sorry. (awkwardly). both in the Torah(Old Testament) and in the New Testament, it is written "you must be holy for the lord your god is holy" and again "you must be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect" and again I KNOW YOU DON'T KNOW HOW, I'll SHOW YOU. (Jesus, translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek to English; possibly paraphrased, but still in force in purpose and intent).
and after one of Jesus' revelations from ABBA > then His disciples exclaimed in shock (horror, disbelief, astonishment, bizarro) (slang emotional paraphrase) "HOW THEN CAN ANYONE BE SAVED LORD !!!! ??? "
Jesus said
again, "with man it is impossible" (note, with man it is impossible)
but with God all things are possible. (note, with God it is possible) (i.e. so it still must be accomplished, for real, in truth, as Jesus says)
so few people are ever shown the truth of a Godly life, and few still taught the truth from God's Word (or reverse that if need be - fewer shown than taught - as it is easier to teach it than to show it).
so it is no surprise people reply "well, nobody's perfect" or "no one cand do that" or some such........
matthew 5
1 peter 1
leviticus 11