They are comparing the Genetic code of the chimpanzee and humans. and because they are starting out with the assumption that we share and ancestor. its like that old thing the evolutionists say "Creationists start out with a conclusion and find evidance to support it" well thats exactly what your doing here.
Humans have 46 chromosomes and apes have 48. we are supposed to be "missing a pair" so what
must have happened is that a fusion
must have occurred and its true humans have a fused chromosome. You see working form an evolutionary view point one would say " LOOK evidence of common ancestry" when while me a creationist looks at it and says "How the heck does that put forth any evidence towards ancestry? I mean Humans have always been separate from Apes, 95-97% similarities, so what. We were made different." (o and that 5-3% difference is in its self so vast that evolution cannot crossover)
So then they go on with their assumption that the fused chromosomes are in fact to primate chromosomes. LOL, they are human, always were always will be.
Case point: wrong assumptions yield wrong answers.
"But John this was predicted" Yes indeed it was, but seriously how hard was that, you get paid a lot of money to sit on your but and think up these ideals these "predictions".
Hmm apes have 48 and humans have 46, DNA shows that we share 95-97% so i predict that there should be a fused chromosome, after all we see this in other animals.
Again the imaginations of these men are crazy, even more then Steven king .
Then this guy in the video goes on to say "if we don't find it, evolution is wrong" don't oopsie me, even if they did not find it the evolution fairy tale would still be preached at school.
I stopped watching at 2:16, this guy is just so funny (in a bad way)