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The "super-natural" qualities of Godly Love.

Seasoned by Grace

Staff member
Hello everyone.
Like the example of the "TRINITY" being recognized for what it is ( THEY ARE !!), we give a name separate from scripture, understanding the purpose of God, and His separate functions, WITHOUT the TRINITY ever being mentioned ONCE anywhere in the entire scriptures. And yet we believe the TRINITY EXISTS, and we all almost universally, believe in the TRINITY because it can be proven in Gods word without a mention of the TRINITY, because the inference being so clear.

God having SUPER-NATURAL qualities is also never ever mentioned once in scripture, but for all who spend a great deal of time studying and researching, find this Godly quality JUMPING OUT at them all throughout the Old and New Testament.

Most any Christian would be shocked at the amount of topics and teachings in the bible that have no OFFICIAL name, but the teachings are beyond questionable and in great depth, correct , because of the strength and massive amount of bible accuracy that come together to form a topic rarely ever heard taught, and most generally, if heard, rejected by those ignorant of the teaching, that opposes their shallow and remedial understanding of scripture, where many of us were many decades ago, including myself.

Discovering this super-natural quality of God and Jesus Christ, adds a whole new dimension to the impossibility of our ability to change and be like the SUPER-NATURAL Jesus Christ on our own.
And yet it happens all the time, believers thinking that change can take place without the intervention of the Holy Spirit, and they live a very superficial and frustrated faith, without the growth and faith they may hear about or see or read about, that they are so dearly searching for..

Many scriptures in Gods word indicate and directly emphasize, without creating a subject, of being SUPER-NATURAL, that we are to change and become SUPER-NATURAL, because God is SUPER-NATURAL, because we are merely very imperfect, immature "VERY NATURAL", and carnal individuals, trying to save ourselves, instead of praying with a heart of surrender.

At some point in any of our faith and growth process, we discover, possibly on our own, how IMPOSSIBLE it is to change and take on the qualities of Christ without admitting first to God, after discovering it, that what He tells us to be like in scripture goes against everything we have been from birth - REBELLIOUS and sinful, without any hope of salvation, without total surrender to His plans for us in the way He wants to accomplish that.

Folks, I am not judging or criticizing anyone here for being where you are, because I have been just about anywhere and everywhere you can be and be wrong, in my quest to find out what is right for myself with God.

God has a plan for each of us; A SUPER - NATURAL plan, that is only divulged when we begin wanting nothing but what God wants for us.

I could go on, but this is a nice starting point for us to begin our discussion, and then add more as this thread grows :thumbsup

God bless you all, as we continue on this wonderful journey together.
My name is OLIGOS
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I know it’s one thing to quote a scripture and quit another to do what the scripture teaches.

I don’t claim to know what direction you are wanting to guide this thread, but I would like to share a scripture that pertains to the super natural life and abilities we as Christians who have the Holy Spirit are to walk in.

But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Jude 20-21

Do you see a link between praying in the Spirit and keeping ourselves in the love of God?

God has a plan for each of us; A SUPER - NATURAL plan, that is only divulged when we begin wanting nothing but what God wants for us.

I have found that when I invest my time on the things the Holy Spirit desires, such a bible reading, prayer, private devotion, fasting ... Me desire to do His will increases. My ability to be led by His Spirit is enhanced.

This is what the Bible refers to as “sowing to the Spirit”.

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:7-8

Investing myself towards the things the Holy Spirit desires rather than what my flesh desires is how we please Him and experience His supernatural joy and peace.

As I continue in these things His loves tends to grow in me.

At least this is what I have experienced.

Its probably more of my flesh decreases.

Do you see a link between praying in the Spirit and keeping ourselves in the love of God?

JLB my dear brother

I have heard the term praying in the Spirit, but haven't a clue what it means and never been around anyone who does.

I am a "Salvationist" or "soteriologist", so the majority of my studies have been geared towards the inclusion of all topics being somehow related and connected to salvation - FACINATING STUDY!!

I have a library I created of over 550 topical commentaries, so I do study beyond salvation, but I think questions like this one of yours will help me continue to grow as God uses people with your perspective to broaden my knowledge and faith, and understand other believers way of practicing their faith, which I want very much.

I do have a great relationship with the Holy Spirit, and talk and pray to him all day long, and I
ABSOLUTELY love and cherish what we have together.

If you have the time, I would love to know about "Praying in the Spirit" and what exactly that means.

Thank you, and God bless you for asking the question, and I hope to learn a great deal when I get an answer back from you.

My name is OLIGOS
We sing or those of us who still sing old style hymns might sing the hymn Jesus is Lord creations voice proclaims It, or some of the more modern song with this theme.

How many of us understand what " Lord " means?
Here in the UK we still have Lords,not that we meet them or encounterj them.
Historically a Lord had power and influence, often the post of life and death over those who rented land or property from him. His influence was extensive and fear of what he might do gave even more power to his agents.

So to acknowledge someone as Lord, might be showing respect, or an attempt to flatter, but it often w acknowledging the authority that Lord had over one.

Sorry for the history lesson, application.

Jesus is Lord, fact. He with a word created everything, it is he who sustian's everything.
How much of our lives is he Lord over?
How much do we acknowledge that as discribes above he is " Lord "?

We have privileges, privileges given only to those who are members of a Lords family.

The thread has talked of the supernatural Love of God and of our responce to it, and of how we can ask to be open to God's love and influence, some great posts.

I'm saying that our responce is not one that is voluntary, oh Jesus said 'if' you love me, you will......
'if' we have recieved his love, do we really have a choice, 'if' and it is a big 'if' we love him.
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Hello everyone.
Like the example of the "TRINITY" being recognized for what it is ( THEY ARE !!), we give a name separate from scripture, understanding the purpose of God, and His separate functions, WITHOUT the TRINITY ever being mentioned ONCE anywhere in the entire scriptures. And yet we believe the TRINITY EXISTS, and we all almost universally, believe in the TRINITY because it can be proven in Gods word without a mention of the TRINITY, because the inference being so clear.

God having SUPER-NATURAL qualities is also never ever mentioned once in scripture, but for all who spend a great deal of time studying and researching, find this Godly quality JUMPING OUT at them all throughout the Old and New Testament.

Most any Christian would be shocked at the amount of topics and teachings in the bible that have no OFFICIAL name, but the teachings are beyond questionable and in great depth, correct , because of the strength and massive amount of bible accuracy that come together to form a topic rarely ever heard taught, and most generally, if heard, rejected by those ignorant of the teaching, that opposes their shallow and remedial understanding of scripture, where many of us were many decades ago, including myself.

Discovering this super-natural quality of God and Jesus Christ, adds a whole new dimension to the impossibility of our ability to change and be like the SUPER-NATURAL Jesus Christ on our own.
And yet it happens all the time, believers thinking that change can take place without the intervention of the Holy Spirit, and they live a very superficial and frustrated faith, without the growth and faith they may hear about or see or read about, that they are so dearly searching for..

Many scriptures in Gods word indicate and directly emphasize, without creating a subject, of being SUPER-NATURAL, that we are to change and become SUPER-NATURAL, because God is SUPER-NATURAL, because we are merely very imperfect, immature "VERY NATURAL", and carnal individuals, trying to save ourselves, instead of praying with a heart of surrender.

At some point in any of our faith and growth process, we discover, possibly on our own, how IMPOSSIBLE it is to change and take on the qualities of Christ without admitting first to God, after discovering it, that what He tells us to be like in scripture goes against everything we have been from birth - REBELLIOUS and sinful, without any hope of salvation, without total surrender to His plans for us in the way He wants to accomplish that.

Folks, I am not judging or criticizing anyone here for being where you are, because I have been just about anywhere and everywhere you can be and be wrong, in my quest to find out what is right for myself with God.

God has a plan for each of us; A SUPER - NATURAL plan, that is only divulged when we begin wanting nothing but what God wants for us.

I could go on, but this is a nice starting point for us to begin our discussion, and then add more as this thread grows :thumbsup

God bless you all, as we continue on this wonderful journey together.
My name is OLIGOS

Hey! So it's interesting to me and I like (I believe) your mindset.
So I am interested about the trinity.. do you not believe it then?
Just curious :)
I have made my opinion about it..
Hey! So it's interesting to me and I like (I believe) your mindset.
So I am interested about the trinity.. do you not believe it then?
Just curious :)
I have made my opinion about it..

Link my friend
I ABSOLUTELY believe in the "TRINITY"!!!
I was using it as an example of topics in
the bible that aren't specifically named but are so clear, not just as a topic,
but totally as a "reality" we can believe in, and either recognize as part of our lives,
and, or actually, actively make a part of our lives through personal choices and actions.

Thanks for asking and a great question "Link1983."
God bless you and everyone here as we learn together, and find peace in our hope.

My name is OLIGOS
What I'd like to mention here, since we're talking about un-named topics, and sometimes in church, un-spoken topics, or unseen topics or thoughts, is the reality of the way God wrote the bible at times.

Just like writers of adventure novels, or mysteries, as examples, they like to write into their stories, idea's or insinuation of things "between the lines", and only become apparent after we read and re-read that book over and over, and begin to see things not mentioned in print, but become obvious over time.

After being with the Lord quite a while, and studying His word and using other study tools, the same thing starts to happen where the "Hidden" starts to become the "obvious", but it takes time.
"I think" this is the early part of the "Maturing" process where we begin to move from the "Milk" stage, of our faith to the "Meat" stage of our faith.
I said "I think"!!
I'm still very much learning like the rest of you, and these are my thoughts and opinions for myself, but I'm sharing them with you as possible choices for you as "Options" to think about, not necessarily accept as the truth.

There's a big difference between God's truth and my opinions, but on many topics God is silent, so we have to pray and let the Holy Spirit lead us, and sometimes we have to "Grow into" the answers as we search for them, like I've been doing over 40 years.

I hope all that made sense, as this is a topic a person can get really "Deep" into,.
Much deeper than where we are now.

God bless you all.
I love this topic, and look forward to discussing it more :thumbsup.
My name is OLIGOS
Link my friend
I ABSOLUTELY believe in the "TRINITY"!!!
I was using it as an example of topics in
the bible that aren't specifically named but are so clear, not just as a topic,
but totally as a "reality" we can believe in, and either recognize as part of our lives,
and, or actually, actively make a part of our lives through personal choices and actions.

Thanks for asking and a great question "Link1983."
God bless you and everyone here as we learn together, and find peace in our hope.

My name is OLIGOS

Yes. But can you define the word?
In my language (Norwegian) the word is translated to three in agreement.
I like that and believe it to be in line with the Word..