Okay, lets sort this arguement out.
Evolution is based on observable evidence. Quite simply, since it has first been proposed not a single piece, a single shred of evidence has been put forward to discredit it.
Except a book. (Actually, many books, if you take into account the hundreds of other religions) Written hundreds of years ago.
:roll: Actually,only one book bases it's claims on an actual person,and that person really did exist. many other records besides the bible prove
it. Jesus Christ is this most excellent person,and hearing voices is one
thing if other signs of mental illness is also present,but to say that a
normal functioning person is crazy simply because he has heard the voice
of God is ridiculous. If you don't understand something,you don't know
what it is. Those who wish with all their heart that there were no God
actually believe that they can make it so,yet that cannot ever happen.
If you believe that you can discredit God and his word,you are sadly
mistaken. His word will not ever pass away,amen.
If you don't believe in any ancient beliefs,then you wouldn't touch
evolution with a ten foot pole. Not only is it ancient and religious,it
is also pagan. Research all of the pagans if you believe in education and
None of them claim what the bible claims,and in fact,the bible actually
exposes who the pagans are.