- Apr 22, 2011
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I hear what you're saying Debbie, and I disagree. Your references in Matthew would depict a man who is in it for show, that is very bad. Generally a pastor is a very hard working man who loves the Lord and the people that he shepherds. If you only knew what a pastor of a church has to put up with, you would want to respect him. I find that a lot of church members dislike their pastors for one reason or another. When a pastor preaches the whole council of God, he steps on people's toes and they don't like it.
Heb 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.
Pastors are God's anointed. There will be a day of reckoning when Jesus comes back. There will be many who will find out the hard way that their pastor did a lot of groaning. To begrudge the man of God a title of respect, in my mind is not good. I explained why it's necessary to have that title. I find it hard to agree with your position.
Unfortunately there are many that become as the Pharisees as they take on the title of Father or Reverend and are puffed up and like to be seen in the market place. I'm only speaking of using the word Father or Reverend as a title that only belongs to God. I do understand that of having to have a title attached for the purpose of legality issues as even I had to be a licensed Evangelist for the purpose of Prison Ministry at one time, but Pastor would be the more appropriate title to use for those who lead the flock. I do understand what a Pastor has to go through as I worked very closely with the last two I had and I was also Vice President of the Church board at the last Church I attended. I totally agree with Heb 13:17, but God is no respecter of person and neither am I, but I do respect that of God within them that works through them.