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The Holy Spirit Came As A Witness

The Holy Spirit is an advocate for us because we're sinners in need of mercy.
He also advises us as an advocate for sinners who oppose us the same way the Lamb did, "resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Mt.5:39 KJV

He peads for all to know Jesus through us. And here is the proof,

He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true. Jn.3:33 KJV

A "seal" was used to hide the contents of a document. It could be legal, but once sealed it was the speakers final word.
In this case the final word was "God is true."
if sinners believe Jesus the Holy Spirit knows. He's a reliable Witness.
The Bible calls Jesys the Faithful Witness. Si ther's two Witnesses we know our Fatjer can trusr.
Isn't it funny the kaw tgat condemns us says,

At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. Deut.17:6 KJV

I sure hope He wants a 3rd witness. Bless Him for putting Himself under the law and thank Him also for waiting for another unimpeachable source to convict!" everyone!
I think I'm going to run out now for some gorilla tape and wrap it around my mouth.
I'm still unsure where you are going with this. Thank you for making the new thread, this will make a discussion easier. You were saying something that contradicted Furtick who claimed Jesus became a sinner on the cross, right?
I am not so sure I really understand either. But I did comment on your 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 post in the other thread.
I'm still unsure where you are going with this. Thank you for making the new thread, this will make a discussion easier. You were saying something that contradicted Furtick who claimed Jesus became a sinner on the cross, right?
I don't know who Furtick is.
If the meaning if the op is unclear, the 1st point I'm making in these comments is

Holy Spirit works for believers as an advocate for us, in defense of us because we are weak,

Do you agree with my comment above so far?
I don't know who Furtick is.
If the meaning if the op is unclear, the 1st point I'm making in these comments is

Holy Spirit wirks for us,m as an advocate for us, in defense of us because we are weak,

Do you agree with my comment above so far?
Steven Furtick. He's just one of the many false teachers out there, gaining great wealth as a mega church 'pastor'.
Do I agree? No. Jesus is the advocate. The Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people. The Spirit can indeed help defend us by giving us the right utterance at the right time. I may be misinterpreting what you mean by this though, so I cannot say unequivocally that I disagree.
I see your "like" so we are a agreement to a certain degree, but do we have complete agreement that the Holy Spirit only wants to help us? Only wants what is good for us?Wants us to tell others about Jesus so they can share in His salvation? Wants sinners to come to faith in Jesus because God and His love when people come to know Him?

I'm sorry for sounding so methodical, but I just want to make sure we're in fullagreement so far.

my phone is dying and so am I. i opened jy big mouth and said Id stay up all night and I cant. Please forgive my biasting. I'm going to bed. I wwill come back tomirrow unlesd i get banned. Goidnight
Holy Spirit only wants to help us?
Wants us to tell others about Jesus so they can share in His salvation?
Wants sinners to come to faith in Jesus
Please don't apologize for being methodical, I greatly appreciate it as it makes a conversation easier to follow. I am headed to bed too, so good night as well. May God Almighty bless and keep you and yours my dear brother in Christ.
Wants us to tell others about Jesus so they can share in His salvation?
Wants sinners to come to faith in Jesus
Please don't apologize for being methodical, I greatly appreciate it as it makes a conversation easier to follow. I am headed to bed too, so good night as well. May God Almighty bless and keep you and yours my dear brother in Christ.
The only true God bless you kbmonday.
I want to request that no other members post any comments, but simply ask them themselves if they agree with us.

Is that acceptable with you kbmomday?
The only true God bless you kbmonday.
I want to request that no other members post any comments, but simply ask them themselves if they agree with us.

Is that acceptable with you kbmomday?
I wouldn't mind to go further. Be wary of setting limitations on conversation on doctrine brother, it can stunt our spiritual growth and is also how many false teachers are able to spread a false gospel. But, it is your thread so do as you please. May the Lord bless you and keep you my beloved brother in Christ Jesus.
Steven Furtick. He's just one of the many false teachers out there, gaining great wealth as a mega church 'pastor'.
Thank you. I don't want Steven Furticks opinion in this conversation. I only want your opinion to see if you agree with my opinion.
Do I agree? No. Jesus is the advocate. The Holy Spirit gives different gifts to different people.
Ok. I agree with you that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers. I also agree I with you that Jesus is our advocate.I have no problem with those points.

I respectfully ask you read what Jesus said the Holy Spirit will do when He comes. Jesus said,

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Jn.16:7-8 KJV

My only purpose here is to see if you agree with me that Along with the Holy Spirits roll in giving gifts, He also 1)reproves this world of sin, 2) of righteousness and 3) judgment.

In other my opinion opinion...I want to know if you agree with me that Jesus said the the Holy Spirit will,

1) reprove (correctly teach) this world what sin is.
2) reprove (correctly teach) this world what righteousness is and
3) reprove (correctly teach) this world why judgment is coming.

The Spirit can indeed help defend us by giving us the right utterance at the right time. I may be misinterpreting what you mean by this though, so I cannot say unequivocally that I disagree.
I do not disagree with the statement you just made. I agree with you completely.

Do you disagree with anything I said in this post so far?
Thank you. I don't want Steven Furticks opinion in this conversation. I only want your opinion to see if you agree with my opinion.

Ok. I agree with you that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers. I also agree I with you that Jesus is our advocate.I have no problem with those points.

I respectfully ask you read what Jesus said the Holy Spirit will do when He comes. Jesus said,

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away:for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Jn.16:7-8 KJV

My only purpose here is to see if you agree with me that Along with the Holy Spirits roll in giving gifts, He also 1)reproves this world of sin, 2) of righteousness and 3) judgment.

In other my opinion opinion...I want to know if you agree with me that Jesus said the the Holy Spirit will,

1) reprove (correctly teach) this world what sin is.
2) reprove (correctly teach) this world what righteousness is and
3) reprove (correctly teach) this world why judgment is coming.

I do not disagree with the statement you just made. I agree with you completely.

Do you disagree with anything I said in this post so far?
Yes I agree with each and every point. The only addition I would make is that scripture also fulfills those roles as well, as all scripture is good for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction and sometimes the Holy Spirit directs us to scripture as part of that role too. 2 Tim 3:16
I am not so sure I really understand either. But I did comment on your 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 post in the other thread.
My Rock
I sincerely appreciate your interest in this conversation and value your opinion more than you know, but I humbly beg you not to post your opinion yet. I only ask you to think about what is being said and whether you agree with it or not.

Please just listen for now.
I wouldn't mind to go further. Be wary of setting limitations on conversation on doctrine brother, it can stunt our spiritual growth and is also how many false teachers are able to spread a false gospel.
This is wise counsel and I fully agree with you. You have just given the reason why this thread was made.

I want you and I to avoid false teaching. I want everyone a year to avoid false teaching.

The way to avoid false teaching Is to agree not with each other, but with God. To be in agreement with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

But, it is your thread so do as you please. May the Lord bless you and keep you my beloved brother in Christ Jesus.
Dear Christian
The purpose of this thread is to see if you and I are in agreement about what God thinks. I only care about what you think if I'm sure it agrees with what God thinks.

I don't want you to care about what I think. I want you to care about what God thinks.

I want us to be in agreement with God because if we are truly in fellowship with what God said there is no possible way to be deceived by heresy.

Do you have a problem with anything I said so far. I want to know if you and I are in complete agreement with everything being said here no divisions perfectly joined together in one in Christ.

Are we in agreement?
Yes I agree with each and every point. The only addition I would make is that scripture also fulfills those roles as well, as all scripture is good for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction and sometimes the Holy Spirit directs us to scripture as part of that role too. 2 Tim 3:16
So far we're like two peas in One pod. Lets see if our fellowship with Christ remains unbroken. I'm patiently waiting for your response to post number 13.
This is wise counsel and I fully agree with you. You have just given the reason why this thread was made.

I want you and I to avoid false teaching. I want everyone a year to avoid false teaching.

The way to avoid false teaching Is to agree not with each other, but with God. To be in agreement with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Dear Christian
The purpose of this thread is to see if you and I are in agreement about what God thinks. I only care about what you think if I'm sure it agrees with what God thinks.

I don't want you to care about what I think. I want you to care about what God thinks.

I want us to be in agreement with God because if we are truly in fellowship with what God said there is no possible way to be deceived by heresy.

Do you have a problem with anything I said so far. I want to know if you and I are in complete agreement with everything being said here no divisions perfectly joined together in one in Christ.

Are we in agreement?
Sure, I would like to add that the very best way to be sure that your doctrine agrees with God is by comparing it to scripture. I am very wary of following the heart, as the heart is possibly the greatest deceiver. I also don't want to discount brothers and sisters that disagree on a non salvational issue, as we are not judged by how well we understand and know scripture, but by our hearts and actions. But yes, we are in accord.
Side note: Jesus said,
to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue my word,
then are ye my disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Our dear sweet Savior wanted us to know His truth and be free any worry or any doubt that God loves us all in spite of our imperfections and will receive us into his kingdom if we would only believe what he said. Please don't comment on this post. Simply ask yourself if you agree that God is good and only w wants what is best for His chikdren.
I feel that I must respond to this, as I see an inconsistency. He "will receive us into his kingdom if we would only believe what he said"
This cannot be brother, as scripture tells us that even the devils believe and tremble.
James 2:19-20 (KJV)

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

The key in your quoted passage is that Yeshua was specifically talking to the Jews who already had the works, the Torah. Merely believing is not enough to enter the kingdom and Jesus teaches this through parables.
Please note that I do not correct out of a concern that YOU have this wrong, but instead for others who may be babes in the faith and read this.
Sure, I would like to add that the very best way to be sure that your doctrine agrees with God is by comparing it to scripture.
That's why I'm asking for your opinion. I have an opinion.. Everyone on CF has an opinion. Everyone in every church on earth has an opinion. Everyone commenting on the Bible wants to make sure his opinion matches Gods' opinion.
If everyone reading our concersation agrees with what we're saying...then we have complete agreement in our opinions about what God said.

I am very wary of following the heart, as the heart is possibly the greatest deceiver. I
Very wise counsel,

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how thatJ esus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? 2Cor.13:6 KJV

Now I beseech you ,brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 1Cor.1:10 JJV
also don't want to discount brothers and sisters that disagree on a non salvational issue, as we are not judged by how well we understand and know scripture, but by our hearts and actions. But yes, we are in accord.
There are millions of sinners who have lived throughout the centuries who never heard of Jesus. I believe as we go forth in this discussion these points will be easily resolved
I feel that I must respond to this, as I see an inconsistency.
Look. I methodically and respectfully requested you to simply look at what's being said and give me your opinion about what is being said.
Would you please not look for supposed inconsistencies. I don't want your opinion on why you disagree. I only want you to tell me if you agree with my opinion on what is being said.
We can disagree later.
He "will receive us into his kingdom if we would only believe what he said"
This cannot be brother, as scripture tells us that even the devils believe and tremble.
James 2:19-20 (KJV)
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

The key in your quoted passage is that Yeshua was specifically talking to the Jews who already had the works, the Torah. Merely believing is not enough to enter the kingdom and Jesus teaches this through parables.
Please note that I do not correct out of a concern that YOU have this wrong, but instead for others who may be babes in the faith and read this.
I'm well aware of objections to what is being said here. I'm fully aware that members of CF disagree with each other quite often.
OK? I understand that.
I don't want this conversation to turn into confusion. I am only trying to show you that if our opinions about God our correct, if our way of thinking about God God are right in His eyes then we can't be wrong. We will know his truth that lifts every burden from our lives.


I'm well aware of objections to what isbeing said here. I fully aware that members of CF disagree with each other quite often.
OK? I understand that.
I don't want this conversation to turn into confusion. I am only trying to show you that if our opinions about God our correct, if our way of thinking about God Godare right in His eyes then we can't be wrong. we will know his truth that lifts every burden from our lives.


I'm well aware of objections to what isbeing said here. I fully aware that members of CF disagree with each other quite often.
OK? I understand that.
I don't want this conversation to turn into confusion. I am only trying to show you that if our opinions about God our correct, if our way of thinking about God Godare right in His eyes then we can't be wrong. we will know his truth that lifts every burden from our lives.

I know you're asking legitimate questions. In all sincerity I appreciate them, but they will be answered later. For now I'm just requesting as gently as I can whether you agree with points being made.

Are we in full agreement?
No, we are not in full agreement then. If my opinion doesn't matter unless I agree with you then this isn't a conversation, it is preaching at me, and I will see myself out. If you are uninterested in my actual opinion, including my earlier aside and parenthetical, then I will not continue the conversation. I am not fodder to be used to push another person's opinion or narrative, I am my own man. I aired my grievance, which is that mere belief in what Yeshua said is not the only requirement for entering into the Kingdom of Heaven. I don't intend to be mean or hurt your feelings, but a one way discussion is not a conversation.