I have spoken of this obliquely in the past. But the affect of it hinders the Church to this very day.
First of all this is not about Catholic bashing. It is not about judging Catholics (or anyone else) as going-to-hell-no-exceptions. As I post I will essentially leave no one out and no stone unturned. So neither am I singling out anyone or any denomination.
Secondly, this is with the understanding that God is almighty and sovereign. He could at any moment impose his absolute will upon us all... of course that would (most likely) mean the destruction of us all... so to achieve the goals of saving for himself a remnant, there must needs be a lot that does not go God's way along the way to achieving that goal. History is replete with angelic and human defiance of God, which should not be possible if God's sovereign will were defined as strictly as some define it (and who do not consider the aforementioned consequences). All one has to do is read 1 Samuel chapter 8 to see God does in fact make concessions.
I have spoken of this obliquely in the past. But the affect of it hinders the Church to this very day.
First of all this is not about Catholic bashing. It is not about judging Catholics (or anyone else) as going-to-hell-no-exceptions. As I post I will essentially leave no one out and no stone unturned. So neither am I singling out anyone or any denomination.
Secondly, this is with the understanding that God is almighty and sovereign. He could at any moment impose his absolute will upon us all... of course that would (most likely) mean the destruction of us all... so to achieve the goals of saving for himself a remnant, there must needs be a lot that does not go God's way along the way to achieving that goal. History is replete with angelic and human defiance of God, which should not be possible if God's sovereign will were defined as strictly as some define it (and who do not consider the aforementioned consequences). All one has to do is read 1 Samuel chapter 8 to see God does in fact make concessions.