C 4 C said:
Splendid Jwu, you've finally admitted that your statement(s), or post(s) is erroneous & contain many (lies, or) ambiguities, inaccurracies, etc which is a expected admission from someone who get(s) the answer(s) to his own question(s) wrong, (to me) it's not surprising to any degree & you foolishly believe that lies, ambiguities, inaccurracies, etc can not be avoided.... which is also another lie of yours & anyone who always speak the truth will always avoid lies, ambiguities, inaccurracies, etc.
jwu said:
How come i'm not surprised that you're trying to twist my words?
Interesting, I tell you that I've discovered many lies (or, discrepancies) contained within your post(s) & you foolishly respond back by saying "
Minor semantical ambiguities and inaccurracies can hardly ever be avoided", when anyone & everyone knows that "if you do not lie & speak the truth.... you &, or anyone else can avoid ambiguities, inaccurracies, etc".
But, you actually believe that I told you to start lying, simply because I busted you in all of your lies, your own admission(s) speaks for itself.
C 4 C said:
At first I said to myself.... why would this guy who says that he's not even a citizen of the USA post outdated (US) links (below) which only stated what someone would like to do & is not doing already, therefore your three links did more harm than good.
jwu said:
What does it matter if i am a US citizen or not? The US don't have a monopoly on high schools.
Logically, its relevant to you lying about taking physics in a US highschool, or you actually being as physics student.
C 4 C said:
The only link (below) that showed any promise is Texas Education Agency.... which I contacted.
Mrs. Pickhardt explained to me on the phone...., that the experiment "Integrated Physics & Chemistry (IPC)" they're doing is brand new (2007- 2008).
jwu said:
She was talking about one specific experiment, it seems. Oh, and i'm not Texan either.
:shocked!:Wait one second, you've some how became omniscient & know exactly what Mrs. Pickhardt knows & everyting that she & I talked about on the phone, etc?
NO! :smt043
Analytically it's not relevant that you're not a Texan, or citizen of the USA for you to start telling the truth, or at least be correct once, etc.
C 4 C said:
Jwu you also stated that, you took physics in highschool, which without even knowing you incriminate youself once again, because the word "took" implies past tense (or, many years ago), so unless (2007- 2008) you've just entered highschool you're lying, but unless you're going to post the country of the school /the school address / the school website / the school phone number you're going to remain within the same category you've put yourself into "a liar".
jwu said:
Do you even spend a second thinking about the nonsense you keep spouting?
Even if that woman were talking about actual physics education and not one specific experiment, since i am neither Texan nor even US-American, that has nothing to do with the question if i took physics in high school.
On the contrary, the only nonsensical factor(s) is your alleged cognizant adeptness, you
supposedly taking physics in highschool, you actually one day start telling the truth, etc.
C 4 C said:
Also Jwu by saying that you've taken physics in highschool you instantaneously become a physics student, therefore post your
TOE mathematical equation(s).
Tell me (Jwu), In which particular
parallel universe(s), or
multiverse(s) do any (habitual) liar merit any apology, etc?
jwu said:
nwrt. Not even professional physicists have a Theory of Everything.
Every (authentic) physicist, or physics student in their spare-time has been secretly contemplating their own version of
TOE, even though due to the fact of the enormity (which would have to mathematically explain all of the forces coinciding with the
The Big Bang, God, everything that He did, is doing & will ever do, etc) of such an equation (throughout history) not even one of the past & present physicists, or or physics student actually plan to ever have their theory validated, or accepted.
But, since you did not really take physics in highschool & is not a real physics student I do not expect you to even have your own personal
jwu said:
Oh, and don't forget to explain what "E=MC²" was supposed to contribute to your statement.
C 4 C said:
Take no offence, but unfortunately the fact that you even need to (continuously) ask that (redundantly tedious) question (above) only further substantiates your ineptness & possible internal consumption of one, or all of the following (mind-altering) hallucinogenic chemical element(s) below:
jwu said:
So why don't you answer the question instead of weaseling around? You can't, because you don't have a clue what it means!
I though pagans was (relatively) intelligent, that's until I discovered the level of your ineptness which amazingly know no depths, I do not help my enemies in any way.... I only contemplate every conceivable way of braking them, displaying their ineptness, ect....
for your, & their sake, I am suggesting simply complying with God's word(s) prior to the rapture, etc.
Unlike myself & other Christians, you as a pagan do not have the best of both (spiritual & natural) worlds, therfore you will always be behind, laking, etc relatively to myself & other Christians.
jwu said:
By the way, the stuff listed below are molecules, not elements. Oops.
:shocked!: Unfortunately, you're statement(s) is indicative of someone who also failed chemistry too due to the following (•) well known fact(s) below: :smt043
NOTE: Everything displayed (above) within
"The Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements" pertains (only &) exclusively to the atom(s) & not the molecule(s).
- Tetrahydrocannabinol - ÃŽâ€9-THC, ÃŽâ€9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, ÃŽâ€1-tetrahydrocannabinol, (1) one single microscopic THC Molecule consists of a cluster, or combination of 53 Atoms or, an agglomeration of 3 Chemical elements (categories) 21 Carbon atoms, 30 Hydrogen atoms & 2 Oxygen atoms.
- Helix-hexahydroindoloonly - LSD (1) one single microscopic LSD Molecule consists of a cluster, or combination of 49 Atoms or, an agglomeration of 4 Chemical elements (categories) 20 Carbon atoms, 25 Hydrogen atoms, 3 Nitrogen atoms & 1 Oxygen atom.
- Benzoylmethyl ecgonine - Cocaine, only (1) one single microscopic cocaine Molecule consists of a cluster, or combination of 42 Atoms or, an agglomeration of 4 Chemical elements (categories) 17 Carbon atoms, 21 Hydrogen atoms, 4 Nitrogen atoms & 4 Oxygen atoms.
jwu said:
Take a look here:
If no-one teaches physics in high school - then who buys all these high school physics textbooks?
Who is member of the "American Association of Physics Teachers" (
http://www.aapt.org) ?
I guess it's time for you to apologize...
Interestingly sad, the Bible & your own (secular) law(s) of probability dictate(s) that, the only way that you can always be incorrect & I always be correct is that either I am omniscient, (which I know I'm not) or you're really inept & is only pretending to be a adeptly cognizant individual.
Analytically, since I know (100%) I'm not omniscient, logically the only reason(s) I am obtaining such flawless victories is because (unfortunately) you're really inept, etc.
Talk about Déjàvu, once again.... tell me (Jwu), In which particular
parallel universe(s), or
multiverse(s) do any (habitual) liar merit any apology, etc?
Here is some excellent advise (to avoid you totally embarrassing youself anymore), I'm recommending that you stop consecutively falling (head first & eyes wide open) for my trap(s), lying, etc.