The Pharisee

Mar 12, 2022
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I always thought of the Pharisees as a bunch of hypocrites and brood of vipers and there is no doubt from the actual scriptures that there was some that hared Jesus.

There were some that honored our Lord. Who they are and how many only He knows and I’m glad it’s that way because there was something right in front of my face my whole life (except for childhood when I just believed in him because “my mom and dad told me God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Gen.1:28 KJV

Then somebody came along and talked me out of it. In fact I never believed that. I only said I did. You can’t get. More coward than me. And do you know why?

It’s because I still remember what my mother taught and my Father taught me.

You know what? If my mother and Father were on trial for their lives for breaking just one commandment and they called me to testify against them? I’d keep my mouth shut and hope God another good witness like Jesus would show up and keep his mouth shut.

The hell. When I think about it that’s so selfish it probably wouldn’t even bother me that the people who loved like no other were going to fry.

I gotta tell ya…I said that without believing it and He can still take me back. If that isn’t love then nothing is.!it’s nothing Lord Jesus but thank it’s all I have to offer .