Brother thesaintman, may God especially bless you this day to give you the peace you seek.
Please let us know what you would like us to pray for, and as for help we all need God's presence
in our lives to keep us.
I know from your past writings that you suffer in the trials of this present life, and that seems to be
what keeps us drawing close to God. I wrote the following pamphlet that you may be able to relate
to. You are not alone here either as many have problems. I hope the pamphlet is of help to you in
Jesus' name. Just click on the blue URL link below.
Christian Sufferings
Brother thesaintman, may God especially bless you this day to give you the peace you seek.
Please let us know what you would like us to pray for, and as for help we all need God's presence
in our lives to keep us.
I know from your past writings that you suffer in the trials of this present life, and that seems to be
what keeps us drawing close to God. I wrote the following pamphlet that you may be able to relate
to. You are not alone here either as many have problems. I hope the pamphlet is of help to you in
Jesus' name. Just click on the blue URL link below.
Christian Sufferings