LaCrum said:
Abraham was declared righteous after his display of faith, just as we are with our display of faith in trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Strawmans galore, when did I ever say man does not need to do anything for salvation, or that repentance is pointless? Please show me. I’ll repeat what I’ve been saying all along, we are saved by believing in Jesus’s work on the cross aka acknowledging that we need Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.
I see. Another person who wants their cake and eat it, too.
In the immediately preceeding response to this, you told me:
We are saying no righteousness is required for our justification.
Now, the flip flop...
Abraham was declared righteous after his display of faith
Yea, ABRAHAM'S display of righteousness. THEN, he is declared righteous.
But your previous post, when you were in your "I'm covered by Jesus" mode, you don't require righteousness, HE does it all...
Strawman??? How about getting the story straight from the get-go. The later, I agree with. The former is from your forensic imputation idea. I sense your bible reading that produced the later is conflicting with the former "total depravity" that you were taught, based on one verse taken out of context...
LaCrum said:
He demands perfection because He is a perfect and just God.
Before repentance is accepted??? You'll have to excuse me, but Scriptures say otherwise NUMEROUS times. Forgive me if I do not accept your assertion...
I would like to see something that says "before God forgives, He demands perfection", or something to that effect... Your Scriptural verses do not address the issue...
LaCrum said:
If He did not, he would not be just.
I can be just if I forgive someone unconditionally, but God cannot??? Someone breaks my window, and he apologizes, I can forgive, before we discuss compensation, even if I WANT it!!!
LaCrum said:
francisdesales said:
Where does the Bible state that God demands perfect righteousness?
Matthew 5:48 – Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Straight from the lips of Jesus on that one.
Does this say what I asked??? This is refering to life AFTER sins are forgiven. There is no mention about what is required BEFORE sins are forgiven. No compensation. The striving for perfection is AFTER sin is forgiven. This may be odd to the forensic protestant, but that is what we do, because God sees us and our righteousness, since Chirst does not "cover us"...
LaCrum said:
1 John 2:6 - Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.
Same response...
This is a staement about our walk, AFTER we have been forgiven of sins...
LaCrum said:
Romans 8:1-4
1Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,[a] 2because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
Nothing about
demanding a perfect sin offering!... That is the point you are missing, because your focus on Christ as a "legal fiction". Christ is a sin offering, freely. Not because He is required to be one... The 'bible already establishes that God forgives the repentant man. By focusing on credits and debits to one's account, you miss the fact that Christ is an Advocate for our sake, a sin offering to God as Man's representative.
LaCrum said:
Why do you, Francis, think Jesus came to earth to die for our sins if we can be declared righteous without Him by our works?
Oh, I didn't say that. EVERYTHING we do is a gift, remember? But it IS our gift that we give back to the Father, as a little child does when he draws a picture for his mother with mom's crayons and moms paper in moms house wearing clothes that mom bought. Mom still loves that picture, though... We cannot OBLIGATE God by works (romans 4:4 - work demands wages). No one can come to God and demand wages. It is a gift. And it is righteousness, from the time of Abel to now.
LaCrum said:
francisdesales said:
Your logic is based upon a THEORY, the Theory of Atonement, which presumes a number of things, some of which are not found int he Bible. It does not take into account what the Bible actually says, over and over and over again...
Wait, so point me to the verse that says that Christ and his shed blood was NOT a sin offering on our behalf?
It is a sin offering on our behalf. I disagree with some of the conclusion Prot. reach from that theory, however, such as forensic imputation. And that Christ had to die and the Father demanded blood. That doesn't jive with the idea of God in the Bible...
LaCrum said:
francisdesales said:
I'll have cover this all over again...
Why does man require sanctification, if we are covered with perfection already???
The covering of our sins by Jesus’s blood is what allows us to enter into the inner-most sanctuary and have a relationship with God like Jesus had.
The term "covering" means something else to you then it does in Scriptures. we are not covered. YOu have already said that one is justified upon an act of faith. If we are covered, there is no faith that God looks at from us...
Legal imputation does not imply any sort of close relationship. That is legal terminology. Thus, we stress that Christ is INFUSED within us. It becomes OUR righteousness, but not self-generated. We are indeed transformerd into a new creation, and it is good, as all things the Father creates. Thus, there is no need for a legal fiction. Legal fiction is not concerned with relationships.
The curtain refers to the OLD Law as being finished. Man could always come before God, even in the OT, in prayer. The point is that we are linked with the High Priest, so Christ can plead for our sakes. The Church is the Body of Christ, the High Priest Himself.
LaCrum said:
That’s what we mean by “covered with perfectionâ€.
The point of that comment is to state that our righteousness no longer matters, that God only looks at Christ. You are again wanting your cake and to eat it... This is the problem with this scheme. It is inconsistenly applied and doesn't take the logic to completion.
If Christ covers me, pray tell why does my holiness matter??? Your explanation only makes sense if we are NOT covered and that we rely on the Advocate when we fail, while God does view our OWN righteousness. It sounds like you are half way between.