MS ME, Arizona State University, Research Scientist, Aerospace Defense Contractor
74. Mark. Rodriguez: non-university scientist; PhD Materials Science (Ceramics), Alfred University
75. Joe Sciabica: BS ChE University of California at Santa Barbara; MS SM University of Southern California; MS National Security Policy - National War College, Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Vehicles Directorate
76. Bernd R. Schlei: non-university scientist; PhD Ultra-relativistic Heavy-ion Physics, University of Marburg, Germany
77. W. Kent Schubert: non-university scientist; PhD Physics, Iowa State
78. Robert C. Siegrist: MS. MIS, Golden Gate University, CA
79. Mark F. Smith: non-university scientist; PhD Metallurgy, Iowa State University
80. Chris Stageman: MS Geology, New Mexico State
81. Patricia Stephens: MS Nursing, UC San Francisco; Associate Dean of Health Occupations, Albq. Technical Vocation Institute
82. Darrin Talley: non-university scientist
83. John Torczynski: PhD, Applied Physics with minor in Applied Mathematics, California Institute of Technology; non-university scientist
84. Nathan Tumlison: MS Physical Therapy, U. of Central Arkansas
85. Bryan M. Wayne, MD: U. of Texas Health Science Center
86. Douglas R. Weiss: non-university scientist; MS EE, University of Nebraska
87. Joe Vigil: non-university scientist; MS Engineering, U. of New Mexico
88. Joe R. Weatherby: non-university scientist, PhD ME, Texas A&M University
89. Linda Walkup: PhD Molecular genetics, Univ. of New Mexico Medical School, Lecturer on Molecular Genetic Issues
90. Pharis E. Williams: Retired from New Mexico Tech., MS Physics, US Naval Richard Harris: MS ME, U of Michigan
91. Christopher K. Wojahn: non-university scientist; MS EE, U of NM
92. Graham Yelton: non-university scientist; MS Chem Eng., UNM
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