glorydaz said:
francisdesales said:
You want it both ways, don't you.
WHY must I be conformed to Christ if I am completely covered?
What don't you get about this??? Why must God conform me WHILE completely covering me? What is the point of erecting a legal fiction IF I am being conformed - and this conforming varies with all men?
Tell you what, go ahead and try to gain access to the throne based on your "fruit". You won't be allowed in.
Tell you what. Why don't you just answer the question and stop ignoring it. Hiding from it will not bring closure here. It is intellectually dishonest to talk about some vaunted scheme and then ignore any questions that may call some doubt into the INTERPRETATION of the Scriptures. As Adullam states, the Bible should agree. There shouldn't be a "canon within a canon" where the writings of Paul are of greater value than the words of Jesus Christ!!!
glorydaz said:
You just aren't righteous enough to approach God without the righteousness of Christ shielding you from God. Any matter how "venial" is not allowed in God's presence.
I am not sure if I said this 20 or 25 times, but I'll say it again...
Where does the Bible say I need to be perfectly righteous?
Where does the Bible say I require the righteousness of Christ to shield me from God?
What does the Bible state is REQUIRED before sin is forgiven.
I have written a length post on this today at the "How are we made right with God" thread.
In it, you will see overwhelming Scriptural evidence for the idea that God does not REQUIRE perfection BEFORE sins are forgiven. Redressing the cosmic balance can occur AFTER forgiveness. Recompensation or payment to balance God's justice, if you want, takes effect AFTER forgiveness. But forgiveness of sin - the first step in rebuilding a ruined relationship - begins without ANYTHING but a sorrowful heart. The problem is that your scheme is based upon a corruption of the "theory of atonement", which is an INTERPRETATION of Scriptures that fails to take into account the fact that God can forgive and be merciful WITHOUT some cosmic balance redressed.
Even I can forgive someone without my "sense of justice" being corrected. I don't have to demand full payment or punishment if someone breaks my window. The PROBLEM for Protestants of this type are that they see their relationship with God as COMPLETELY legal. There is a sense of credits and debits in their mind between God and them.
We are in a familial relationship with a God of Love. Your viewpoint is incomprehensible to the overarching theme of Scriptures - that God deeply and passionately desires a familial relationship of love with mankind. He desires that we TURN to Him, not present a perfect sacrifice.
glorydaz said:
Joe, Christ's righteousness covers us in the same way the blood was put over the door post.
GD, you have refused to give me a Scriptural citation of that concept. Until then, I am not going to simply accept your assertion. Your continued refusal to do so is indicative of the flimsiness of your scheme.
Christ is our MEDIATOR, not our covering. Big difference that you are overlooking. Do you know what a mediator is???
The Bible doesn't call Jesus Christ OUR righteousness. The righteousness of God freely forgives us when we turn to Him. The righteousness of God is calling to mind that His mercy and forgiveness is ever present to those who imperfectly beg for forgiveness from Him. Grace reigns THROUGH His righteousness. We are seen righteous and just, throughout the Bible, when we have a pure heart and a humble disposition.
glorydaz said:
Those inside the house can be quaking in fear and filled with doubt..but the death angel sees the blood and passes over. It's all about the blood...and your blood just isn't going to cut it. God requires a spotless Lamb, without blemish.
God doesn't require blood to enact forgiveness. We don't worship a blood thirsty God. That idea is very strange to Christianity. Perhaps at another time, we will discuss that. However, the Bible, oddly enough, never discusses WHY blood is 'required' or how such sacrifices appease God...
glorydaz said:
Without the blood and body of Christ, no man can enter into the presence of a Holy God. We are not righteous...we simply live in the Righteous One. We are slowly being transformed...
More simple assertions. Do you actually know how to back up your point with logic and citations? This is not how you prove something, by repeating it over and over with contradictory statements...
For what purpose are we being transformed if we "simply live in the Righteous One", covered by HIS righteousness???
Must I again cite Scriptures, yes, I will...
Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 1 John 3:7
God says I am righteous when I conduct myself with "faith working in love". You say I am not. FORGIVE me, my friend, but I'll take God's Word over you. It says what it says, whether you like it or not...
The Bible says I am righteous as He is righteous, when I do righteous things (with a pure heart - Paul says works of the Law by themselves do not make one righteous). The Bible clearly speaks about people being just and righteous. Noah, Enoch, Abraham. THEY were just. As those who follow in their footsteps in faith.