Light, electricity,microwave,all the same particle just different levels of energy and wavelenghts
I think you're right. For awhile, I have suspected that Adam & Eve's spirits rode on the outside of their body (before the fall, and created in God's own image and likeness...!!) So they glowed and that covered their nakedness.
Then when they fell, the spirit got pushed inside of them and no can see it anymore.
Then I find this the other day. I've read it before...but the Holy Spirit let me see it this time, lol.
Psalm 104:2
2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:.../(KJV)
That's what happened! The spirit went inside their bodies, and then they knew they were naked.
Back to the point.
Let your light shine to the world...
The spirit is to be divided asunder from the soul (Hebrews 4:12)
Jesus did this at the transfiguration and was as clothed with light!
Anything Jesus does, we can do. (John 14:12)
(This is all grace.)
We're Spirit beings, perhaps made out of light, and are to let our light shine before men. That's huge.
Have you ever released your spirit out from inside? Seen anyone glowing? We're in a major identity crisis here, thinking we're human living in the natural Realm, going duh, lol.
So we have to tune the frequency/wavelength of our heart & spirit, to God and release our spirit to come forth. In perfect alignment with God and His love, which can then flow through us.
Or so it seems to me...:wink