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The Words of Our Mouth


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Proverbs15:4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life:

but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.

The words of our Mouth!!! OH, how important they are to our life!!! The words that we speak can either bring life and success to our situations or death into the situations in our lives.

I have learned over the years that if I want my life to prosper, to be a tree of life, then my words must be wholesome. I cannot speak words of defeat, words that tear down my self-image, or words that tear down other people and expect my life to be prosperous. But if I speak words that are in agreement with God's words then I can expect my life to be filled with blessings. The Bible says perverseness is a breach in the spirit. That simply means, when you speak words that are contrary to God's word about yourself and others then you cause a breach, a gap, in the Spirit. You stop the Holy Spirit from flowing in those areas of your life. When you speak words of doubt about yourself such as, " I can't do this or that I'm a failure" then you have blocked the Holy Spirit from doing His work in your life. But if you speak God's word, "I'm the head and not the tail" or "I can do all things in Christ Jesus" then you've opened the avenue for God to work in your situation. Through God's word you will overcome the doubt and accomplish what God has intended for your life! Why? Because God's word IS LIFE! He wants you to succeed!!!

Today, make it a point not to speak what your flesh or your circumstances say but rather speak what God says about your situations. His word is not bound!! Through His word the Holy Spirit can bring change not only to your life but everyone around you!!! Remember, your words not only affect you but everyone around you!

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] Lord, help me to speak wholesome words today! Amen.


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