William P. Young's best selling book
The Shack is considered by many solid Bible-based ministries to contain New Age, pagan teachings,
and even occult overtones. Heresy and false teaching of any kind should
never be permitted in any Christian Church [or Christian bookstore] regardless of whether or not it is fiction.
It is the responsibility of pastors, teachers and church elders, to not only nurture and feed God's flock, but to expose heresy, aberrant teachings, false teachers and false prophets -
in order to faithfully and lovingly WARN God's flock. Those that fail to do so not only disqualify themselves from serving in a position of biblical Eldership and leadership, but they end up lead others astray!
A falling away of the Christian faith is certainly happening across the world. Sadly, many of those who are a part of it are wholeheartedly embracing the counterfeit
universal reconciliation Jesus that William Paul Young has ever-so-craftily created in
The Shack.
"This book has the potential to do for our generation what John Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress' did for his. It's that good!"
-----Eugene Peterson, author of
The Message (Front cover endorsement)
"God, who is the ground of all being, dwells in, around, and through all things....” [panentheism]
The Shack's "Jesus." [1,p.112]
"Those who love me come from every system that exists. They were Buddhists or Mormons, Baptists or Muslims.... I have no desire to make them Christian, but I do want to join them in their transformation into sons and daughters of my Papa, into my brothers and sisters.”
The Shack's "Jesus." [1,p.182]
"The esoteric spiritual traditions -- whether Christian mystics, Hebrew Kabbalists, Zen Buddhists, Islamic Sufis, or Hindu yogis -- all have specific practices to help individuals overcome this great 'illusion of separation' and to experience the One True Self, which is in us all." [2,p.149]
To see more: "Shocked by the Shack"
Shocked by the Shack