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The war of Armageddon - spiritual or physical


The War of Armageddon.

Some people believe Jesus will return in flesh and we'll all fight until good wins over evil. I have not gained this impression from my readings of the Word. I believe certain events from Revelation have happened already and I have no reason (yet) to believe that Jesus' return will be anything but a peaceful resolution to matters of good vs evil. If there's anything in the Bible which indicates God does not Love His people, then I may be convinced that we have a chance to be harmed by such a war..

Does anyone have such a passage which will tell me the enemy presents itself in flesh for the final battle, I'm not sure if this belief is founded on the Bible, and if it is then I need to read that passage, cheers.
I think you are right. I have not gained that impression that there is going to be some huge giant nuclear war. I believe that the battle of Armageddon is just a term that describes the time that Satan rounds up all his forces in his final and most powerful attempt to deceive the entire world and bring it under destruction. I think that Satan kind of knows his time is very short and thus the last segment of time he will try to deceive people to bring as many souls with him to damnation. I believe that when that time comes there will be so much deception not only in the Christian world but in the secular world as well. The future time right before Christ returns will be a very dark place in this world. When Christ returns for judgment day then there will be a definite distinction between the forces of good and the forces of evil and evil is judged and the scales of justice are finally balanced. Evil, death and sin will be done away with for all eternity.
Our Lord Jesus said it was about a "battle"...

Rev 16:14-16
14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Rev.16:19 says it's when the cup of the fierceness of His wrath is poured out.

Zeph 3:8
8 Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for My determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them Mine indignation, even all My fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy.

Ezek 38:8-9
8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.
9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee.

The Ezekiel 38 & 39 chapters are about that great army that is forming up today, in prep for coming up against Israel to take a spoil. The nation alignment given there is almost complete today.

It's awful late in the last days, so might want to study more of God's Word about that coming event.
This corresponds to the war in rev.

Daniel 11;44
But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him;therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy,and utterly to make away many.
I believe the gathering of the armies of the world at Harmagedon will be a literal event.

I interpret th Bible as literal unless it is obvious from the context that it is figurative, or perhaps, symbolical.

Based upon a number of things, I understand Revelation to be yet future, and has to do with Israel, the nations and the earth.

For those interested, study E.W. Bullinger's commentary on "The Apocalypse."

I have down-loaded it from the web-site
Bick said:
I believe the gathering of the armies of the world at Harmagedon will be a literal event.

I interpret th Bible as literal unless it is obvious from the context that it is figurative, or perhaps, symbolical.

Based upon a number of things, I understand Revelation to be yet future, and has to do with Israel, the nations and the earth.

For those interested, study E.W. Bullinger's commentary on "The Apocalypse."

I have down-loaded it from the web-site

That link is JUNK. It's nothing but a New Age advertisement for a philosophical book. I see no links to the Christian scholar E.W. Bullinger on it anywhere!
One must become more spiritual, as it will enlighten one to the truth on one's horizon. Unlock one's consciouness, become the true Karma of light, walk into the light and it will cleans thy soul. :nod
precepts said:
One must become more spiritual, as it will enlighten one to the truth on one's horizon. Unlock one's consciouness, become the true Karma of light, walk into the light and it will cleans thy soul. :nod
[quote:26ok6ly1]precepts wrote:
One must become more spiritual, as it will enlighten one to the truth on one's horizon. Unlock one's consciouness, become the true Karma of light, walk into the light and it will cleans thy soul.
What?????[/quote:26ok6ly1] There's a difference between the carnal and the spiritual. :crazy
Jasoncran's quote:
what is the light? and we christian seldom use karma as that is a hindu/buddhist terminology.
Seek enlightenment, the light of knowledge and peace that comes from within.

On the real side though, there's only two type of interpretation of the bible's outcome. One is carnal, the belief in the physical Jerusalem and the physical earth as our eternal abode, parallel to the carnal Jews thinking in Christ's time. And the other spiritual, a heavenly Jerusalem on a new heavenly earth in heaven which fulfills all the prophecies of Jerusalem and Israel never being uprooted forever from the old testament prophecies of their return from Babylon.

The rebuilding of the second temple after Babylon has two meanings. In Revelation, John is told to measure the heavenly temple but to leave out the courtyard which was physically defiled by Antiochus III who turned it into a Gym during the Seleucid lil horn greek occupation. It was the heavenly temple that was going to be attacked in a heavenly duplication of the earthly Babylon attack. The second heavenly Jerusalem attack happens after the 1,000 yr reign which is another foreshadow of the earthly Jerusalem's second attack by the greek lil horn Antiochus III who defiled the temple by flattery. Thus the saying, as it is in heaven, it is in the earth. :o
First I would ask;
Was the flood a physical event?
Was Sodom and Gomorrah a physical event?
Was the battle of Gideon a physical event?

With such plain examples I'm surprised that anyone would doubt that Armageddon is physical.

There is tons of scripture about this but let's just look at Rev. 19 alone.

Christ comes to make war with them(v.11).

His initial attack smites them with His sword, rules them a rod of iron and He treadeth them in His fierce wrath(v.15).

The fowl of the earth are called to feed on their flesh(v.17).

They are called, kings, mighty men, captains, all men, both free and bond, both small and great(v.18).

They are the ones who gather to make battle against Christ and His armies(v.19).

The remnant of this nations was slain with the sword and their flesh was eaten by the fowl(v.21).

This may sound fundamental, but these folks are obviously the "bad guys". It appears that these are all the wicked that are alive at the time of His advent. They're simply a group of the bad (ethnos/nations) people. Unbelievers, wicked, tares, goats, etc... If they are “slain†at Armageddon and their flesh is vulture food then it's pretty clear this is gonna' be a violent and physical act.
adam332's quote
First I would ask;
Was the flood a physical event?
Was Sodom and Gomorrah a physical event?
Was the battle of Gideon a physical event?

With such plain examples I'm surprised that anyone would doubt that Armageddon is physical.
The book of revelation begins with the heavens being openned and the throne of God seen. Is that physical? Is Christ being brought on a cloud before the throne physical?

adam332's quote
There is tons of scripture about this but let's just look at Rev. 19 alone.

Christ comes to make war with them(v.11).

His initial attack smites them with His sword, rules them a rod of iron and He treadeth them in His fierce wrath(v.15).

The fowl of the earth are called to feed on their flesh(v.17).
Is this the part where he's followed by the 144,000 virgins in white robes washed in the blood of the lamb? Uses the sword of his mouth definely isn't physical, is it?

adam332's quote
They are called, kings, mighty men, captains, all men, both free and bond, both small and great(v.18).

They are the ones who gather to make battle against Christ and His armies(v.19).

The remnant of this nations was slain with the sword and their flesh was eaten by the fowl(v.21).
Kings, mighty men, yes, but evil. These are those that enter heaven by some other way than the door.

adam332's quote
This may sound fundamental, but these folks are obviously the "bad guys". It appears that these are all the wicked that are alive at the time of His advent. They're simply a group of the bad (ethnos/nations) people. Unbelievers, wicked, tares, goats, etc... If they are “slain†at Armageddon and their flesh is vulture food then it's pretty clear this is gonna' be a violent and physical act.

-Carnally it seems. :biglol
you replied to my questions with questions, and topped it with sarcasm. Good sharpening of the sword brother. Really proved your point.

Hold on... you did make one actual comment on what I wrote.
"Kings, mighty men, yes, but evil. These are those that enter heaven by some other way than the door."

Christ kills them at His coming, so how exactly are the getting to heaven?
veteran said:
Bick said:
I believe the gathering of the armies of the world at Harmagedon will be a literal event.

I interpret th Bible as literal unless it is obvious from the context that it is figurative, or perhaps, symbolical.

Based upon a number of things, I understand Revelation to be yet future, and has to do with Israel, the nations and the earth.

For those interested, study E.W. Bullinger's commentary on "The Apocalypse."

I have down-loaded it from the web-site

That link is JUNK. It's nothing but a New Age advertisement for a philosophical book. I see no links to the Christian scholar E.W. Bullinger on it anywhere!



I just tried it with the correct address and was able to down load "The Apocalypse" by EW Bullinger.
adam332's quote
you replied to my questions with questions, and topped it with sarcasm. Good sharpening of the sword brother. Really proved your point.

Hold on... you did make one actual comment on what I wrote.
"Kings, mighty men, yes, but evil. These are those that enter heaven by some other way than the door."

Christ kills them at His coming, so how exactly are the getting to heaven?
Maybe when you answer my questions, whether with a question or not, then we can dialogue. :halo