- May 17, 2010
- 337
- 55
The Rapture – God's DNA Harvest
Many secular individuals scuff at the stories in the bible and call them absurd. They also call Christians naive for believing in them. No other story can bring instant mockery from the non-christian world than the belief in the rapture.
The rapture is when the resurrected Jesus Christ comes back to retrieve the living and dead from this world who are forgiven of their sins by a belief in Jesus Christ. In essence God comes for his faithful. But why? The immediate answer is that the believers in Jesus Christ are being spared the final judgment of this world's sins as outlined in the last book of the bible, the book of revelation.
But there is another reason. As man gains more knowledge of God's creation he learns not only how to manipulate the inanimate processes of nature, i.e. the elements, but also biological processes. Eventually man will arrive at a point where he can use genetics to make a replica of himself, he'll gain the ability to clone himself.
Once man can clone himself he will have ascended into the purview of God and will, most likely, recklessly use genetics to change the image of all biological forms of life including man. Once man is able to clone himself he will be able to change his own image. Since God created man in his own image, or likeness, changing anything about man also figuratively changes the image of God.
Evil loves to mutilate the image of God which is why so many are obtaining tattoos. Once mankind achieves the ability to tattoo God himself, through genetics by changing God's image that was imparted to his created beings both man and woman, God will then say enough is enough and the rapture will strike.
The rapture, while saving those faithful to Jesus Christ from God's wrath of final judgment, is also God picking up all traces of our DNA, both living and dead, to preserve our likeness to God. For the rapture not only takes the living but also the dead in Jesus Christ. After the rapture there will be no traces of our DNA left on this earth for anyone to tamper either by genetic engineering, or to become damaged by the radiation of a nuclear war.
God Bless
Imagine what evil men will do to themselves once they obtain the ability to clone themselves. Just think of all of the world's leaders, both political and financial, signing on to have identical body parts cloned of themselves in order to extend their lives indefinitely (think: the mark of the beast). They will convince themselves that they have achieved immortality itself.
There is another concern for man's ability to clone himself, harvesting of body parts. The fear of nuclear radiation will subside as any radiation damage to the body can be repaired by cloned body parts. One also wonders that if a nuclear exchange takes place before the Jewish temple is rebuilt then there will be no unblemished lamb left to initiate a ritualistic sacrifice for sin on the alter. Lambs will have to be cloned in a lab to ensure purity. Those still on earth after a nuclear war will be heavily damaged by radiation and will be useless for any sacrifice.
Because the rapture takes all traces of DNA of every saved soul in Jesus Christ out of this world then no person left on earth will be able to claim that they are a cloned Saint or apostle of our past. Also the antichrist will not be able to claim that he is somehow a cloned duplicate of Jesus Christ claiming that they found the bones of Jesus Christ to initiate a genetic likeness. That deceit will be impossible because the rapture takes all of the DNA of God's faithful out of this world.
God foresaw man's ability to clone himself in the end days, and the evil that will ensue, and prepared his faithful to be raptured up into heaven for safekeeping.
In the story of Noah God preserved his creation in the ark from the flood waters of judgment. In the story of the rapture God preserves its DNA in heaven from the flood of radiation.
Those in the Jewish faith are so particular about being 'unclean' yet once a nuclear exchange begins everything will become defiled with radiation. You'd think they would embrace the forgiveness offered by God's son Jesus Christ and ensure themselves that all of their DNA will be removed (and therefore preserved) from this earth before it will become permanently defiled and mutated by man's sin, namely radiation damage from a nuclear war.
One begins to wonder (hint: with the Holy Spirit’s help) if Satan isn't trying to mutate all life on earth with radiation and genetic engineering so that the Jewish people will lose all hope of ever finding an unblemished animal for a sin offering on the alter. All life on earth will then be unclean! The Jewish people will most certainty have to turn to the antichrist for the forgiveness of their sin. They will flatly reject the resurrected Jesus Christ even though they know the rapture validated all his claims because they now believe that the antichrist in their midst is their true messiah.
Be prepared for the rapture by believing in the saving knowledge and grace of a belief in God's son Jesus Christ's (God become man). Who's death and resurrection was the final sacrifice for all of man's sin. To receive forgiveness just believe in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ extends forgiveness for ALL your sins by simply believing in him.
Many secular individuals scuff at the stories in the bible and call them absurd. They also call Christians naive for believing in them. No other story can bring instant mockery from the non-christian world than the belief in the rapture.
The rapture is when the resurrected Jesus Christ comes back to retrieve the living and dead from this world who are forgiven of their sins by a belief in Jesus Christ. In essence God comes for his faithful. But why? The immediate answer is that the believers in Jesus Christ are being spared the final judgment of this world's sins as outlined in the last book of the bible, the book of revelation.
But there is another reason. As man gains more knowledge of God's creation he learns not only how to manipulate the inanimate processes of nature, i.e. the elements, but also biological processes. Eventually man will arrive at a point where he can use genetics to make a replica of himself, he'll gain the ability to clone himself.
Once man can clone himself he will have ascended into the purview of God and will, most likely, recklessly use genetics to change the image of all biological forms of life including man. Once man is able to clone himself he will be able to change his own image. Since God created man in his own image, or likeness, changing anything about man also figuratively changes the image of God.
Evil loves to mutilate the image of God which is why so many are obtaining tattoos. Once mankind achieves the ability to tattoo God himself, through genetics by changing God's image that was imparted to his created beings both man and woman, God will then say enough is enough and the rapture will strike.
The rapture, while saving those faithful to Jesus Christ from God's wrath of final judgment, is also God picking up all traces of our DNA, both living and dead, to preserve our likeness to God. For the rapture not only takes the living but also the dead in Jesus Christ. After the rapture there will be no traces of our DNA left on this earth for anyone to tamper either by genetic engineering, or to become damaged by the radiation of a nuclear war.
God Bless
Imagine what evil men will do to themselves once they obtain the ability to clone themselves. Just think of all of the world's leaders, both political and financial, signing on to have identical body parts cloned of themselves in order to extend their lives indefinitely (think: the mark of the beast). They will convince themselves that they have achieved immortality itself.
There is another concern for man's ability to clone himself, harvesting of body parts. The fear of nuclear radiation will subside as any radiation damage to the body can be repaired by cloned body parts. One also wonders that if a nuclear exchange takes place before the Jewish temple is rebuilt then there will be no unblemished lamb left to initiate a ritualistic sacrifice for sin on the alter. Lambs will have to be cloned in a lab to ensure purity. Those still on earth after a nuclear war will be heavily damaged by radiation and will be useless for any sacrifice.
Because the rapture takes all traces of DNA of every saved soul in Jesus Christ out of this world then no person left on earth will be able to claim that they are a cloned Saint or apostle of our past. Also the antichrist will not be able to claim that he is somehow a cloned duplicate of Jesus Christ claiming that they found the bones of Jesus Christ to initiate a genetic likeness. That deceit will be impossible because the rapture takes all of the DNA of God's faithful out of this world.
God foresaw man's ability to clone himself in the end days, and the evil that will ensue, and prepared his faithful to be raptured up into heaven for safekeeping.
In the story of Noah God preserved his creation in the ark from the flood waters of judgment. In the story of the rapture God preserves its DNA in heaven from the flood of radiation.
Those in the Jewish faith are so particular about being 'unclean' yet once a nuclear exchange begins everything will become defiled with radiation. You'd think they would embrace the forgiveness offered by God's son Jesus Christ and ensure themselves that all of their DNA will be removed (and therefore preserved) from this earth before it will become permanently defiled and mutated by man's sin, namely radiation damage from a nuclear war.
One begins to wonder (hint: with the Holy Spirit’s help) if Satan isn't trying to mutate all life on earth with radiation and genetic engineering so that the Jewish people will lose all hope of ever finding an unblemished animal for a sin offering on the alter. All life on earth will then be unclean! The Jewish people will most certainty have to turn to the antichrist for the forgiveness of their sin. They will flatly reject the resurrected Jesus Christ even though they know the rapture validated all his claims because they now believe that the antichrist in their midst is their true messiah.
Be prepared for the rapture by believing in the saving knowledge and grace of a belief in God's son Jesus Christ's (God become man). Who's death and resurrection was the final sacrifice for all of man's sin. To receive forgiveness just believe in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ extends forgiveness for ALL your sins by simply believing in him.